Happy #nationalbookloversday! Wishing everyone a great day of reading! 😃
Happy #nationalbookloversday! Wishing everyone a great day of reading! 😃
It‘s Book Lovers Day today! Here is just a small selection of some of my favorite books!
One would rather stay inside and read than go outside and play.
Happy National Book Lovers Day, Littens!! It‘s a day celebrating our passion! Enjoy! 📚❤️
Happy National Book Lovers Days to all my book dragons, sniffers, and worms!!! I hope you spend part of your day in a book 📚
A quiet evening read in the country.
I really really needed this.
It‘s silent and exquisite, the evening sun warming my back just right.
And a sweet book all about books, bookstores and people who bond over it😌
Welcome to the #LitsyFamily! We‘re so glad you‘re here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. Everyone please go to this new litten‘s page to start the #whotofollow train! #LitsyWelcomeWagon
Some people are very creative!
Two brothers bonding over books! 😍😻📚💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
#ABookLoversPrayer #CapeCod #sibsreunion
At the Cape with sibs cleaning out my parents‘ house so it can go on the market.😥 Found this gem.
I can‘t help it, I‘m long winded. Even the Litsy character count is hard for me to abide by! Happy National Book Lovers Day which also, completely coincidentally, is my anniversary!
Wait. This isn't a thing everyday?
Source: Shelf Awareness
Happy National #BookLovers Day! This is one of my favorite quotes about books. Do you have a favorite?
Happy Book Lovers Day!!!! 📚❤️📚❤️📚❤️📚
I found a pic with the date on it because it is also my birthday!!!!!
Happy National Book Lovers Day Fellow Littens!! What a wonderful day to celebrate each of you for your passionate love for all things books! Now go buy yourself a new book in honor of today!!! 😂😂❤️❤️🎁📚
Hehehe...correct! #books #booklover #reader #reading
@Tiffy_Reads I just sent your #summerslasherswap ;) It will arrive on Saturday, so right on time!!!
Love this pin! 😍
@TorieStorieS this will also be coming to you when I finish it! This was my original “maker” project that I started and it was wayyyy to ambitious!!! Lol but I‘m about halfway done with it and as soon as it‘s done I plan to send it to you!!! It‘s a crossstich pattern that was around 10-12,000 stitches! I just didn‘t have enough time to finish but it‘s being made with love especially for you!!! ❤️😘
This memory came up on Facebook today. This was the start (or rather re-discovery) of my love of books. I haven't looked back since😊.
You guys!!! THIS IS WHERE I‘M SPENDING THE DAY FOR PD!!! Lord, give me strength. 😳
Tomorrow is my birthday and I have been in bed sick all day. I was bummed because tonight we celebrated my nephews birthday and I couldn't go. My mom bought this back from my sister and it brightened up my crappy day! I love this because it is so true! ❤️📚❤️📚
Yes! This 👍🏻👍🏻 https://bookriot.com/2018/01/04/book-buying-bans/
Thank you, Littens!! I am so happy to be a part of this amazing, wonderful community! Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Joyous Reading!
Remember these charm bracelets? I pulled mine out for the fun of it and whatdoyouknow, I have a book one. 😂😍
How generous is this!!! Happy Littens rule!
@Kaylamburson Thanks for generating this; that calendar looks so wonderful 💕
Waiting for our breakfast sandwiches after a nice bike ride through GG Park and along the ocean 🌊🚴🏽♀️. I spy some Lily King and Cheryl Strayed on the community bookshelf. Lovely Sunday!
These two just arrived from Amazon. Two more Litsy recommendations I cannot wait to read. Will show the seven more coming from Thriftbooks later this week hopefully 📚 📖
Thought you book lovers would enjoy this.
"11 photos that will infuriate book lovers, then 11 more to make it all better"
#Article #BookRelated
For today's #SmittenByLittens challenge, let's show some #BookLove to those with 'book' in their usernames. :) Feel free to repost!
I just reached 100 followers on my blog! Thanks to everyone for following! If you haven't checked it out already, here it is: https://jilljemmett.com 😃
Happy #NationalBookLoversDay Littens. 🖤📚😽📚🖤
#booklife #readersgonnaread #booksbooksbooks #currentlyreading #metime #booklovers #readingissexy #bookish #goodnight