#MarchMadness final haul!
Top row were all book club reads
Middle row #AAM and #LMPBC and #shortstory challenge
Bottom row are still in progress
#MarchMadness final haul!
Top row were all book club reads
Middle row #AAM and #LMPBC and #shortstory challenge
Bottom row are still in progress
This book was great! I alternated between the print book, which has photos, and the audiobook, which has excellent narration by the author as well as banjo interludes. This book focuses on Steve Martin‘s early life through his stand up career, which ended in 1981. It‘s written with his trademark keen, philosophical wit, introspective voice, and clever eye for detail. Highly enjoyable.
I‘m on a non-fiction kick right now. I‘ve always been a fan of Steve Martin so this was an interesting read about how he became the Steve Martin we know today.
For #JokeDay I thought of the brilliantly funny Steve Martin & this book which, although I read it ages ago, I really enjoyed. 💜
“Some people have a way with words, and other people...oh, uh, not have way.”
Steve Martin
I've always liked Steven Martin, from his early days guest hosting SNL on through his movies, sadly I never got to see his stand up in person. This mainly covers Martin's years building up his stand up career, from nobody to someone who fills stadiums. I can understand why he eventually quit. 4 🤣🤣🤣🤣
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterB @BookishMarginalia
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 297
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
Audiobook read by Steve Martin. Interesting story about his life and career.
Dad and I give this #audiobook 👍🏻👍🏻, enthusiastically! Dad was really into comedy and SNL in the 70s, so this was a pleasant trip to his youth. I noticed he was less serious on trips where we listened.
For me, it reminded me of the comedy touchstones of my childhood. “Wild and crazy guys” anyone? Well exxxcuuuse me!
Martin is open and introspective during this look at his years as a stand up comic and narrates the story well. Recommended!
5-20-19: My 41st finished book of 2019! #bornstandingup #stevemartin 👍🏼📖#️⃣4️⃣1️⃣😻😴
If you‘re looking for a complete biography of Steve Martin, this isn‘t it. For instance, he refers offhandedly to his divorce, without ever mentioning that he‘d gotten married. Fortunately, I knew little about Martin going in, not having seen much more than his appearance on Jerry Seinfeld‘s “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” (I know, I know; I‘m a Philistine 😳🙈).
*review cont‘d below👇🏻
I love this. 💖
Rick Moranis once referred to Steve Martin‘s act as “anti-comedy.” How perfect is that?
“And my closer: 'Well, we've had a good time tonight considering we're all going to die someday.'“
“At the print shop, I learned my first life lesson. One day, I was particularly gloomy & Jim asked me what the matter was. I told him my high-school girlfriend (for all of two weeks) had broken up with me. He said, “Oh, that‘ll happen a lot.” The knowledge that this horrid grief was simply a part of life‘s routine cheered me up almost instantly.”
My daughter and I adore the Cheaper by the Dozen movies. Martin does an entertaining and touching job of explaining how he eventually ended up with his film career. #audiomemoir
I am never surprised to learn about the serious sides of comics but Steve Martin's memoir is beautifully written and concise. Not one to over inflate himself or his achievements. I found him deep and funny and highly philosophical.
Note: I listened to the author's narration on Audible and he's just a delight. Some one liners never get old.
#QuotsyMay18 #comic
I read this memoir, subtitled "A Comic's Life" several years ago and it still has a place on my shelves.
I can't remember if the above quote is in the book or not, but it's one of my favorites. With his books, comedy, acting, and music, Steve Martin a way has of words certainly! ?
Didnt get to take a picture last night, but for the last 4-ish hours of our road trip to Amarillo to see family for Labor Day, me& my family ended up listening to my audio of Born Standing up 💙From 8 pm - Midnight we listened,& even my younger brother & sister (college freshmen) turned off their show on iTunes to listen and laugh along. I don't know- I just really love moments like this,& how we all l sat to listen to this story 🎧🌕cont.👇🏻
Going super literal for #ThatJokeIsntFunnyAnymore
Steve Martin was the Beatles of stand-up in the 70s, selling out stadiums to screaming crowds. In 1981, he packed up and walked away.
I have always been in awe of Martin's balance of no-holds-barred goofiness and scathing perceptiveness. This memoir is thoughtful, quiet, and occasionally melancholy. It made me love him more than I already did, which was a lot. #JuneTunz
I had trouble deciding which memoir to post about for #GIVEAWAYTHETRUTH, but then I remembered this quote from Steve Martin's book about his early days as a comedian. I'm currently exploring this path, and Martin's statement rings true.
Coping with and using my own pain, trauma, and struggles as fodder for something that makes people laugh has been a revelation. There is no comedy without truth. There is no comedy without pain. Laughter is key.
I have been a fan of Steve Martin for as long as I can remember. This is not a salacious tell all. It is a thoughtful well constructed memoir. I enjoyed hearing about his development process as a comedian. Revisiting his comedic height had me remembering pieces of his routines I loved and how much I miss his voice.
"Thankfully, perseverance is a great substitute for talent."
I can count the number of memoirs I've read on one hand, but these two mean a lot to me. #17booklove @jess.how #memoirlove
New library pick 📚
My reading goal this year is more auto/biographies/memoirs!
I don't think I'll finish either of the books I'm currently reading by the end of today (Scrappy Little Nobody and Today Will Be Different), so here are my January 2017 #readingstats. Yay.
Update: After seeing the positive response to this graphic (which is really just mindless doodles), I've decided I'd be happy to make similar ones for any Littens who may be interested! Just email me at katedensen@gmail.com with what you want on yours!
Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do.
When I first read Steve Martin's fiction, I was in awe of what a talented writer he is. This autobiography is not exempt from his ability to expertly wield a pen, and listening to it on audio was amazing.
This memoir about Martin's entry to the world of entertainment through stand-up and his eventual eschewal of the form is raw, honest, and deeply relatable despite his iconic status.
(Also, "B" for #LitsyAtoZ!)
Getting in some #audiobook time while working on the next episode of #MyWeekInTinder.
One of my favorite things is listening to audiobooks while I do my hair and makeup. Do you think I have enough products?
Inspiring for those of us who strive to turn our tragedy into comedy.
Has everyone recovered from #24in48? Starting this morning with a new audiobook that was recommended by my Sketch teacher at UCB. Also, it's the "B" in my #LitsyAtoZ challenge.
(For the record, I crossed off letters "K" and "O" during #24in48 with Mindy Kaling's "Why Not Me?" and Alain de Botton's "On Love," respectively.)
An enjoyable listen. There were banjo tunes in between chapters that Steve Martin wrote! He is a great narrator. It wasn't as laugh out loud funny as I thought it would be. He was very honest about the beginning of his career, his anxiety and dealing with fame. #24in48
#litsyatoz reading challenge all biographies starting with last name. Should be a good time.
This was an interesting memoir that chronicled Steve Martin's rise to fame as a comic performer. I found the reasoning behind his act surprising.
Sorry for the "meh" lighting Littens, but I had to share my excitement. Signed book! I love author signed books ?? Edit: If any of you get a chance to see his new play Meteor Shower is it quite hysterical, even if I know a good bit of the overarching meaning went over my head (if there's a peach, I see a peach. I'm not good at symbolism,ok?) :P #signedsundays (somewhat early)
5⭐️👍🏻🎉 What a wonderful audio! I am glad I chose to listen instead of reading this particular book- hearing Mr Steve Martin read ( and sing parts of!) his book, and give emotion and depth to his words is something more than the experience of just reading it. He is a very gifted and talented man, and I am thankful for his tireless work.
Just bought my first daily deal for $3.99! I want to get in the habit of listening to audio books- I don't have a membership anymore because I don't listen to enough audiobooks to balance the monthly payment, but maybe if I start buying the daily deals I'll get in to #AudioBookPractice and get back to the membership!👍🏻📚
My favorite wild and crazy guy and Steve Martin. After reading Martin's memoir, it's clear why I have an affinity for him. My dad shared Martin's intellectual ability and goofiness. I also admire Martin's work ethic.
Born Standing Up could be named Born Writing, Born Painting, Born Creative. With his classic smart, yet, modest charm, Mr. Martin's book is a guide on how to be creative, laid out from first magic trick to onscreen success. The passages about his parents are endearing and memorable. #stacked #augustphotochallenge
Born Standing Up could be named Born Writing, Born Painting, Born Creative. With his classic smart, yet, modest charm, Mr. Martin's book is a guide on how to be creative, laid out from first magic trick to onscreen success. His passages about his parents are endearing and memorable. #stacked
Reading this for my book club at work. I wasn't sure that I would enjoy it, but I'm really digging his voice so far!
We've had a good time tonight , considering we're all going to die someday.