Rotation 2 has begun! If you haven‘t sent your books out, please do so soon! 😄 #JuniorReaders
Rotation 2 has begun! If you haven‘t sent your books out, please do so soon! 😄 #JuniorReaders
Today marks the first day of the second cycle of Junior Readers! I‘m excited to begin this journey with all of you and your junior readers! It‘s been great seeing the posts and how excited they have been! Here‘s to another great cycle! 😁 #JuniorReaders
Hey everyone! Don't forget to sign-up for the Junior Readers PBC for your children! The sign-up period ends in mid-September. Age groups range from 4 to 15 years old. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KY9QBJM 😊📚
For some reason the survey link stopped working in the last post (thank you @Read4life for bringing that to my attention). Here is the link to sign your little readers up for the book club: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KY9QBJM Please refer to my last post for more information!
Here's the sign-up for the Junior Reader's Fall cycle. All cycles will be starting together. The current cycle ends in October. Sign-ups close in September. I am starting sign-ups this early so you can decide if it is something you & child want to do. Additional information is included on the survey, which is a simple 3 question survey. Unfortunately, there was not enough interest in the 16-18 age group. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KY9QBJM
Forgive me for being a few days late! The 7-8 age group 5th rotation began on the 27th! It has been such a pleasure going on this journey with you and your little Littens! #JuniorReaders
Hey everyone! Currently we have age groups 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12. I am curious if there are parents who would like to sign up children who are older. If you'd also like to sign up for the age groups we already have, please take the survey. If there are enough people interested, I will open up to more age groups! http://bit.ly/2qNdXqb
Today marks the fourth rotation for 7-8 age group and the third for 4-6 and 9-12! This is not an April Fool's joke! 😜 It's been a pleasure taking this journey with all of you and your little Littens!
I was sick yesterday and didn't get to post this! 😅
February 18th marked the start of the second rotation for age groups 4-6 and 9-12! 😄 #JuniorReaders
Today marks the start of the second rotation for the age group 7-8! Don't forget to show us your little Littens with their books! 😄#JuniorReaders #LGPJuniorEdition
Today marks the first rotation! Most of our little Littens have already received their packages and it's warmed my heart to see how excited they are!! Thank all of you for participating and making this happen! 😄#LitsyGoesPostalJuniorEdition #JuniorReaders
Our signup is officially closed! Little Littens get ready!
If you'd like to be put on a waiting list for after this cycle, email jen.sanders87@gmail.com!
Our current age groups are 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12. Based on Litten input, we may add more groups after this cycle!
We are still looking for Littens with children ages 4-6 and 9-12! Only a few spots left open! E-mail jen.sanders87@gmail.com subject "junior postal book club"
We're excited to expand LGP for the younger generation! The Junior Edt. operates in the same way Litsy Goes Postal does, with a few differences. It has age groups ranging from 4 to 12. It aims to be fun and interactive for your child, a way for them make friends from new & exciting places, as well as offering bonding & quality time spent with your child! Interested?! Email jen.sanders87@gmail.com subject line: LGP Junior Edition.
Kids will be separated into age groups as what they read as the get older will differ from the ages we've selected.
The age groups are: 4-6, 7-8, 8-12.
If someone would rather not be in a group, but just partner their child with another child, that can always be arranged!
A parent will need to help with journaling, which can be as simple as saying how the book made them feel or what they liked about it!