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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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Hands down one of the most well written books I have read. I can‘t wait to read Ward‘s other novels!

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#CurrentlyReading It's very interesting so far. I'm anxious to see the outcome!

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I started this one today! Thank you again for sending it to me, @minkyb it's interesting so far!

minkyb Enjoy! 7y
MelAnn Interesting title... 7y
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You've Got Mail | Stephen Travis, Travis Stephen
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The #LitMail exchange. Thank you so much @minkyb !!! I love everything!! I'm excited about the books!!!

LitMail ❤️❤️ 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Pennsylvania
2. My daughter @Robothugs
3. Hidden Figures
4. No I haven't, but my children have owned too many pets to count!

saguarosally I've heard great things about Hidden Figures! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Your daughter is so cool 😊 7y
sunflowers @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! I think so, too 😉 7y
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SilversReviews Pennsylvania. A friend told me about Litzy - very happy she did. Movie would be THE BOOK THIEF. We had tiny turtles 7y
Sills @sunflowers Hi Litsy pen pal-would love to email to get better acquainted when you have time🙂 7y
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You've Got Mail | Stephen Travis, Travis Stephen
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Sorry I am so late on posting! I am still getting used to Litsy. I got my #LitMail Summer Solstice package last week! Thank you, @minkyb I can't wait for June 21st!

minkyb OK now I can relax...😅😅😅 7y
minkyb Oh wait. Now I can start stressing about whether you will like the contents ‼️😳 7y
sunflowers Awww...I am sure I will!!!😊 @minkyb (edited) 7y
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You've Got Mail | Stephen Travis, Travis Stephen
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I my next rotation today! The bookmarks are ADORABLE @Kerouacthedog and the book looks great! Thank you @bookish_wookish for the extra goodies, I love them! You are too kind!! #LitMail

Kerouacthedog So glad you like them! 🤗🤗 8y
sammisho Hey! I just want to make sure you got your junior edition package! 7y
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Can't wait to read this!

BookishMarginalia Looks good! 8y
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This book starts off slow. It was not what I expected and pleasantly so. This paragraph sums up the heart of the story:
'Hypocrisy had never escaped my watchful eye. I'd seen it everywhere, even in my little hometown with its simple value system. And I knew the hypocrite was himself the last to notice it. Finally the light was beginning to dawn. I wondered if there could be a person as proud as myself.'

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Maiya's second book came! She is so excited! I truly love that we are getting kids involved in PBC's! #JuniorReaders #LGPJuniorEdition

britt_brooke What a cutie pie! 💚 8y
ElizabethAndino Hey! That stuff looks familiar!!! ❤ glad it brought such a sweet smile to her face. (edited) 8y
JuniorReaders ❤️❤️ 8y
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She is so excited about the book that she wants to read it immediately! She loves the bookmark & pin! #JuniorReaders #LGPJuniorEdition

britt_brooke Cutie! 💚 8y
BookInMyHands ❤️Yay! 8y
minkyb Adorable! 8y
JuniorReaders ❤️❤️ 8y
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A very interesting book so far! Not a book to read before you go to sleep unless you want some crazy dreams, lol!

geodynamical_nonfiction Does it mention parasites from pets? I have a hunch. Tell me, I want to know. 😮🤔 Which pet? 😐 8y
sunflowers Well so far...crickets and cats (litterbox) but the visuals are a little creepy lol they seem most interested in the effects on humans but I am very early on in the book😊 8y
sunflowers One of the most interesting books I've read in a while ... the implications for human beings are far reaching and should be further studied 8y
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The Bookseller Of Kabul | Asne Seierstad
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The book is well written. The storyline keeps your attention; but the heart of the story keeps you asking the tough, sometimes unanswerable questions long after you put the book down...an excellent read.

Jinjer Just finished it and totally agree. 6y
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The Bookseller Of Kabul | Asne Seierstad
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Loving this book so far! It's well written and every page continues to keep my attention. I don't want to put it down! Thank you again, @bookish_wookish

bookish_wookish Im so glad youre enjoying it! 😄 8y
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You've Got Mail | Stephen Travis, Travis Stephen
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My #LitMail arrived this past weekend! Thank you so much for the thoughtful book @bookish_wookish I can't wait to read both of them!!

bookish_wookish Im glad you liked it!!! 😊 8y
sunflowers I already started reading! @bookish_wookish 8y
bookish_wookish yayyy!! 8y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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My granddaughter Maiya with her #LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEdition package! She said, "I love all the books in the whole world!" She is so excited! #JuniorReaders @sammisho

sammisho Yay! Glad it came!!! 8y
sunflowers She loved it. @sammisho 8y
JuniorReaders Yay! 😄 8y
MrBook Aww, cute 😁👍🏻! 8y
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My granddaughter received her book today! She is so excited! @BookInMyHands #JuniorReaders

minkyb How wonderful! 8y
BookInMyHands So, um, in my hurry I didn't realize we were supposed to write in the notebook first, sorry about that 🙃 8y
sunflowers that's okay!! She loved being the first to write in it! @BookInMyHands 8y
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aloslibrary My son is in the Junior Lit Mail too! This is so great! Your granddaughter looks super cute and smart. I love tiny readers. What age group is she in? :) 8y
sunflowers Thank you so much! She is in the 4-6 age group, she turned 5 last October! What age group is your son in? @aloslibrary 8y
aloslibrary Oh she's so big! My son is in the 9-12 group, he's 10. :) 8y
RadicalReader @sunflowers absolutely incredible love when children get into books 8y
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When 24 year old Susannah Cahalan woke up in a hospital room, strapped to her bed and unable to move or speak, she had no memory of how she'd gotten there.

minkyb Not my usual read but I found this interesting and frightening! 8y
sunflowers @minkyb Sorry for the late response! It's really scary how many people go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because Physicians are unable or choose not to take the time with each patient to see what's really wrong 8y
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You've Got Mail | Stephen Travis, Travis Stephen
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My first post & it's for #LitMail!!! I'm so excited!!! What a cute box to put all the contents in!! I love the goodies & journal and I promise to "Scatter Joy" ?Thank you for the thoughtfulness!! #LitsyGoesPostal @LitMail

Robothugs Love!! 8y
LitMail Ohh! Adorable, indeed!! 8y
minkyb Lovely! 8y
EliNeedsMoreShelves Oh my goodness, so fun and creative! 8y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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