Going through old boxed is a trip down memory lane. I loved this book as a kid! It made a huge impression on me and what friendships look like. I was super into secret languages and club houses with hidden places.
Going through old boxed is a trip down memory lane. I loved this book as a kid! It made a huge impression on me and what friendships look like. I was super into secret languages and club houses with hidden places.
I loved this book as a kid. I came across my copy when cleaning out some very old things. I worried that it wouldn‘t hold up all these years later. It definitely does! I can see now why the story appealed to me. A strong young female lead questioning what her parents are up to and secrets really mirrored my experience at the time. It was a solid revisit. A good reminder to keep looking up.
I am breathless! This is everything I want in a follow up. It was engaging. We get up to speed with our friends and then more happens. The pace picks up and holy moly. Science and fiction blended with interesting stakes and people I want to know more about. I can hardly wait for the next book!!
I understand growing up around water and the way it can reflect a mood or a feeling. I am very impressed by how Bruce tells his story. His voice wasn't in my head so much, but there was a connection in another way. Maybe it was the water connection? I think his story telling captives, informs and inspires. I've always loved a good story and Bruce has one to tell. He is a master. He spares little and I appreciate him even more for it.
Simple and fun but it just wasn't for me. I had to actively suspend my disbelief and in the end I was disappointed by the whole thing. Clever premise. I think for some it would totally work.
Amy Schumer is a legit badass! Having her voice in my head made me feel stronger, braver and more confident. Her willingness to be honest and raw was fantastic. This book has many great messages one I particularly like is own your mistakes they make you who you are. No twonder she's a role model.
A warm, frank, wonderfully sarcastic and fun voice belonging to Anna Kendrick has been in my head. I really liked it. This is not a typical biography and is much the better for it. I feel like I'm a secret confidant and have the inside scoop. I look forward to Kendrick's next chapter.
A family history based on a place. Well written. Interesting characters. For whatever reason I just didn't connect with it. I wanted to.
Family drama and dysfunction set around money. The old adage "don't count your chickens before they're hatched" comes to mind. If that was all there was to this story then it probably wouldn't be worth your time, but the telling makes all the difference. A well told story elevates what could have been left at a cliche to something really enjoyable.
A boisterous paranormal heist which moves at a fairly brisk pace. Fun and not what I expected. A pleasant diversion from other things.
Gripping! This thriller is not typical. Imaginative and intense I hesitate to say more. Very enjoyable ride!
Interesting premise but sadly not really executed well. The characters were not well drawn and the plot not much better. Don't waste your time.
A candid and insightful look at someone who had been alternately ignored, shamed and ridiculed for her body. Getting to know Lindy through her words was educational and enjoyable. A voice I didn't realize I needed to hear but want to spend more time with in the future.
The title says it all. Learn about comics. There is more than meets the eye a some what trite saying, but really true none the less. A clever show and tell about the mechanics and history of graphic storytelling.
This in not 80s as window dressing, but rather a solid setting, which took me back to my own young adulthood and nerdery. Think a cross between Ready Player One and any of the John Green stories. Coming of age story with all of the struggles, humor and a dash of charm. Not quite as formulaic as it sounds. Very enjoyable.
Relatable in some ways but juvenile on others. Not surprising very much similar tone to The Mindy Project, which I like but want in doses. Of course ymmv.
I have been a fan of Steve Martin for as long as I can remember. This is not a salacious tell all. It is a thoughtful well constructed memoir. I enjoyed hearing about his development process as a comedian. Revisiting his comedic height had me remembering pieces of his routines I loved and how much I miss his voice.
Quick read. Enjoyable point of view stories showing why we all need to be feminists.
Infatuation, and the need to belong drive this odd perspective narrative. The plot is slowly revealed but it is really adolescent shame and humiliation that stayed with me. The backdrop of a cult family setting works as a foil for the main character. It is her singular voice that stands out.
A frothy, hectically paced story. Looking for a quick cheeky read this hits those notes. Sharp and witty like Semple's other books.
The very definition of page turner! Gulped in large doses. Violent. Cleverly told. Not a straight narrative which makes it memorable and for me enjoyable. If you like the untypical this book might be for you.
I did not see that ending coming! Overall this book is dark though I must say I found it strangely hopeful.
Fine writing. Chick lit light. Perfect for young adults experiencing first crushes and such. Not particularly challenging but fun enough for light reading.
Heart wrenching. Worth the time even give the difficult subject matter. Cried.
A fine book albeit not quite my cup of tea or lutefisk if you will. I did enjoy the structure of the book. This is more like a collection of essays each told from a different perspective.
If you like food centric stories with a strong sense of place this book might be for you.
Post-apocalyptic tail of survival. How does society survive? What does exploration look like makes an interesting premise?The story starts off promising enough, but rapidly becomes somewhat cliché driven. It was fine but it wouldn't be my first recommendation.
I am not sure what to make of second book in this series. It went in a strange and unexpected direction. A fast paced dystopian fantasy with a strong female lead character. I'm intrigued to find out what happens next.
All relationships are a matter of perspective which is the crux of this book. We artfully get the point of view of each spouse neither is necessarily reliable. Wordplay and imagery abound yet this book was a page turner for me.
I sort of feel this picture says it all. If you've read the book you probably understand. A non linear story of love, thoughtfully told. An unusual perspective worth experiencing. Definitely has me thinking.
Fast paced. Engaging. Enjoyable mystery. Solid characters and plot. The very definition of a page turner. Super pick for a summer read!
Fun and a little on the nose in an offbeat way. Quick, enjoyable and humorous with pictures I felt like I would have drawn.
Fun and engaging re-imagining of the wonderful Austin Pride and Prejudice. Fast paced and even though you might know how it ends the trip is worth it.
This book came highly recommended by several reliable sources. I was super excited to see what all the fuss was about. Sadly I don't get it. A quick well written read yet I found the plot and characters uninteresting. Ymmv.
Fun from beginning to end! Fast paced plot kept me turning the page. Perfect summer read.
I enjoyed having Amy Poehler's voice in my head. She feels like someone I would be friends with. I laughed. I nodded in agreement/understanding. I was left wanting more of her creativity in the world.
Words fail me. I typically stay away from books set in or around the holocaust. I am glad I made an exception here. Vivid and captivating characters brought this heart aching story to life. Well done!
Compelling fast paced read. Throughly enjoyed the ride. Finished it in one day. Sad that it is over. I am still thinking of the story and characters. Definitely recommend!
Fast read. A little to formulaic. I can believe one big traumatizing event but multiple....