First book for #readathon! #deweys24hourreadathon
Working through this as party of my poetry challenge, so here‘s my #riotgrams day two, currently reading!
My birthday presents were all books this year, but I asked for MY FAVORITE THING IS MONSTERS after hearing @Liberty rave about it! #LIBERTHDAY
This book is haunting and gripping and an impeccable nonfiction read. Perfect for the #MOREORLESS giveaway!
The moment when Joey swallows the wedding ring has stuck with me, even 6 years after I originally read this! #THATSAWKWARD
Not only was this my first true crime book, it was the first non-fiction book I remember truly enjoying as much as fiction. Opened up so many new genres for me to explore! That makes it the perfect choice for the #SEEWHATIHAVEWON giveaway.
Listening to THE HATE U GIVE and loving it!! #YAYAY1 (and having so much fun with these giveaways today!)
❤❤ an old favorite, and every time I revisit it, there's something new!
What a perfect quote to cap off the day of the #womensmarch
With my coziest blanket, so ready!
Saturday night plans, brought to me by Book of the Month Club!
"From my apartment I would walk down Calle de las Huertas, nodding to the street cleaners in their lime-green jumpsuits..." I remember them! From the first page, taking me right back to my semester in Madrid.