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The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress
The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress: A Novel | Ariel Lawhon
Inspired by a real-life unsolved mystery, this mesmerizing novel features characters that make a lasting impression.--PEOPLE MAGAZINE "More meticulously choreographed than a chorus line. It all pays off."--THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW They say behind every great man, there's a woman. In this case, there are three. Stella Crater, the judge's wife, is the picture of propriety draped in long pearls and the latest Chanel. Ritzi, a leggy showgirl with Broadway aspirations, thinks moonlighting in the judge's bed is the quickest way off the chorus line. Maria Simon, the dutiful maid, has the judge to thank for her husband's recent promotion to detective in the NYPD. Meanwhile, Crater is equally indebted to Tammany Hall leaders and the city's most notorious gangster, Owney "The Killer" Madden. On a sultry summer night, as rumors circulate about the judge's involvement in wide-scale political corruption, the Honorable Joseph Crater steps into a cab and disappears without a trace. Or does he? After 39 years of necessary duplicity, Stella Crater is finally ready to reveal what she knows. Sliding into a plush leather banquette at Club Abbey, the site of many absinthe-soaked affairs and the judge's favorite watering hole back in the day, Stella orders two whiskeys on the rocksone for her and one in honor of her missing husband. Stirring the ice cubes in the lowball glass, Stella begins to tell a taleof greed, lust, and deceit. As the novel unfolds and the women slyly break out of their prescribed roles, it becomes clear that each knows more than she has initially let on. With a layered intensity and prose as effervescent as the bubbly that flows every night, The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress is a wickedly entertaining historical mystery that will transport readers to a bygone era with tipsy spins through subterranean jazz clubs and backstage dressing rooms. But beneath the Art Deco skyline and amid the intoxicating smell of smoke and whiskey, the question of why Judge Crater disappeared lingers seductively until a twist in the very last pages.
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A fictional account of what might have happened to a NY Supreme Court Justice in 1930. It was a real life case that was never solved. Interesting portrayal of life during that time, where if you weren't willing to use crooked means to get ahead, you would never get anywhere.

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This is my day one #bookhaul from our local library‘s giant annual book sale. I braved the crowds and came away with all this for $17. I‘m planning to hit up half price day tomorrow also!

My fav find is Betty Alden, which was on the history table for $4. It‘s actually a novel from the late 1800s - not a reissue. And I‘m related to the MC by a distant (6 generations) cousin‘s marriage. Her parents came over on the Mayflower.

Tamra Jackpot! 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Tamra Doesn‘t every book purchase feel like a jackpot?!?! 🤪 3y
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What a page turner! I already had I Am Anastasia & Code Name Helene on my TBR, & now I can't wait to read them! This was great.


MallenNC I‘ve had this forever and haven‘t read it yet. Glad to hear it‘s good! 4y
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53°F in The Deep South™, a quiet house, a new book on the Kindle, coffee, and a cat in my lap. Perfect Saturday morning. ☺ #currentread #currentlyreading #catsofLitsy #LittenKittens

AllisonM89 Nice coffee cup!
Bandrea Haha love the cup! 4y
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Can't remember where I got this recommendation (Liberty, maybe?), but Libby said that it was time to read this! 😁 The timing of my reads often hinges upon when they become available from my library. #currentread #currentlyreading

Reviewsbylola This is a good one! 4y
LibrarianRyan I love that cover. 4y
Chelsea.Poole That's how I plan my reading life--according to when things pop up on Libby 😁 4y
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Bookzombie I haven‘t read this one, but I enjoyed Lawhon‘s other books. 4y
mom2bugnbee @LibrarianRyan Ditto! Very clever. 4y
mom2bugnbee @Bookzombie So far, so good! 4y
mom2bugnbee @Chelsea.Poole Glad I'm not the only one! 😂 4y
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In the 1930s, a NY Supreme Court judge disappears, presumed dead. We are shown, sort of, what happens to him, and the book primarily follows the impact of the aftermath on the three titular women. It‘s a bit of a historical thriller, but I will say there‘s one twist that I really felt didn‘t work. This is Lawhon‘s debut and I feel it‘s her weakest book but still enjoyable. The up side is that each of her books just gets better and better.

Chelsea.Poole We read this for book club several years ago and I was pleasantly surprised at home much j enjoyed it. 😊 4y
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Afternoon tea with fresh mint & a cup of strawberries while listening to an #audiobook #historicalfiction

wildwoodreads How do you make your fresh mint tea? My mint that I planted is coming in so I‘m excited to try it. 4y
Sharpeipup @megzlynn I brew regular black tea then place a few mint leaves in it. 4y
BiblioLitten Oh I made iced tea with mint in it. So refreshing!😊 4y
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Based on real historical events, this book is about a Supreme Court judge who mysteriously disappears in the 1930s. The mystery unravels as we read about his wife, his mistress, his maid, and his ties to the New York City mob. It‘s a real page turner exclamation

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Thanks for the prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: WIFE

A FAB Read.

Who would have thought that being a maid could be this dangerous? Maria never would have guessed that.

If you like historical fiction and this era, don‘t miss THE WIFE, THE MAID, THE MISTRESS. The surprise ending ties things up nicely.

I am wholeheartedly recommending this book.


SilversReviews @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My sister and I both LOVED this book. I hope you do too. Thanks for commenting. 6y
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Today we felt like reading about a judge who mysteriously disappears.

RadicalReader @LauraBeth absolutely gorgeous dog 6y
DivineDiana Sounds fun! 😀 6y
DGRachel I‘m all for wishful thinking! Hi Bitsy!😘 6y
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Bookcation74 👏🏻 6y
Dolly Sounds good but I‘m waiting for the non- fiction publication 😉 6y
sprainedbrain Fingers freaking crossed! 🤞🏻 6y
CarolynM 😂😢 6y
DebinHawaii Hi Sweet Bitsy! 🐶❤️ 6y
Suet624 If only... 6y
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Enjoyed this one! Based on a true story, which is always fun. Listened to part of the book on audio, but, though well-narrated, this is a better read-with-your-eyes book because of its structure. Especially enjoyed the portrayal of varied strong female characters and different types of male-female partnerships.

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UPDATE: I really enjoyed this story. It is based on a true missing person mystery. Set in 1930, the height of Tammany Hall and the corruption in NYC. The triangle of women in Judge Craters life makes for a great tale.
Lots of twists and turns, and the story goes back and forth in time. But it was easy to follow. Definitely worth the read!

Starting this book, hope it's a fun read since I need a light story after some recent books I've read

SheReadsAndWrites I LOVED her book I Was Anastasia. This one is in my TBR stack. 🤓 6y
Crazeedi Thanks! If I like this one, I will have to get the one you just mentioned! (edited) 6y
SilversReviews I liked this one too. 6y
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Reviewsbylola All her books are really good. 6y
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What was the common thread? This is a favorite for me.

“Stella Crater knew about her husband's mistress, Maria saw the mistress one day when she arrived to clean and was sworn to secrecy, and Ritizi hated what she did. All three women were tied to Joseph Crater for different reasons and hated him for different reasons.”


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Yay! I'll take a reason to visit my local bookstore and buy books! 🙌🏼📚 #celebrate #buybooks #independentbookstoreday

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Oh yes. This is happening. 🤓📖

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My sweet pup got "fixed" yesterday. ☹️ It's downtime for us girls the next few days. Also known as reading time...?❤️?

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Yep 🤓📖

Jess7 🤗🤗🤗 6y
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Next up for #newyearsreadathon but I'll probably fall asleep before I get very far into it. I've read it before and have been wanting to read it again, so I suggested it for my book club and we'll be discussing it in two weeks.


SilversReviews Oh...I loved this book. ENJOY!! 7y
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I'm having such a hard time this year focusing on reading but I will finish this book for book club on Tuesday. Hope it sucks me in! #readingslumpssuck

Godmotherx5 Cool cover!! 7y
Kendra.Diane I hate Book slumps 😞 7y
Mamashep @Godmotherx5 I have looked at that cover dozens of times and not until I posted that pick did I realize the figure was the three different women! 7y
Godmotherx5 HaHaHa! 7y
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Light reading while tending to my mom post surgery. Interesting!

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This book was great. I did not know it had some base in real events. The ending surprised me....not what I was expecting! Now I need to go find more about Judge Crater.

ChicaReads I stacked it ☺ 7y
lynneamch Loved this on audio. This one about the Hindenburg was so good, too. 7y
lynneamch Looking forward to her latest, not out until next year 7y
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Next up in my #Litsypartyofone a recommendation from @Pamwurtzler

Pamwurtzler So good!!!!! 📚❤️ 7y
Reviewsbylola I really enjoyed this. Her newest book is fantastic too. 7y
SilversReviews This book was very good. Really liked it. Read it a while ago. 7y
lynneamch Really enjoyed these. Got to hear her speak. She is absolutely charming. New one will be out in March. 7y
Pamwurtzler @lynneamch @Reviewsbylola thanks for the tip on her other books! 7y
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I liked how the story lines of the three main characters overlapped as well as the switch from past to present. Each character came with flaws (mainly deceit and selfishness) and I found it difficult to root for any of them. Overall the story was a bit underwhelming and flat. (Full disclosure, I just had to read some other reviews to remind me of the mystery reveal - and had totally forgotten this was based on a true story 😅.)

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Sampling on my Nook to try to come up with a "stack" of choices for #24in48 #readathon


Took me a little to get into it and overall wasn't horrible.

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I really wanted to like this book more. I love historical fiction and female protagonists, which this has and is both, but something wasn't there to engage me. I'm looking forward to an online chat with the author tonight. Sometimes I change my mind after hearing an author's motivation. #mmdbookclub

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This book left me felling disappointed. It was a good attempt at an alternate theory of an unsolved crime.

CrowCAH Neat cover! 7y
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Finally finished all the lab reports 🎉 so I'm starting this as my reward. I already think I'm going to be mad when I have to put it down & put the kids to bed.

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Reading this for the MMD book club. I enjoyed Flight of Dreams, so hopefully this will be good.

minkyb I can not take on any more book clubs but I have been intrigued by MMD. I am addicted to the podcast. Hope you enjoy this one. 7y
Lmstraubie @Lauren.Archer @minkyb I really enjoy the #WhatWillIReadNext podcast also. There are great book recommendations, but I also really enjoy the conversations as well. 7y
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The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress really captures the feeling of its 1930 time period. I liked it but rarely found myself compelled to keep reading. The way the plot comes together in the latter half redeemed the book for me though. #audiobook

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How did I only hear about this book a few months ago?? I love the set up where you know generally what happens but none of the specifics. Well constructed story, etc etc. Read this now! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bookzombie I loved Flight of Dreams so I definitely want to check this one out. She also has another coming out later this year. (edited) 7y
Cinfhen Stacked! Thanks❤️ 7y
drbethandherkindle @Bookzombie I haven't heard about Flight of Dreams before, but now I must read it! 7y
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I thought it was a mediocre historical fiction but it turned out to be a good mystery. The audio book is well made and entertaining. My issues were a slow development and some characters were vogue. But I am glad that I pushed it and I was rewarded with the shocking unpredictable end. 😈💃🏼😈

kiminreverse I didn't see the end coming! I found the book to be a bit dull overall but i'm glad I stuck with it. 7y
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I really enjoyed this! I'm tempted to it read again to see if I can pick up on the clues she dropped along the way. Also I'm interested in finding out one more of the facts of the story.

kitty_reads I want to read this too!! I'll have to watch for clues. 7y
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Finally on the plane! And on to book #2.

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Excited to start this tonight....

Sydsavvy I've been thinking about this one. I'll be interested to hear! 8y
Jerdencon @Sydsavvy I really liked this book.... finished it in a day. Quick, page turner! Feel the need to read more about the true story now. 8y
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Historical fiction; my favorite kind of book! I don't know much about the 1930 disappearance of Judge Joseph Crater so this should be interesting.

Reviewsbylola I enjoyed this one. I love this type of historical fiction. Flight of Dreams was really good too. 8y
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Fun premise: taking the fact of a missing judge cold case and writing a story about what might have/could have happened. But, too far from actual events for me. The story gets convoluted and jumped the shark a bit, so not a full on pick.

BookMusings I enjoyed this one, definitely intrigued me about the real case. 8y
Gulfsidemusing Loved this one! Spent some time googling the facts though. 8y
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Enjoyable. Alternative explanation of the true life disappearance of New York Supreme Court Justice Crater in the early 1930's.

MrBook Nice pic! 8y
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It took me WAY to long to line the cover images up with the title! Shameful. Quite a story. I didn't love it, but this was a really inventive way to imagine how this true story of a missing Supreme Court Justice could have gone

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Half way through my book of the week. Such an interesting read... Can't wait to find out who did it!

Sydsavvy I forgot about that book! Meant to read it. 8y
SusanInTiburon Ditto! 8y
Loreen Love the title. 8y
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