Goes in the #GreatLifeAdvice category. Reading for #ToB2017
Goes in the #GreatLifeAdvice category. Reading for #ToB2017
My #bookHaul from half-price books - I've been carrying around two gift certificates for over a year!
Finished for the #ToB2017 and #PGBCBookBingo ! I don't think this book flows very well but it was interesting. I'm using this book for the "Library" box on our Book Bingo card
#deepThoughts for Saturday morning
I feel like #PupsAndPlanners is a hashtag that needs to happen! It's this guy's 10th birthday today! 🎉🎉 He sleeps a lot and he's a good snuggler! Picked up this #KateSpade planner during their President's sale (because I needed another planner, obv...) 😍😍😍
More #Hamilton gold from "The Real Book about George Washington", published in 1952. The book is intended for children but it's super entertaining for this 30 yr old.. ?
When reading a 1952 book about George Washington (The Real Book about George Washington) and you find the a reference to #Hamilton .
Several interesting tidbits from the internet are scattered throughout this #ToB2017 book
Thank you so much @radishandhare ! I absolutely love my gifts - the book washi is beyond perfect! I'm looking forward to reading the two books you sent! #cupidgoespostal
I'm embarrassed by the amount of time it took me to read this book - just never really swayed me even though there are lots of interesting themes and topics of discussion. It's part of the #TournamentofBooks this year and if it weren't I probably would've bailed. #ToB2017 #ToB
Received some new #planner stickers in the mail today - how adorable are these two reading girls?
Don't let her sarcastic face fool you, she was super excited to receive her package and special Valentine treats from @sunflovers ! #juniorReaders #litsygoespostaljunioredition
This podcast is called Secrets, Crime & Audiotape. They put out such a great and creepy adaptation of the Handmaid's Tale. I think it's one book that I should revisit annually, especially in this political climate.
I'm the worst secret cupid! Getting this package in the mail today so it will arrive by Valentine's! #cupidgoespostal #valentinesexchange
Such an interesting WWII story - I've never read a book that showed the soldiers' viewpoint so differently. I'm listening and hearing the phrase "my grandfather" every couple minutes is getting on my nerves. Part of the #2017ToB though, so I'll continue to listen till the end. #ToB
We love our package from @sunflowers for #juniorReaders #litsygoespostal ! My daughter loved the coloring on the special gift sent with the book! Thanks Sandy!
Sooo excited to open my bookish mail from @radishandhare for #cupidgoespostal! Thank you for sending Sara - can't wait until Feb 14!
An interesting look at friendship between women. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #ToBLongList
First 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 book of 2017 and it fulfills a box on my Book Bingo card for #PlannerGirlBookBingo2017 ! I'll be using this book for the #5starRead category #I1 but it could work for any of the categories that are circled!
#magicalrealism #PGBB2017
I am loving this book HARD. 💜💕💜
Front half of the book is competitive strategy theory and analysis techniques. Back half has case studies, of which I read none while writing my paper to finish the class. I will read them when thinking about strategy for my business. Either way, last class for my Master's is complete - on to Capstone!
Hit my reading goal last year so I set it higher this year! Happy 2017 everyone!
Pretty excited for the long weekend since I hit the new release jackpot at the library today! All these titles are on the Tournament of Books Long List - anyone think one of these will make it to the shortlist? TBH, I know nothing about any of these books, going in blind! #ToBLongList
This part of the book was the most striking to me - trying to get into the mind of a terrorist bomber. How do you justify blowing things and people up? #ToBLongList
Based in India starting in the mid-nineties, this book follows the aftermath of one "small" terrorist bombing. The middle of this book is excellent and examines how circumstances can grow terrorists and how they may view themselves. The beginning and end were hard for me to get into but I'm glad I read it. #audiobook #ToBLongList
So cute! We love lifting all the flaps to find out what treasures lie below. My 3 yr old and I are both enjoying reading this one night after night! #kidlit #picturebooks
"Sometimes I don't even know I've committed a sin until the punishment comes along."
I'm still having a hard time getting into this book space but I can see why it was included on the massive #ToBLongList2017 #ToB #ToB2017 #audiobook
What a powerful book - it was eye-opening and enlightening and I can't wait to read more and become a better activist. If you've read this book, what is a book you'd recommend?
I really enjoyed this debut novel - it was messy but realistically messy. #ToBLonglist #Overdrive #thanksLibrary
Eh. Writing is good but I did not enjoy an entire book obsessing over weight and poor body image. I feel like many better books have been written on these topics
I'm not sure who is narrating this audiobook but she sounds like she has a bad cold but decided to record anyway. 😐
It's here!! One of my favorite days of the year - the day The Morning News publishes its long-list selections for next year's Tournament of Books! Sooooooo excited. Any other Littens follow the #ToB?? http://www.themorningnews.org/article/the-year-in-fiction-2016
I know a lot of people didn't like the many holes in this narrative and the lack of character development BUT I found the sparseness enjoyable. This book showed the art of leaving out details but relaying deep emotions and complicated relationships. Listened via #Overdrive and courtesy of my local library. #ToBLongList
Such a quiet book to listen to while eating a late lunch. Happy snowpocalypse PNW-ers!
Definitely #EPO (entertainment purposes only) and it feels very dated. Gus is the best character and has a lot in common with the author - journalist, ex-LA occupant, father of a murdered daughter, divorced. There's only so much you can say about billionaires' lifestyles in the 1980's without becoming repetitive and a bit stale. The discussion of the AIDS epidemic was interesting to read since this is when it hit the world stage.
This book is so lovely, especially since feelings are a big topic of conversation with our little hellion. The artwork in this book is great too! #picturebooks #feelings #kidsbooks
Reading Wreck It Ralph again - we've never seen the movie but my little loves the book version!
I only have one. more. class. Until I can start my Capstone project and receive my Masters degree. But I am SO feeling the "senioritis". I just want to read a lovely little romance! Trying to get through it tonight with popcorn and pinot noir. Dinner of champions - I mean, grad students! #gradstudent #strategy #focusAlready!
Insomnia isn't so bad when you have the Hamilton Mixtape to listen to! #hamilton
'Tis the season for 2017 Book Challenges! Join us for our second annual Planner Girl Book Bingo - we have a group on Facebook and I plan on interacting here as well since I ❤️Litsy! You can get the full card in our FB group (PDF) or using the link in my profile. What other book challenges are you doing in 2017? #PlannerGirlBookBingo2017 #PGBB2017
"Harry, there is never a perfect answer in this messy, emotional world. Perfection is beyond the reach of humankind, beyond the reach of magic. In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. Be honest to those you love, show your pain. To suffer is as human as to breathe." ? Very Buddhist of JK Rowling - I found it moving. I'm glad I read it but I'm not sure this adds much to the HP-verse
Somehow my husband has convinced me to take our 3 year old out into the wind and rain to go clam digging. Must be love!
On the drive there I can hopefully get a little further in my post-election-binge-read!
Soooooo long but I loved how it all came together in the end. I think I'm going to skip the third book as I want to leave the characters here and not take a chance that more horrible things happen to them. 😐 The UK cover of the book is soooooo much creepier - if my version had this cover, I probably wouldn't have read it as it gives me spine shivers!
I read this book on the app Pigeonhole which delivers a 20-30 min section of a book every day.
"What if we're not trapped in the wrong body but trapped in the wrong society?"
First couple chapters were rough for me but I'm so glad I pushed through and read the full book. There is a lot of great discussion about gender politics and representation in the media/social media. I also really enjoyed the feminism discussions.
"How were things with your family?‘ I asked.
‘It took a while,‘ she replied. ‘Once they realised it was either this or death, it got easier."
Did you know that those identifying as trans* or non-conforming gender have a suicide attempt rate 10x higher than the general population? The high attempt rate does not correlate with a trans* person's identity, rather it correlates with how the trans* person is treated. http://bit.ly/2f2UrPW #loveislove