I‘m over 3 decades late to the train, but I am loving the Dinotopia series. The story is interesting, the illustrations are amazing. I‘m in awe on every page. I want so many hung up on my walls!
I‘m over 3 decades late to the train, but I am loving the Dinotopia series. The story is interesting, the illustrations are amazing. I‘m in awe on every page. I want so many hung up on my walls!
Nightstand stack has finally gotten smaller. I also got this lovely crocheted fabric at the thrift store for $4. It‘s gorgeous and it must have taken whoever crafted it some time!
Storm knocked the lights out, so thought I‘d ready a spooky book by flashlight, lol
I‘ve always loved twilight. I understand it‘s not a literary masterpiece, but the books and movies are fun. They are my guilty pleasure! I found these dust covers that look like cheesy vhs movies and treated myself. Midnight Sun is my favorite cover I think!
I didn‘t like No Exit, but this was the only May BOTM that sounded interesting so I figured I would give the author a second chance. Big mistake. I started out liking it. I haven‘t felt this angry finishing a book in forever. I don‘t want to donate it, because someone will end up paying money for it, and if I put it in a little free library someone is still wasting their time. What to do with a book you really disliked?
I bought a used copy on Amazon for book club and it came in signed!
I had some felt left over after making a craft so I made a bookmark. 🤣
Okay, so I may be in my 30s, but I appreciate a fun Percy Jackson style series every now and then. This is the first book I DNF‘d this year. The lead was very much a Mary Sue, and with writing like this….
My little free library had this cat fantasy book and I can‘t wait to read it. With names like Hushpad, Eatbugs, Tailchaser and a promise for a journey “beyond his wildest catmares” I‘m not sure how it could go wrong. 🤣
But for real, it looks like a very well loved book that was read many times and even taped up. It must have something special going for it. I‘ve got a soft spot for well loved paperbacks.
So close to being done! Now I need to wait two weeks to get my hold in again.
My hold came in and to my surprise it is read by Kate Mulgrew. Captain Janeway reading me a story!
Imagine being the editor that let this mistake head out into the world! The author‘s name is misspelled throughout the book. 😬
Way too many good picks this month! I wanted at least 6! I had to save some to my tbr.
Saga of the book I‘m reading. There are so many chapters that go into detail on what a pandemic is. I‘m like, come on, I know this already. It was published early 2019, it makes me wonder if the editor would have cut some chapters out because later into the covid pandemic EVERYONE knows so much now. There‘s been a lot of slow chapters, but at 70% listen through things got very interesting!
I tried posting a review after getting scammed and my review was rejected. I went back to try again and at least someone was able to post a review to prevent others from the same!
I still have 17 hours to go. This guy could have used a ruthless editor.
I got got. The picture on Amazon conveniently was missing the part that says it‘s a notebook, not the book itself. Luckily I can return it.
Just started this audiobook. When I first started I knew I recognize the narrator‘s voice but I couldn‘t place it. Then I realized he also narrated songbirds and snakes by Suzanne Collins. I like his narration style.
I put up a tent for my pup and now I want a me size one for a reading nook. He always looks so cozy. I‘m jealous, hah
This has been both a hard listen and a hopeful one. While his personal life seems messy his life of helping people in recovery once he found sobriety isn‘t. I‘m only halfway, but I am glad I picked this one on a whim. I don‘t know a lot about the actor and his story is a captivating one.
Is anyone else excited about this one? I‘ve had it on preorder for awhile and I‘m just like, could the 6th of September just get here already?!?
For some reason usps has delivered my BOTM to the exact same wrong house the past two boxes. We don‘t even live on the same street! We have the big communal locked boxes, so I get that it may be easy to make the mistake, I‘m just glad they bring it to me when they receive it!
I love it when they make the hardcover itself even prettier than the dust cover! What a gorgeous book!
I‘ve got two and a half hours left and I don‘t know if I can handle it. The last few hours have been just everything that can go wrong for the main character going wrong. I‘m stressed out, but I also want to know if things end well.
Yay!!! A neighbor brought my BOTM box over after it was mistakenly delivered to them. That made my day. 🤗 Now….which to read first!?
The saddest email to get when your book isn‘t actually delivered. 😭😭😭 I‘m hoping I get it tomorrow because otherwise it was delivered to a neighbor and NO ONE brings mis-delivered packages to the right house. My mail carrier literally lost 7 packages over a month.
I started this one when it came out and didn‘t get far. Figured I‘d give the audiobook a try. I would have loved to know more about Finnick, a young Haymitch, Mags. I‘m not sure why Collins chose to write about Snow, of all people. I don‘t really care about all these capitol characters.
Ha! There was a preorder for this book where I would receive a sticker and certificate of adoption for a kaiju. Mine is named Betsy. 🤣
This was definitely a cover buy, even though the story also sounds really interesting! It may be one of my favorite covers this year!
I think it‘s so funny that this book was delivered on a day I wore my Palo Duro hoodie.
Not a fan. Finished it for my book club, but if I had been reading it on my own it would have been a DNF. The audiobook wasn‘t bad though.
I was so excited to see my box was delivered, but when I got home it hadn‘t been, even though it says it was put in my mailbox on the usps tracking. 😢 My carrier often misdelivers the mail, so I‘ve lost many a package. I contacted BOTM to see what they can do. I was looking forward to reading this and the pins!!!
I just started this but had to stop and post. It starts with this word and the definition. I have a new favorite word!
Book club is tomorrow and I haven‘t read a bit of this book. I think Shiner is judging me.
Cat hair can even infect your books. THERE IS NO ESCAPE! Haha
Over a month ago my cats saw a cat through an open window and then proceeded to get in a bad fight with each other. They‘ve just started being okay being around each other again. We spent a good chunk of today hanging out. I‘m so happy! It‘s been so stressful having to keep them separated.
I saw this in the Halloween discount bin for $6 (from $30!) and had to have it for my shelves. Is it weird to have a Halloween decoration up all year? Haha
She‘s always got to have attention somehow when I‘m reading. Sometimes she‘s my book rest, haha!
I know you shouldn‘t judge a book based on its cover, but this one definitely convinced me to buy the book!
This book is so good! Only halfway through but I feel like it may be getting close to best book of the year for me.
Of course I would get over my reading slump as soon as the school year starts. Finished 3 books in a little over a week after struggling to finish pretty much any books. This one was so good. I‘m anxiously awaiting book 2!