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Wild Magic
Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
Thirteen-year-old DaIne has always had a knack with animals, but it's not until she's forced to leave home that she realizes it's more than a knack -- it's magic. With this wild magic, not only can Daine speak to animals, but also she can make them obey her. Daine takes a job handling horses for the Queen's Riders, where she meets the master mage Numair and becomes his student. Under Numair's guidance, Daine explores the scope of her magic. But she begins to sense other beings too: immortals. These bloodthirsty monsters have been imprisoned in the Divine Realms for the past four hundred years, but now someone has broken the barrier. It's up to Daine and her friends to defend their world from an immortal attack.
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I mentioned to my friend that I needed a palette cleanser after finishing this last semester. She got so excited and told me all about this series she had read and loved as a young girl. When someone‘s eyes light up when discussing a book, you read that book. I am SO glad I did. Strong female characters, good world-building, the magic made sense. I loved the dialogue. A young girl who can talk to animals!? Middle-school-me would‘ve swooned! ☺️

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Daines turn! I love her so much y‘all, kel will always hold court as my favourite but before there was Kel there was Daine and there‘s a special place in my heart for this lovely wild girl who is (understandably) So So scared of herself and what she can do. Lucky for her she‘s about to find the best friends (family) a young girl could ask for.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I grew up rereading the Song of the Lioness quartet but never picked up any of the other Tortall books! Wild Magic introduces Daine, a young heroine with “wild magic” (instead of the Gift) and a tragic and mysterious past who can speak and cooperate with animals. I enjoyed Wild Magic but it was a slower and slightly less engaging series-starter than Alana for me. Absolutely continuing the series, but switching to audio for the next one.

SaunteringVaguelyDownwards I did the opposite - loved the Wild Magic quartet growing up and couldn't manage to track down all the Alanna books until I was in college! Such a great series - I can't wait for the next Numair book to come out. 2y
underground_bks @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards that‘s so funny! Is the Wild Magic quartet still your favorite over Song of the Lioness? 2y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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This was the first book I found in my high school library. Tamora Pierce became one of my favorite authors because of this first book. #ScarathonDailyPrompt #TeamSlaughter “Magic” @Clwojick

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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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#TBRPile ? “Each year, at the end of March, a great fair was held in Cría, the capital of Galla.”

Zuhkeeyah This was my favorite series by her! 3y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I liked this book. Good fantasy. Main character, Daine, is a 13 year old girl. She doesn't have a specific gift of magic, but she has wild magic. There are a lot of animals in here, horses, birds, badgers, cats, as well as harpies, spidrens, gryphons, dragons. Daine is hired on as an assistant horse specialist and travels with her across the land. They encounter some danger and finally arrive. A mage starts to train her in using her wild magic.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce


Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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#TBRChallenge #AudioBook #ABookThats

I adored this story. It was sweet and heartwarming, but didn't lack for action and adventure either. Hearing/Watching as Daine grew up across the pages, growing into her magic and discovering her new family after all she had lost... 100% I am going to be reading the rest of these stories!

EclecticBookLover I love Tamora Pierce! I usually re-read at least one of her Tortall books once a year. 4y
CoffeeK8 This is a serious comfort read for me. 4y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce

Book 120, audio

Revisiting some old friends with this book. When I first read it I was a little older than Daine is, and I related to her as a fellow animal lover and I wished I could talk to them too. Now I've got daughters who are about her age and Ms Pierce 100% captured that awkward stressful time between Woman and Girl that is a 13 year old.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I really liked this book. the structure was really good and the plot was pretty interesting.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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CoffeeK8 I love this book 4y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I don't often DNF books but this one just didn't do anything for me! #dnf

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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#GratefulReads - Book under 250 pages, not got many but found this one, it has 236 pages
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼📚❤️ 5y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Amazing enough for me to revisit the whole quartet more than two more times as an adult! It starts off with horses but trust me, there‘s far more to Tortall than just horses.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌸 5y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Two #wildbooks that we own! One from my shelf and one from the kiddos! #30junebooks @howjessreads

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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My current audiobook. I haven‘t reread this in years and am really enjoying it.

JazzFeathers Fantasy covers used to be do different from what we see today 💙 5y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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This is absolutely charming and grabs you in and won‘t let you go!! I‘m not as fond of the narrator in audiobook but it‘s still a fabulous story!

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Random impulse buy 🙌🏻🤗 anyone read this. It‘s the smallest book I‘ve bought in a while. #fantasy

PathfinderNicole I love Tamora Pierce. Especially her Tortall books like Wild Magic. 6y
Nutmegnc Her work is extremely well written. I think you‘ll enjoy it!!! 6y
BethM Super good. I definitely recommend her first Tortall series. 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I think I love Daine even more than Allana. Her wildness & vulnerability, her love & connection to the world, esp the animals, around her, & just the way she never hesitates to stand up for others makes her amazing in my eyes. I also loved watching her try to figure out the people around her-like her I‘m often just befuddled at the ways people behave. I‘m looking forward to the next installment of her story.

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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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For all that it‘s an oldy, it is a goody too. Especially since i am chockfull of nostalgia. After starting and finishing Tempests and Slaughter, I‘ve had a hankering for Tamora Pierce‘s books. Here‘s my first all finished! Now to start Wolf-Speaker! 😄

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Here are my favorite #18in18 books. I am especially excited to have discovered Tamara Pierce and Madeline Miller. Also the end of Kate Daniels series did not disappoint! This was a pretty great year for books.

britt_brooke Loved the Madeline Miller books, too! Great list! 6y
AmyG Yes....this was the year I discovered Miller, too. ❤️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I liked Born A Crime! 6y
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iread2much The Kate Daniels ending was one of the best I‘ve read in a long time! And I can‘t wait to read more of the Hugh books! 6y
Nessavamusic @iread2much me too! Have you read their other series? 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Good choices! Happy reading in 2019! 📚 6y
iread2much @Nessavamusic I have not. I want to try the inn keeper series, as the bayou one I bailed on after the 2nd chapter 6y
Nessavamusic @iread2much the bayou one is the only series I haven‘t liked. Inn keeper is great and Hidden Legacy series is excellent 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce

This is one of my favorite Pierce books. The main character is fiesty and passionate, but also has a lot to learn about who she is and what she can do. Also, this form of magic - Wild Magic - is one of my favorite renderings of what a world with magic could be like.

Wild Magic (Reissue) | Tamora Pierce
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Tamora Pierce has written a stunning Fantasy novel and created a world full of strong female characters with grown up relationships. I realise this was first published some time ago and I‘m sorry it had passed me by, but now I‘m truly smitten and will be reading more of this series.


CoffeeK8 I adore this series so much. 6y
CaramelLunacy I am so glad you liked it! 6y
teaa41 I am glad you enjoyed it! This is one of favorite series and I adore Daine. 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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“Hedgehogs woke Daine as they wriggled into her bedroll, shaking in terror. It wasn‘t the controlled fear they felt around hunters, but the wild panic that made them run before a fire. She eased out of the covers. ‘It‘s all right,‘ she whispered. ‘Stay here.‘”.....I‘m loving the writing, the world building is so good and I‘m only at chapter 3....

CaramelLunacy I love Tamora Pierce! I read Daine and Alanna to shreds growing up 6y
Lel2403 @CaramelLunacy it‘s being reissued...so first time reading it for me 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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For a change of genre (I usually read thrillers)...just starting this

RainyDayReading This is one of my favorites! 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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For anyone using NetGalley, these are available to request

WhiskeyMistress Love these books! 6y
CaramelLunacy Ooh, I like the covers! 6y
Lel2403 @CaramelLunacy me too...so pretty 6y
EmilySchneider7 One of my favorite series of all time! I grew up on her work and my very battered copies of these from back in the day are still on my shelves 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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The downside of being at work is that I don‘t have access to my own books for any #24in48 challenges, but I do work in a library, soooo...

I loved Tamora Pierce‘s Tortall books as a kid, and they‘re probably why I‘m still an avid fantasy reader today. I‘m pretty sure all of mine are in boxes somewhere in my Dad‘s house, but I also broke down and bought the kindle versions a few years ago.

Side note: This copy has been in my library since 1994.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce

✨First Tamora Pierce book I have ever read! It was slower than I thought, but I ended up really enjoying it!
This book completed:
✨“A book that was being read by a stranger in a public place”- #pop2018 (12/52)
✨ the letter P- #litsyatoz (13/26)


Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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1. Tamora Pierce‘s The Immortals Series
2. Everwood
3. If my husband is watching, it‘ll be on in the background while I read
4. Taking my husband out to dinner tomorrow night for Father‘s Day
5. My dad loves to read, he just doesn‘t read much, he‘s super picky! #friyayintro

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I really enjoyed listening to the audio book of wild magic. This was a fun book. I would give it four stars. #litsy #booklover #kindle #kindlefire #paperwhite

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I'm enjoying the audio book for Wild Magic. I'm almost done with it. I should finish it tomorrow. I love listening audiobooks on scribd. #litsy #booklover #kindle #kindlefire #paperwhite #library

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Last book haul for a while but #bookmail 😋

TheLibrarian I always tell myself that but it‘s never the case 😂 6y
Bturner588 @TheLibrarian I have so many books I need to read though 😂 6y
TheLibrarian @Bturner588 Same but they are just so hard to resist!! Great haul though! 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Last night at the #fiercefriday event I met one of my all time favorite authors, Tamora Pierce. This woman helped solidify my love of reading growing up as well as my love for fantasy novels. She has always written books about powerful, intelligent women and has been an inspiration for me for years. I'm so grateful to have met her.

#yallwest2018 #tamorapierce

Skyrimir I would love to meet her! I don‘t believe I‘ve ever seen a date in my city though. I love her books so much. 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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🦄 I usually relisten to the whole of Ms. Pierce's perfect world of Tortall once a year, though J. Ashley's Mackenzies are getting to be a yearly thing too.
🦄 Mac and Cheese!
🦄 M*A*S*H is my absolute favorite TV show, I've seen every episode and know most of the jokes. If you've never seen it, give it a watch!

Thanks for the tag @Serotonin! Hmm @Jess7 @Nicole-Reads @Madamereginald 😙

Thanks @JenlovesJT47

RainyDayReading Tamora Pierce 🖤 6y
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Wild Magic (Reissue) | Tamora Pierce
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I am enjoying this series in the Tortall world. I enjoyed getting to know these characters. I am excited to continue on!

jwashreads I just finished the Alanna series for the first time, and I have these on hold through the library--I can not wait! 6y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Me: Ugh, I'm just not connecting with any YA fantasy books these days. Maybe I've finally outgrown this genre, ten years after my teens ended

Also me: *rereads an entire YA fantasy series in one weekend*

Tamora Pierce's newest book about Numair made me want to revisit this earlier series. Wild Magic is one of those books I've read a million times, but I think this might be only my second time through the rest of the series. Good to be back!

MarriedtoMrT Emperor Mage is my favorite of the series. I love that book so much. 7y
emtobiasz Emperor Mage was so much more fulfilling after reading the new book about Numair! Have you read it yet @MarriedtoMrT ? 7y
MarriedtoMrT @emtobiasz Not yet. I promised myself I would read them in pub order and I‘ve gotten stuck in Kel‘s quartet. One more to go before I move to the Trickster duet. 7y
emtobiasz @MarriedtoMrT Fair enough. A lot of them have spoilers for books written previously, when you read them out of order, but I don't think skipping ahead to Numair's would ruin anything. I found the new one slow but would have enjoyed it more if the Immortals books had been fresh in my mind instead of 15+ years old, I think. 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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This is perhaps one of my MOST FAVOURITE series EVER! ✨💕✨💕
It has a kick-ass female main character and also more kick-ass female side characters. The world itself is magical and vivid. There are gods, monsters, magic, espionage, battle and dragons!
I'm in love with the new covers! 😍😍🙈

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I really really enjoyed this lovely children‘s (middle grade) fantasy! Thank you so much #glorytotheguild friends for the rec!

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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With Tempest and Slaughter finally being released into the world next week, it seems fitting to claim The Immortals Quartet as my most beloved series for #RiotGrams since it‘s where we first meet Numair 😍
And well, he was probably my original/first book boyfriend - so I‘m really excited!

suvata Love those covers 7y
emtobiasz Those covers! 😍 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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My new audiobook listen, excited to read my first Tamora Pierce book! Many bookish friends have recommended. #glorytotheguild

theresidentromantic These are my favorite books ever! And the audio is amazing! 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce

This book was just what I needed. Perfect balance of fluff and substance to yank me out of a slump.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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My very first Tortall book ever!

I‘ve missed you, Littens.

LauraBrook Yay, you‘re back! How are you doing? 7y
Tanzy13 I really enjoyed this series 😊📚 7y
Owlizabeth Hiiiiii!! 7y
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hgrimes We‘ve missed you! 7y
Heretherebedragons Welcome back! 7y
sprainedbrain 😃❤️😃❤️😃❤️😃 7y
Bookzombie Yay!! Welcome back!!! 🦄 7y
NovelGirl82 Missed you too!! Welcome back!!! 7y
Reggie There have been a lot of Terry Pratchett posts, and I wondered where you were. Welcome back!!! 7y
Avanders 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽💖✨💖✨💖 7y
Mimi28 Missed you and all your Taylor Swift insider details! Lol 7y
MarriedtoMrT Enjoy! I loved Daine. The third book is on my all-time favorites list. And, like others have said, I hope all is well! I‘ve been looking for your posts. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Miss you!!!! ❤️ 7y
SauerPatch Come back to us! I miss your posts! 😥 7y
PurpleyPumpkin So glad to see you back! Missed your posts. Hope all is well with you. 👍🏽💜😉 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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#riotgrams Day 2 is orange covers so here are two of my favorite Tamora Pierce books.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I have so many to choose from, but tonight when I walked into the library this was the first #favoritebook that caught my eye! I devoured this series as a kid.

Can't wait for the readathon!! #30daysofreadathon

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce

<3 Forever.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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It's so slow at work that I re-downloaded #kobo onto my phone from when I had an e-reader at like 15 years old. Currently reliving some serious #booknostalgia. #tamorapierce #magic #YA #Tortall

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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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So much love for this series!

Also my most reread! What books keep you coming back for more?

Kalalalatja Great covers! 😍 7y
Soubhiville Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel books. And Pat Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles. 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Kalalalatja, ikr! I'm so glad that I was able to complete my set. I had three and then the cover design changed... thank goodness for eBay! 7y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Soubhiville, ooh! I haven't read either... I'm waiting for Kingkiller to complete 😅 7y
Kalalalatja That's the worst!! 7y
emtobiasz Whooooa those covers! 😍 7y
CouronneDhiver Very pretty 7y
Bibliogirl I'm currently re-reading The Song of the Lioness Quartet. Read and loved them all as a very young teenager. (edited) 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Bibliogirl, love that quartet also! Alanna was my introduction to Tortall. I was a Girl Guide, and one of the older girls lent me Alanna - best recommendation ever. (edited) 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I LOVE this book 20 years ago and I love it today!

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Littens, I can't seem to stay away from Tortall. After a one book break, I'm back and already LOVING Daine. How is Tamora Pierce so awesome?

Johanna414 This is the only Tamora Pierce book I've read, but I LOVED it! Really need to go back and read some more of her work! (edited) 8y
eekabook I love the Immortals quartet so much (also that old cover brings back so much nostalgia)! You're making me want to reread all of the books! 8y
MarriedtoMrT @Johanna414 I just started my TP kick with Alanna about two months ago and now I can't seem to stop! 8y
MarriedtoMrT @eekabook There seems to be a lot of love for this quartet. I can't wait to read them all! 8y
tszewczyk Omg that is so cool, I didn't realize the book was written so long ago... I thought it was new! 😍 7y
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I'm pretending I can stay in bed all day and read. I have to go to work in a bit :(

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