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The Silent Corner
The Silent Corner: A Novel | Dean Koontz
A dazzling new series debuts with a remarkable heroine certain to become a new icon of suspense, propelled by the singular narrative genius of #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz. I very much need to be dead. These are the chilling words left behind by a man who had everything to live forbut took his own life. In the void that remains stands his widow, Jane, surrounded by questions destined to go unanswered . . . unless she does what all the grief, fear, confusion, and fury inside of her demand: find the truth, no matter what. There is no one else to speak for Janes husbandor the others who have followed him into death at their own hands. Although people of talent and accomplishment, people admired and happy and sound of mind, have recently been committing suicide in surprising numbers, no one else is willing to give up everything, just to seek, to find, to know. No one except Jane. But ahead lies only risk. Because those arrayed against her are legion . . . and dangerously devoted to protecting something profoundly importantor terrifyingenough to exterminate any and all in their way. Too many have already died, and those responsible will learn that all their malevolent power may not be enough to stop a woman as clever as they are cold-blooded, as relentless as they are ruthlessand who is driven by a righteous rage they can never comprehend. Because it is born of love. Praise for Dean Koontz Dean Koontz is a prose stylist whose lyricism heightens malevolence and tension. [He creates] characters of unusual richness and depth.The Seattle Times Tumbling, hallucinogenic prose. . . . Serious writers . . . might do well to examine his technique.The New York Times Book Review Lyrical writing and compelling characters . . . Koontz stands alone.Associated Press In every industry there exist artists that are not only unforgettable, but know their craft better than the rest. Dean Koontz . . . is among these artisans.Suspense Magazine [Koontz] has always had near-Dickensian powers of description, and an ability to yank us from one page to the next that few novelists can match.Los Angeles Times Perhaps more than any other author, Koontz writes fiction perfectly suited to the mood of America . . . novels that acknowledge the reality and tenacity of evil but also the power of good . . . [and that] entertain vastly as they uplift.Publishers Weekly From the Hardcover edition.
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I couldn't finish it I was sooo bored. Ugh!

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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished listening to.

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Here‘s my listening progress for a book I‘m currently listening to. I‘m almost finished. I have 2 hrs left in this book and it has finally picked up the pace and started to get interesting. I have to review the second book for Bookish First and I‘m not sure if I‘m going to like it either because I‘ve had a hard time getting through this one. If I don‘t like the second book after reading the first 100 pgs, I will DNF it.

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Here‘s my listening progress for this audiobook that I‘m listening to. This book is getting interesting but I decided to speed up the narration from 1x to 1.2x because I‘ve been feeling like this book is slow and boring. Maybe speeding up the narration will help. Maybe this is why I‘ve been struggling to get through this book. I don‘t know why I didn‘t think of speeding up the narration before.

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Here‘s my listening progress for this book I‘m currently listening to. I‘m listening to this book because I have to review the second book for Bookish First. I haven‘t listened to this book in a few days and I‘m having a hard time getting through it. I‘m kind of interested in the story but not really. I still feel like this story is moving slow. I have 10 hrs left in the audiobook but I will finish this book.

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Last night, I decided to start listening to this book on Scribd because I have to review the second book The Whispering Room for #bookishfirst. I‘ve just listened to the first 15 chapters but I‘m not feeling invested in this story. I‘m starting to feel bored with this book. Hopefully, it gets better. I‘m not sure if I‘m going to like this book or not but at least the chapters are short. This is also my first book by this author.

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Jane Hawk is investigating her husband's suicide. She begins to research. She gets threatened so she sells the house, takes leave from the FBI, and begins hunting. Good story. Reminds me a bit of the Chris Snow series (which Koontz has yet to finish). Grrrr.

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Airplane reading.

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Someone is watching me! #readathon #20in4

DGRachel Blue jays are my favorite! 3y
DivineDiana Great photo! Have become such a bird watcher! 🐦 3y
RachelAmphlett Oh wow - so pretty! 3y
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Bookzombie Cool photo! 3y
EvieBee Beautiful! 3y
TheRiehlDeal Beautiful! I‘ve never seen a blue jay before. Thanks for sharing! 3y
janeycanuck We‘ve had one show up in our yard twice this year! They are so pretty. 3y
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Starting at the beginning! #currentlyreading

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Excited to have finally read the first book in this series. Jane Hawk is a strong woman who is determined to find out why her husband‘s death was determined a suicide. (She‘s not buying it.) And why the overall suicide rate is dramatically increasing. Suspenseful with interesting characters and an action packed ending. Interested to see where the next book takes Jane. #MountTBR

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Koontz's The Silent Corner perhaps because of the title and main character suggests Nancy Drew on steroids, which in this case isn't a bad thing. Jane Hawk is a kickass heroine who has you rooting for her and the villains are all satisfyingly heinous. The atmosphere is delightfully paranoid and the action fast paced and because it's Koontz...dogs. Will I read the second in this series? Of course. Am I invested? That's a wait and see.

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Slow to start, significantly better as it goes on.

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Chloe rates this thriller “excellent”!! I had this downloaded for years but some of Koontz‘s other stuff turned me off. This one is really super good though! Hopefully the rest of the books in the series will keep up.

SW-T Chloe‘s a cutie 😊 4y
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This novel with its unique story line is hard to describe. Evil powers in the world are altering minds and a heroine is needed.

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My reading spot view for the next little while 🤓📚#24in48

Crazeedi Beautiful! 5y
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Well ... morning walk done and cleaning the apartment can wait while I get back to #24in48 🤓

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Ok ... all set for #24in48 ... 🤓📚@24in48

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Made it to Chapter 32, Part two....six parts total. Maybe audio would be better for this one. Seems to be going nowhere. Numbing my brain. Past time to move on....

RaimeyGallant I do that sometimes, relegate a book to my audio tbr. 5y
TheHungryBookworms I couldn't finish it ether.its a dnf for me 2y
SW-T @TheHungryBookworms Clears space for something else! 2y
SW-T @RaimeyGallant Sometimes it makes all the difference. 2y
TheHungryBookworms Honestly I try in the audio version and it was mind numbing as well. Didn't like the girl reading it 2y
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Took a day trip to Vancouver today. The weather was spectacular! Tagged book was my ferry read.

Eyelit Lovely! 5y
Dragon Thanks @Eyelit it was! 😀🐉 5y
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“Two months earlier, when all this started, she learned that not all cops were on the side of the righteous, that in this dangerous time when shadows cast shadows of their own, when darkness often passed for light, the just and the unjust wore the same face.”~

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This was a struggle to get through. While I‘ve enjoyed Koontz‘s books before, this just didn‘t do it for me. I think he could‘ve cut out about 100 pages and it would‘ve made it more bearable. I didn‘t find it consuming or thrilling, unfortunately. I dove into it with high hopes.

Cinfhen I still haven‘t read ANY koontz 6y
MaGoose Welcome to Litsy. I haven't read any Koontz. 6y
BethM Welcome! 6y
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RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🤗 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you are enjoying it here! 5y
BridgetteM Welcome to Litsy! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 5y
TheSpineView Welcome to Litsy! 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!!💜💙♥️💕💚 5y
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Dean Koontz is back


Well I‘m glad I kept with it. Definitely worth it. Now I can move on to the next one after I read the arc from net galley


I‘m about a little more then 50% threw it and I want to give up but I have the second one I have to read and review for bookishfirst please tell me this one gets better..


My library ebook came in today so since I‘m having some joint swelling and issues with my hands it‘s hard hold a book. This is one if the reasons I got my paperehite it‘s smaller and lighter then my tablet and kindle fire.

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Hitting some fun anxiety parts... I love books that take off and go. So far so good... we will see.

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I was hoping for a thrilling thriller, what I got from the first part (80 pages) was a boring bore. On to the next!!

mommamatch I read a lot of Dean Koontz in high school. Haven‘t picked him up since... 6y
SALeahey @mommamatch I have only ever read Odd Thomas before this. I loved that. It was a quick, interesting read. Based on mixed reviews, maybe this was not the best choice for my next Koontz. 😕 6y
mommamatch Ageing myself, but all my Koontz reads are pre-Odd Thomas. I can‘t think of any titles but eventually they all had the same plot and I knew how they‘d end 6y
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Lisaw13 I loved the Odd Thomas series! But, yea, I bailed on this one too. 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Want something NOT so boring?!? If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
SALeahey @KateFulfordAuthor Sounds fantastic! I've added to all of my wishlists and will pick up as soon as I have some extra cash squirreled away in my book buying fund. It's depleted at the moment, but I can't wait to get my hands on your novel! (edited) 6y
KateFulfordAuthor That‘s great to hear Sarah - hope you enjoy it & stay in touch 6y
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The story kept me interested and the premise is fairly unique. But the writing is a little basic and I could use more development of the main character. Hopefully in book 2. #aroundtheyearin52books

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My favorite author. My favorite (and very old) mug holding my favorite drink. Plus one of my favorite reading partners.. it‘s a good day ❤️

TricksyTails 🐾♥️🐶 6y
LibrarianJen 💖 6y
DHill ❤️❤️ 6y
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Started this one earlier in the week, finally have time to really dive in. Hopefully I can stay awake! #petsoflitsy keeping me company (s‘mores, like always, is on my shoulder!)

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1. Neither
2. Silent Corner
3. #litsypartyofone
4. Talk to animals
5. English

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One down in my #unreadshelfproject2018 of my #mountTBRchallenge

I enjoyed this one. I haven‘t liked many of Koontz‘s recent works.
I used to be a rabid fan that couldn‘t wait until the next book was released. I ❤️ ❤️❤️ his early work. This one has some of that intensity, pace, and sci fi feel. It reminded me of Sole Survivor and Midnight. I am looking forward to reading the next one.

CaroPi What a good idea to do it as a Bingo Card. Can I copy the idea? 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @CaroPi But of course! The more the merrier. Tell us when you get #Bingo 6y
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I gave blood yesterday after work. There were quite a few of us donating with books in our hands. I guess we will do anything to have time to read. 🤣
All kidding aside, if you can, take the time to give blood. It doesn‘t really hurt and you could be saving someone‘s life.
My brother in law that just went through cancer surgery last month was back in the hospital right before Christmas and had to have a blood transfusion. 👇🏻

MaleficentBookDragon I‘ve been giving blood whenever I can for many years. It‘s a very simple thing I can do to help others. Sometimes I can‘t donate because of anemia, but I keep trying. 7y
Dolly 👏 7y
NovelGirl82 I always give when I can. Thanks for reminding me that‘s it‘s probably time again. Surprised they haven‘t called. I‘m O-, so they almost never let me forget! 😂😂😂 7y
quirkyreader I would like to give blood but my anemia gets in the way. 7y
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Finally got out of 🛏. Now it‘s time for some Koontz, banana muffin and a VERY foamy mochacino.
Or maybe I‘ll wAtch the last two episodes of Slasher first...🤔

TricksyTails This looks like the perfect start to the day! That foam! 7y
Tkekacs Yummy 7y
mrp27 Great mug! 7y
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Hoopiefoot That muffin looks sooo good! 7y
MiyakoBunny 😂I thought it was a Koontz Banana 🍌 muffin at first I was like hmm 🤔 that sounds deliciously intriguing 🤤 7y
Owlizabeth I love that mug!! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @Owlizabeth me too! Clue is one of my all time favorite movies and this scene is one of the best. 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @TricksyTails I know. My new milk steamer us amazing. 7y
Avanders That mochacino looks like magic sauce! (Sorry I couldn't get the spelling 😜) (edited) 7y
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Having a bit of book envy at my grandmas house!
#bookenvy #checkoutthatstack

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Go Grandma👍 7y
sprainedbrain Wow! Grandma‘s stack game is strong. 😃 7y
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I got an air fryer for Christmas so I HAD to get a couple cookbooks right?😁

laundry_piles I'm obessed with our air fryer. You're going to love it! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon @laundry_piles I made homemade fish sticks in it so far. What is your favorite thing to make? 7y
laundry_piles Jalapeno and cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped hotdogs - life changing! Haha 7y
TricksyTails @laundry_piles Uhhh recipe please? I want an air fryer so bad! 7y
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Cannot say I loved either this book or character. To me, Jane Hawke is just not interesting enough to sustain a series — neither is the conspiracy this book is built around. A stand-alone novel, sure; it‘s fine for that, but, unlike Koontz‘s own Odd Thomas series, I just can‘t envision reading more than one book about this character.

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So this got off to a bit of a slow start for me, and it was unclear where the story was headed after some odd turns... but I‘m glad I stuck with it. The action really picked up in the second half and clearly will into the next book, which was just released. Jane is a badass female lead. Looking forward to seeing what happens next! 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Am I the only one that has different reads depending on where you are? This is what I‘m currently reading at work and at home I‘m reading Within These Walls. #whatyareading #multireads

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The is the first Koontz I‘ve read in a decade. I‘m only 35 pages in, but it‘s gripped me so far. Hopefully I can finish before it‘s due back at the library!!

Cupofjo Enjoy!! I ❤️ Koontz so much! 7y
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I love Koontz but this book just didn't catch my attention😴. Too many books to read to waste my time reading without pleasure.

CathyJ Life is too short to waste time on bad books. 7y
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Bruce, my favorite reading buddy/foot warmer 😍

GondorGirl Hello, Bruce! 😻 7y
rubyslippersreads What a cutie! 😻 7y
Kaye Now that‘s a good name for a cat. A powerful cat with muscles. Bruce. 💪🏼 7y
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DebinHawaii Sweet face! 🐱❤️ 7y
Zelma Adorable! 😻 7y
Leftcoastzen So cute! Way to go Bruce!Love kitty reading buddies.❤️😻 7y
TricksyTails 😻♥️ 7y
Libby1 😻 7y
Carolyn-HHI He is adorable. Great name! 7y
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Dean Koontz has always been one of my go-to authors. While reading this first book in his new series, I remembered how much I like his writing style. The Silent Corner is about an FBI agent, Jane Hawk, who is on personal leave to investigate a rash of highly suspicious suicides. I haven‘t clicked with a Koontz protagonist like this since Odd Thomas. Very entertaining, indeed. A real page-turner. Can‘t wait to read the next in the series.

JanuarieTimewalker13 He scared me so much with Intensity, I never went back in, but maybe one day I will tip my big toe in and try him again! 7y
suvata @JanuarieTimewalker13 Some of his books are more horror than thriller. This one was definitely a psychological thriller! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Ok, then that would be ok with me!! 7y
KathyWheeler He‘s hit or miss with me, but when I like a book of his, such as the Odd Thomas books and From the Corner of His Eye, I really like it. I just downloaded this one to listen to in the car. 7y
DarcysMom I am really enjoying this series. I think you'll really like 7y
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Since I already have the second book in the series, I thought it was time for me to read the first one.

Melli I got sent an arc I requested not realizing I should read the first.. reading it now so far I‘m about 30% in and I‘m like ok what happens next.. 6y
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And moving directly onto this one lol-needed something completely different from Fall of Giants to avoid a book slump 😬

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Not my usual type of read, but really really liked this. The second book should be arriving on my doorstep tomorrow.

ClareBear73 Dean is on of my Favs 7y
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