One of the most fascinating memoirs I have ever read. Picked it up on a bit of a whim, and was taken by surprise. 👍#GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH
One of the most fascinating memoirs I have ever read. Picked it up on a bit of a whim, and was taken by surprise. 👍#GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH
I put all the entries from the #GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH giveaway into the random name generator and @Kmatti844 won! Thanks to everyone for participating. I'm rolling out giveaways all weekend so stay tuned! 🎉📚😘
I had trouble deciding which memoir to post about for #GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH, but then I remembered this quote from Steve Martin's book about his early days as a comedian. I'm currently exploring this path, and Martin's statement rings true.
Coping with and using my own pain, trauma, and struggles as fodder for something that makes people laugh has been a revelation. There is no comedy without truth. There is no comedy without pain. Laughter is key.
#giveawaythetruth @Liberty My favorite memoir is by my favorite author, Bill Bryson! I even named my dog, Bryson 😁
My favorite memoir is this gem. It actually all happens before she becomes famous, but seeing how she grew up is fascinating. #giveawaythetruth
#giveawaythetruth My favorite memoir...and I love memoir. @Liberty
Right now this is my favorite memoir, but the next one I read may displace it. I also love how it gives me an excuse to post some of my Buckhorn Baths Wildlife Museum photos. It's funny and worth a whirl! #GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH @Liberty