Backstory: A few of my readers are requesting that I release an audiobook version of The Day After the End of the World?
Question: to audiobook or not to audiobook?
Backstory: A few of my readers are requesting that I release an audiobook version of The Day After the End of the World?
Question: to audiobook or not to audiobook?
Reading Challenge: reads for January. So far, so good. Reading the "over 500 pages" one, now. It may be the only one I'll finish in February. Ha!
Not my usual choice in genre so the story was not for me. I didn't much like the characters in general, but they certainly were well drawn and they had their shining moments. Still, it was extraordinarily well written and I would recommend it to those who like romance.
Just what I asked Santa for. Words! ♥️
#LibraryDay! My favorite day of the....well, okay, of the twice a week.
I loved this book. Even the bits written as an angsty teenager held certain phrasings hinting at her future as an excellent writer.
As a long time fan of both Carrie (after reading this, I feel that I can call her just "Carrie.") and Harrison Ford, I didn't really want to read the dirt. However, though honest, I thought she wrote more kindly of his humanness than of her own.
Quite well written. I listened with interest, which says a lot, considering I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, and audiobooks often can't keep my focus. This book landed under my TBR category of "A nonfiction book about a person who I know nothing about." Glad I read it.
Bookish advice. I don't know who I would have become without deciding to apply this to my life once upon a time. What lines have been your game changers?
My favorite quote from The Voiceless, a short story by S.E. Eaton, author of The Christmas Beagle. Both are amazing stories.
I loved this book. Funny and real. The movie was cute, and nothing at all like the book. Awesome story of a parent's love through any challenge.
Living the Write Life by Traci Sanders. #bookjar2017 a book about my craft and #bookbingo self-help. This book is packed with enough information to cover both categories.
This book covers mechanics of writing as well as conversationally discusses the balance of authoring and humaning. Great read.
I really liked the flawed characters in this book. #bookbingo LGBT character #bookjar2017 Indie author #litsyAtoZ
#bookjar https://www.amazon.com/Hank-Brodt-Holocaust-Memoirs-Promise/dp/1537653482/ref=sr...
This book broke my heart and poured hope for human nature into those very cracks.
I did not just read this book. My heart listened to his spirit tell his story. I feel that if I ever met Hank on the street, I would instantly recognize his voice. I cannot recommend a book more highly.
"...[Hank Brodt] did not defeat his captors by surviving. He defeated them by living." -Deborah Donnelly
Bailed for now. Parts of it were great! Possibility: I should not read certain books on audio. If it gets slow, I get distracted, and then "I don't even know what's going on and I don't care." I don't do this with actual books. Based on the first half, I'll probably pick up the paperback at some point.
Open the nearest book to page 117. The second sentence is your personal prediction for 2017.
Thanks for the nervous giggle, @gibblr !
My autographed copy of Brain Child. It isn't on Litsy but I can still recommend it, right?
Six-year-old Scott knows things that he shouldn't and remembers things that no six-year-old possibly could. He will search for the reason that his mind does not feel like his own. But, first, he must explain to his mother why he's been kicked out of the first grade.
Warning: this book is very difficult to put down.
I thought it was a bit of a slow starter, but it got very interesting and I loved the characters. I can't decide if I prefer this one to Ender's Game or not. #MyBookJar2017 category: Audiobook. #LitsyAtoZ letter S.
Since it is TBR season, starting tomorrow my eBook, The Day After the End of the World, will be free on Amazon for five days.. ...and I forgot to tell people. #ifIOnlyHadABrain
Housework and Audiobook, the latter makes the former bearable. #MyBookJar2017 category: an audiobook. #LitsyAtoZ letter N.
Lightbulb moment. Looking over my TBR list, ever-growing thanks to Litsy, while balancing my checkbook. I can't be the only one who wishes all the books were free this time of year. So, I'm doing my part to help. Next week, my eBook will be free to all because it makes me happy.
So ready for #BookJar2017. First choice, a #readingchallenge - any borrowed book, loaners choice. I'm not sure why the choice was last in a trilogy, but, eh, let's see what happens.
#litsyAtoZ letter D. Come on, 2017! #TBRtemptation
Christmas decoration at the home of the Grandest of Babies. #babybookworm
#BookJar 2017 about ready to go. I'm doing several #rereads because if I remember story details over decades, then that tale deserves further study. From a writer perspective, I call it craft research, but, really, I just love them so much. #litsyAtoZ, too, since further challenge is always welcome. Adventures await!!! I'm excited.
Ready for a session with my manuscript. Wait, what? Am I an idiot, an addict, or prepared for extreme productivity?
I had never heard of the Lebensborn before picking up this story. Very well-written. I had no choice but to surrender a nights sleep to finish it.
This week's library haul. How many books do you tend to read at a time?
Good story. Very well written. I don't generally read series, but this was good enough to try the next one.
Best time of evening. Puppy-cuddles and story-time! (Yes, it appears that my dog can lick his own eyeball.)
"There are no explanations for human evil. Only excuses." -Dean Koontz (Intensity)