I have been falling behind on my King reads (I get easily distracted by all the shiny new books) but I figured now was the perfect time to dive back in.
I have been falling behind on my King reads (I get easily distracted by all the shiny new books) but I figured now was the perfect time to dive back in.
Four past midnight is EASILY my favorite collection of novellas by Stephen King. this collection is perfect to me. 2 of the 4 have adaptions. this is Stephen King at his best. A little bit of everything. Science fiction horror from the midnight hour.
#Scarathlon #SpookyGhostClub @Clwojick
This isn't my favorite collection by King, but I still had a great time reading it.
The story I enjoyed the most was The Library Policeman. I've heard people talk about it for years, and I'm so glad I finally read it.
My first collection by Stephen King. Buddy read with my friend. Yikes, what to say? Weird and majorly disturbing: The Library Policeman…def gave me Rose The Hat vibes and then some- harm to children…awful, as far as some content goes. The Langoliers was probably my favorite. Interesting, other dimensional. The Sun Dog dragged on too much for me. Secret Window Secret Garden was a descent into madness I could‘ve lived without.
This is an excellent quartet of novellas. I'd still recommend Different Seasons over this, but I feel the quality of each story is more consistent with its peers in this collection. The Langoliers remains one of my favorite King stories, Secret Window, Secret Garden is a glorious depiction of a spiral into madness, The Library Policeman plays with one of my childhood's greatest fears, and The Sun Dog is a gripping race against the clock. 5/5
The Sun Dog - I'm not sure where King came up with this concept, but I love it. A Polaroid camera produces snapshots of a dog, rather than what it is pointed at. Over time, within each snapshot, the dog begins to turn, to growl, and to approach the frame of the picture. The build of tension throughout the story as it approaches its climax is delicious, and the Delevans are lovable protagonists, the kind you just have to see come through okay. 5/5
The Library Policeman - I'm always torn on this one. As a lifelong library lover, I was terrified as a child of the fabled Library Police coming to take me away for unreturned books. I also understand that sometimes horror is best crafted from the situations that make us supremely squeamish or uncomfortable. But The Library Policeman delves into a topic that is difficult to read about, yet does so towards the end of a very gripping tale. 4/5
Secret Window, Secret Garden: It seems wild to me that a movie was ever made from this - not because the story itself isn't compelling, but because no medium other than literature is so adept at documenting a spiraling descent into madness. This story portrays that descent beautifully, leaving the reader suspicious but unsure throughout. Despite King dealing with the subject matter in other works, I feel this stands as his best realization. 5/5
The Langoliers: This has always been one of my favorite King shorts. I was absolutely obsessed with this story's concepts when I was younger, and often would think about the world of the present sliding into some diminished past where it would wait to be devoured. Though it's not his most competently written, The Langoliers remains an engaging read. 5/5
This here book is my 64th book of his and the very first I've DNF'd, I just cannot get into it.
It wouldn't surprise me if someone told me this was written during his cocaine years because there's a fair bit of rambling and filler, like The Langoliers for example, I felt there was so much irrelevant backstory to the characters etc.
I'm just going to throw a moderate rating on it.
I'm not forcing myself to finish a book I'm not enjoying.
So I had 3 Audible credits burning a hole in my pocket for a month & I get 12 more in 8 weeks so shopping spree!!! I think I bought more books in No Buy January than any month last year. 3 credits for books that are big for me & CC points for the Tales book. I hope to love them all. ZzZzZzZz
Currently listening to the audible version. Interesting start and I can't wait to see how this goes.
YES! Today is a great day! My coworker found these two King books in our donation bin and set them aside for me, knowing he is one of my favorites! 🤗 I didn't have either of these, so it was a definite win! 💕📚💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #chaplin
Four stories in this book but it doesnt really hit the highs that King can reach. The highlight for me is Secret Window, Secret Garden, it has that real building sinister edge King can do so well. The other highlight for me was in the last story, The Sun Dog, a return to Castle Rock, the setting for a number of great King books (Cujo, The Dark Half).
My very small #stephenking collection. Just finished Four Past Midnight and really enjoyed it, but #thestand will always be my favorite!
Happy September! Hope everyone is having a nice day. I‘m still enjoying the Four Past Midnight collection. I wanted to read in my backyard, but it‘s still way too hot! ☀️📚☀️
Of the four novellas in this book, I chose to read “The Library Policeman” first because the title appealed to me. It was good in the beginning, even humorous at times. But it soon took a dark turn. Too dark for me. If I were to rate the book on this story alone, it might be a thumbs down. But I‘ll keep reading. After all, it‘s Stephen King. It has to be good. 📚
Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #4PastMidnight!
Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!
As promised #LosersClub Discussion starts NOW! Thanks for your patience!
Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #4PastMidnight & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there!
I've re-read two of these stories several times- The Langoliers and Secret Window, Secret Garden. But for some reason I usually skipped The Library Police and The Sun Dog, although they turned out to be the stand outs for me on this re-read for the #LosersClub readalong. Looking forward to the discussion!
This month‘s book is Four Past Midnight! Grab your copy of this collection of novellas and check back around June 18th for open discussion! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost #4PastMidnight
NEXT UP! Just a reminder that May‘s #losersclub read is #FourPastMidnight. Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about May 19th when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be in June. #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #Novellas #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost
Four novellas by Stephen King (The Langoliers; Secret Window, Secret Garden; The Library Policeman; The Sun Dog) - all very good, The Langoliers was my favorite.
The Library Policeman: Sam had gone by the Library hundreds of times during his years in Junction City, but this was the first time he had really looked at it; and he discovered a rather amazing thing: he hated the place on sight. (What??? Ok, well it is horror after all...)
Finished three past midnight: the library policeman, onto four past midnight: the sun dog. Nearly through this book
Two past midnight: secret garden, secret window is finished. I loved it. On to three past midnight: the library policeman
Finished one past midnight, the langoliers. I remember the movie from my childhood, was always one of my favorites. Finally read the book and it was very good. Time for two past midnight, secret garden, secret window.
The lovely @Hannah-leeloo told me I can read one from my tbr list this time. This is my choice haha.
It‘s a Stephen King book I wouldn‘t pick up again but it is a one I will add to my collection. The book is four short stories that of course have some supernatural setting. The last one, the Sun Dog, take place in a familiar town with familiar characters (mentioned). The main characters I know one was mentioned in Needful Things but the others I can‘t remember. The dog I almost thought was Cujo but I am not 100% if that is intended or is Cujo.
Great book, most of the stories in this book are made into movies. However, I feel the book is way better. Takes a while to really get into it but once your into it, you won't stop reading.
I think this explains A LOT. Seriously, take a look at my posts and the books I read. Not a lot of sunshine and lollipops. Fun to check out.
Bonus Fun Fact: The first NYT Bestseller List was published on my birthday, 45 years before I was born. That‘s, well, a long time. I‘ll let you do the math. It would just be another thing to make me feel old. My students do a fine job all by themselves - “You‘re older than my grandma!”
"Sitting down at the typewriter or picking up a pencil is a physical act; the spiritual analogue is looking out of an almost forgotten window, a window which offers a common view from an entirely different angle...an angle which renders the common extraordinary. The writer's job is to gaze through that window and report on what he sees.
But sometimes windows break."
When you love the intro as much as the story itself ❤ #constantreader
My oldest is graduating from Berklee College of Music this weekend! We leave tomorrow for Boston. While looking at their site for graduation info, came across this article— 10 of the Best Literary References to Berklee. Had a chuckle at #10. This one isn‘t in younger son‘s SK collection, so we‘ll have to remedy that 😊.
Here‘s the article for anyone interested: https://www.berklee.edu/news/10-best-literary-references-berklee
My mom was a serious Stephen King fan, and I have a very specific #memory of reading The Langoliers over her shoulder as she read this book. She gave me my love of reading. ❤️
Here's a little #KingAtoZ catchup post (bc i forgot yesterday 😁)
E is for Everything's Eventual
F is for Four Past Midnight
I always tell my students to read with a pen in hand. Stephen King has some great lines that just have to be marked.
Two stories with 4 in. Got a few of these Agatha Christie editions with three stories in it.
A strange bookmark ?
I'm totally in love with this collection of novels "Four past Midnight". And you?
#stephenking #horror #thriller #suspance #book #books #bookmark #italy #libri #romanzo #quote #cat
I'm finishing this one today! I have enjoyed all the talented narrators chosen for this collection. Also it finally cooled down to a crisp 82 degrees so beans on toast it is! 😜
So basically now every time I see a ✈️ my first reaction is to say "Congratulations, you survived the time rip! Welcome back!" ??