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Sandry's Book | Tamora Pierce
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I reread a lot, because I love the comfort of knowing how the story is going to end, and I get to focus on different things, and I always find new things every time.

Most often, I reread the Circle of Magic books, the Circle Opens books, and since Dracula Daily started, I‘ve reread Dracula every year.

#SundayFunday Have a wonderful day, and don‘t forget to tag me!

CaramelLunacy I love the Song of the Lioness Quartet to retrad 3w
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Sandry's Book | Tamora Pierce
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I love the found family created by these four children and their teachers. I especially love reading about Lark and Rosethorn coming to care so deeply for them.

#SundayFunday If you are celebrating, happy Mother‘s Day! If you‘re not, for whatever reason, I‘m sending you my love and hope you have a wonderful day. Don‘t forget to tag me in your responses!

Wolf-speaker | Tamora Pierce
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I know some on GR felt this one was slower than the first, but I think that worked in its favor. Daine is gaining powers, learning her magic. If it were rushed it would feel cheap. Daine & Numair uncover a plot that threatens not just the throne, but all of Tortall. When Daine and Numair separate, and a magic barrier soon makes that separation against their will, Daine must work with the People in ways she hasn‘t before. Will they be in time?

AshleyHoss820 The photo is from 8tracks.com, but I don‘t know who the artist is! 5mo
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Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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I mentioned to my friend that I needed a palette cleanser after finishing this last semester. She got so excited and told me all about this series she had read and loved as a young girl. When someone‘s eyes light up when discussing a book, you read that book. I am SO glad I did. Strong female characters, good world-building, the magic made sense. I loved the dialogue. A young girl who can talk to animals!? Middle-school-me would‘ve swooned! ☺️

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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CoffeeK8 I love this book! 7mo
TheSpineView @CoffeeK8 ❤️📖 7mo
Klou Excellent!! 6mo
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The Realms of the Gods | Tamora Pierce
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Dragons and duckmoles and badgers oh my! A grand adventure through the divine realms, a war of grand (you could even say divine) proportions, promises broken, and secrets revealed! A wonderful conclusion to this lovely series! I can‘t wait to get to Kel‘s books! (I just have to wait for them to arrive)

The Emperor Mage | Tamora Pierce
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My favourite of all of Daine‘s books (although the last is a close second) a truly fantastic book where we explore Tortal‘s southern neighbour for the first time and Daine looses her temper in just the most massive way posible (with a little help from a meddling old woman)

Wolf-speaker | Tamora Pierce
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We get to meet the pack! And a whole host of other friends (furred, feathered, two legger, and immortal) as well as a cast of foes, but isn‘t that always the case. Likewise, Daine starts the long (though not as long for her as many others) slog of growing up.

Wild Magic | Tamora Pierce
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Daines turn! I love her so much y‘all, kel will always hold court as my favourite but before there was Kel there was Daine and there‘s a special place in my heart for this lovely wild girl who is (understandably) So So scared of herself and what she can do. Lucky for her she‘s about to find the best friends (family) a young girl could ask for.

Lioness Rampant | Tamora Pierce
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Now a full and (mostly) accepted knight and shaman of the Bazhir Alanna goes off seeking adventure and forgetting that adventures equal stories and stories equal fame. She travels to the roof of the world, seeks glory for her king, has dalliances with dragons, and learn yet more techniques with both fist and blade. All of which will help her with what waits for her when she finally makes it home to the castle.