I was tempted, except nobody but me would see them under my pant legs. 😜
I was tempted, except nobody but me would see them under my pant legs. 😜
Repost for @Jadams89
Here‘s the #WiththeBanned reading list for 2025. Feel free to skip any month. #buddyread
See original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2816922
Here‘s the #WiththeBanned reading list for 2025. Feel free to skip any month. #buddyread
@Read4Life @skygoddess1
@Julsmarshall @Lapreader @lil1inblue @Deblovestoread @dabbe @5feet.of.fury @TheDaysGoBy @AnishaInkspell @Melismatic @bookwormjillk @KT1432 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
Setting up my challenges for next year, and I‘ve decided to do 12 months of banned books instead of 12 months of classics for 2025. Send me your suggestions and I will choose the first 12 that I have not read. #ReadBannedBooks
There‘s been some interest in this group, so I‘ve created a Google form for book nominations. I‘ll try to have a poll for books open by Dec 1 with our first read starting in January. No pressure, jump in or out whenever you want.
If you‘ve already submitted the form, I have your responses.
@jadams89 is checking on interest for a buddy read of Banned Books.
Original post:
Anybody interested in a banned books buddy read? Probably a chapter a day format. It just feels like a critical time to collect books.
I‘m very late but wanted to see my score. It‘d be higher if I read children books lol.
American Psycho
Clan of the Cave Bears series
His Dark Materials
All Stephen King
The Giver
And many more!
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
Thanks @JenlovesJT47 for the tag for @dabbe ‘s #ThreeListThursday #TLT on banned books. I was really surprised at some of these, and decided to highlight these three that I have read and re-read over the years! And I was happy to see quite a few of the required reading from my own school years on the list!
Too many banned books..😱 pictured a few of the ones I loved reading.
Anyone who wants to, take the quiz.
Thanks Denise for posting this quiz. #ThreeListThursday #TLT
Seems like teaching high school, and then children's and YA lit classes has really inflated my score! I have my children's literature students write an Essay in Defense of a Banned Book - sadly, some may need these skills as future teachers!
1) The Witches by Roald Dahl
2) Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (and I especially love her response to people who want to ban it)
3) Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
#TLT @dabbe
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
What a topic near and dear to our hearts. The books I chose are all ones I have proudly taught as a middle and high school English teacher.
I have hope that if we keep fighting the good fight that sanity will eventually prevail. And I've discovered that I have a lot of challenged books to still read! My TBR has just grown, well, bigger!
And if you look closely, you'll see why WHERE'S WALDO made the list! 🤩
Are You There God? It‘s Me, Margaret - When I was 12 years old the same age as Margaret, I got my period and I read this book. I enjoyed this book. I felt like I could relate to how she was feeling.
The Earth, My Butt & Other Big Round Things - I was 15 the same age as Virginia when I read this book. I enjoyed it because I was a plus size teen like she was and I felt like I could relate to how she was feeling about her body.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday
Doing better than with the songs or movie challenges, I think.
What a wild list. Mostly kids picture books. I hate book bans and nothing makes me race for a book fast than it getting on one of these lists. I think the most surprising one to see here is Where's Waldo?? What freaks.
Here are 3 I am adding to my TBR
Always Running - Rodriguez
Flowers for Algernon
Kaffir Boy
Anyone else notice the The New Joys of Sex is on the list 2x?
#tlt #threelistthursday
#tlt @dabbe
Thank you for the tag! Evidently I need to read more banned books. Thank gosh for Judy Blume and Stephen King for padding my numbers. This was kind of shocking/ridiculous…Skippyjon Jones? Sad what “experts” find offensive. I let my kids read everything and anything, and my mom did the same, it‘s a big world out there - let them be prepared to discuss all the things. 🤯📚
I‘ve read 22% of the books on this list (that I can remember, anyway—it‘s been a long time since I was reading children‘s books). Three that I was surprised to find on a banned list were:
1. Friday Night Lights (it‘s about … football?)
2. A Light in the Attic (it‘s… a cartoon?)
3. My Brother Sam is Dead (is the Revolutionary War a forbidden topic now?)
Link to the survey is on @dabbe ‘s page
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
In honor of this week's BANNED BOOKS WEEK, this survey includes the American Library Association's Most Frequently Challenged Books from 1990-2020.
1. Take the survey at https://shorturl.at/EHil3.
2. Share your score if you want.
3. Share 3 favorites or books you're surprised were/were not on the list.
Interesting list: When you have LOLITA and JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH on the same list, well, what can one say? 😂
Fable now has a Banned Books club, one per month, should anyone be interested.
Current book is “Go Tell It on the Mountain” by James Baldwin.
Link: https://fable.co/club/authors-guild-banned-books-club-with-jason-boog-3791040640...
It‘s Banned Books Week! I nearly forgot about it and my reading schedule is packed right now with library books that have long hold lines so my checkout time can‘t be renewed, so I tossed together this TBR for the week of mostly short reads. All of these books are on the Top 100 Most Challenged books from 2010-2019 from ala.org.
This topic 🔥 “in me brain“ (EA Poe). Center: a copy of the shirt I proudly wore (now passed on to a younger teacher) every single day I introduced a banned book to my students. All of the books above I have proudly and unreservedly taught to my 7th, 8th, 9th, and 11th graders. In 2023, the # of banned books has ⬆️ by 65% from 2022. Visit the ALA if you want to get involved. 👊
Proposed bill in MN to ban banning books in schools & public libraries! I hope it passes! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I‘ll be even prouder to live on a blue island in a sea of red.
One of my all-time favourite books is on the banned books list. I'm really enjoying this Audible edition during #bannedbooksweek2023
I fully support #freedomtoread and endorse all endeavours to turn the tide on archaic censorship.
The whole point of writing and literature is to open our minds to new thoughts and experiences we might not ordinarily have access to. ⬇️
So excited my library is doing this 😁 So bummed you have to be between 12-18 yrs to participate 😕
Enjoyed this look into the world‘s most banned and challenged books. Very enlightening!
#bookspinbingo - free space
This image is from Ohhappidani on IG. As she remarked this isn‘t even factoring in 2023. She also mentioned https://pen.org/issue/free-the-books/ working on their legal fight against banned books.
I think we all know that banning books is stupid, harmful, and narrow-minded. This little book looks back to the earliest written word up to today, looking at some notable banned books and why they‘ve been challenged. The only one I can actually see the reasoning behind is the one pictured, though I still don‘t advocate banning. Really interesting read.
My boys checking out the “banned” section at our local children‘s indie and not understanding what‘s wrong with people. Fortunately, they‘ve read many of these books as part of our elementary school‘s ELA curriculum (Wit & Wisdom). Sadly, the challengers are coming for our curriculum, too. 🤬
#raisingreaders #RightToRead
22/30 at Banned Books Trivia Night at the local pub. Hard questions, but oh so fun!
Can't really rate this one. Just the perfect resource when looking for the jist of the most banned and challenged books. I did like the added content to each passage that references the most recent challenge sightings and why. The perfect book for cramming for Banned Books Week Trivia Night. May listen to it a few more times leading up to the competition 😆.