Looks like we have a sequel to The Searcher coming next year! Anyone else super excited?? 😊
Looks like we have a sequel to The Searcher coming next year! Anyone else super excited?? 😊
That "destroyed by the first page" feeling ?
How I wish this was required reading for students today, especially in light of recent anti-LGBTQ poison slowly seeping into our schools. I imagine putting this book in the hands of so many angry school board members, and saying "THIS is what it means to grow up queer."
Thank you to the author for crafting a beautiful prose that any queer person can relate to, and that others can learn from ?
#unpopularopinion time! I honestly don't see the hype here... I loved the premise of this, but I felt it needed more world-building to bring the setting to life. Also, for some reason I was really uncomfortable with the "God complex" others in the story seemingly gave to Jack, I feel like I needed a bit more substance to make his characterization work for me. But overall this was a light read that's perfect for summer! #botm
Unpopular opinion, apparenty, but I loved this almost as much as Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstances...though the ending felt a little rushed. Nonetheless, I was pleasantly surprised given the poor reviews. The writing was lush, the eccentric characters were lovely, and the plot was lighthearted enough to make this work.
Falling in love with underdog new releases seems to be a trend for me this year! #botm
I feel like the author read my yucky review of The Lost Apothecary and addressed my specific qualms with it in her second book 😆 Because as much as I disliked her first novel, I LOVED this one!
This read much nicer than her earlier dual-timeline debut, and eliminating that plot element worked well here. I'm actually surprised to see the dismal reviews, as aside from the flat characters, I thought this was a nice, light historical mystery #botm
Oof, this pregnancy has been rough. Even in the second trimester, my nausea is triggered by reading and other go-to stress relievers. Going from my usual book-a-week to barely being able to get through one during the whole month has been brutal on my mental health 😪
That being said, I'm so happy with my most recent choice. This was light but still impactful, and it was just what I needed this rainy weekend 👍
I haven't been reading at my normal pace this year, and this such an anticipated new release from a favorite author...and oof, this may be one of my biggest letdowns of all time. The mystery was interesting, but way too drawn out. The atmospheric writing that Morton is known for was almost non-existant, and I disliked every main characters more and more as the plot went on. Her weakest book to date IMO, though I'm definitely in the minority!
After what has been a horrendous 🤢 1st trimester, today I was able to get some early morning reading in, a weekend favorite of mine. Especially since I've had zero energy to pick up any of my usual comforts over the past few months--books, artwork/crafts, tarot, morning walks, or even Litsy for that matter--this is a morning I'm savoring!
Going into this one totally blind, and loving it so far. Everyone needs a little SK magic once in a while!
A typical #botm thriller, but one of the strongest ones they've had in a while! The writing was really well done, and I liked how flawed the main character was without being overly "unlikeable" (although, I'm taking off some points because once again we see the "sex-crazed bisexual woman" trope...come on, guys ?) But overall I thought the author did a good job building up to the twisty conclusion.
Why does this resonate so much right now 😆
Looking forward to finishing the tagged so I can start tackling my monstrous stack of books from the holiday season!
When a friend of a friend unexpectedly drops off a huge bag of books after moving, cause you're the only one she knows who even remotely likes to read....
TBR shelf is officially doomed for 2023, and it's not even January yet 🤣
After running around to some extended family members in the early morning and then rushing home to host my own Christmas Eve party, I totally overlooked posting my picture last night!!! The candy is already gone and the book is already on my physical TBR shelf 😁 thank you @Chili for the recommendation, this looks PERFECT for the crazy weather we are having right now! #jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon
A Flicker In The Dark was a favorite of last year, but sadly I think this had a case of the Sophmore Slumps. Interesting storyline, but I really didn't like the main protagonist...and the other characters had such little development. Still entertaining enough for a quick thriller to sneak in before 2023! #botm
Got my #jolabokaflodswap package today! I didn't see a handle on the outside (unless it's there and I can't find it!), so thank you to my match! @MaleficentBookDragon
#jolabokaflodswap package going out tomorrow! Only has a few states over to go, so hoping my match gets it fairly quickly! @MaleficentBookDragon
I've been in the worst reading slump since September. I've no desire to pick anything up, and when I do nothing kept my interest! So many DNFs after 30 pages or so. Today I finally forced myself to (sucessfully) get through a one-sitter.
This wasn't my favorite LaCour, but I love what she did here. Each relationship--romantic, queer, or otherwise--was given proper space to grow authentically, without the bow-tie perfection we often expect 💜
Saturday #audiocrafting while trying to squeeze in a few more small craft show items to fill my table for next weekend. These gift card holders are a super cute #papercrafting project anyone can try! Also a great way to use up those scraps...#litsycrafters @Catsandbooks
Not sure I'm seeing the hype for Daisy Darker yet...I think I can already see where this is going, and if I'm right I'm going to be annoyed!
@MoonWitch94 I am absolutely love my #basicwitchswap box! Had to have my husband take a picture because I already left for my work trip tonight 😆 I've had my eye on The Wild Unknown for a while and this was the perfect surprise 💜
I tried the tea earlier and it was perfect for tonday's rainy weather...and excellent selection on books!! Blessings to you and your family 🌛
Thank you as always, @sprainedbrain for hosting another great swap!
@MoonWitch94 it's here safe and sound!!! Can't wait for opening day, hope everyone is healthy 💜 @sprainedbrain #basicwitchswap
#basicwitchswap box out the door for Friday delivery! Just realized i forgot to put my litsy name on the box 😆 @sprainedbrain
I've been MIA from Litsy (and reading in general, for that matter) the past month while traveling for work, but I've officially received all my items for my #basicwitchswap match's box! Hoping to get the package out this weekend 😁 @sprainedbrain @Chrissyreadit
I'm so bad with keeping my inbox clean, so go I through huge unread email purges once every few months. Once in a while, you find a "diamond in the rough" of missed emails from the prior month!! ??☺️
For anyone not on her email list...Kate Morton's officially coming out with a new book next year!!
Not for the faint of heart, but a solid #botm pick from a new-to-me author. I loved the writing style and definelty see the SA Crosby comparisons with this.
I do think the "horror" label is a bit of a stretch... I feel the supernatural elements as desribed didn't quite fit the tone of the book; they would have been more impactful if they were more understated. But overall a nice surprise for me!
What a lovely package from @Gissy for our #lammassmallswap 🤩 I have a new garden-centered book directly from my wishlist, adding to my ever-growing collection. I've already bonded with the Tarot deck you picked out for me...great choice!!
I hope everyone had fun with this small-scale swap, thank you @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit for hosting!
Idk about everyone else, but I'm absolutely in love with the selections this month 🤩🤩 I enjoyed Lauren Owen's The Quick, which got really dismal reviews--so I think that's a good indication this one will be a winner!
This is the first time in a while I have any desire to fill my box with three books...now I need to pick my other two! #botm
AUTHORS! We need to STOP framing asexuality as a "lifestyle choice" and start genuinely advocating for/validating all LGBTQIA+ identities ??
This is the third newly-published book (and the second BOTM pick) over the past year that I've seen do this so blatently.... reminds me that among the progress, we still have quite a ways to go! #botm
Matilda is super excited that we got a package today, and it made it here safely! I didn't see a Litsy handle, but I think it's from @Gissy based on the small group we have for this swap 😊 Thank you so much, can't wait for opening day! #lammassmallswap @sprainedbrain @Chrissyreadit
This is a tough one to rate. On one hand I really couldn't buy into the tone (now I get what other reviews mean by "John Greenish"). But there's still so much to love with this! Coming from a tight Catholic community where the archbishop has more political influence than the governer, I can tell you we need more books like Shara Wheeler. Not my favorite from McQuiston, but still relatable and lots of fun ?
My #lammassmallswap is out for Monday delivery! I went a little tape-heavy, but we made it work 💪
I love the idea of these super small swaps for the festivals between the Equinox and Solstice celebrations! It gives everyone an opportunity to participate in the festivities all year round 😊 @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit #witchesoflitsy
Attention Tarot friends! Erin Morgenstern recently announced that her Night Circus themed deck is being released in the US this November! You can preorder and view some of the imagery on her website... check it out! Thought I'd pass this along here to all my fellow #witchesoflitsy 😊
This has to be the biggest "surprise" 5-star review I've ever given ?
In just shy of 300 pages, the author created a beautiful, quiet, but magical story full of nostalgia. The writing was light but had enough substance to build a convincing world, which is a "must" in my fantasy books. I had distinct flashbacks of my 8-year old self looking for fairies in the forest...my heart is so happy and full ?
Love starting my Saturdays on the deck with a book and a bagel, before everyone else wakes up. The forecast is calling for temps in the low 70s, so hoping I can spend most of my day outside ?
I recently started this "magical woods" fantasy, and so far it's everything I could hope for on this gorgeous late spring day ?
So excited for the #lammassmallswap that the wonderful @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit are hosting! I've been craving a new witchy swap since skipping our Beltane Box event earlier this year 😁 Can't wait! #witchesoflitsy
I think I've officially decided that Taylor Jenkins Reid just isn't for me. I appreciated Evelyn Hugo for the bi rep but otherwise was bored and this one was no different 😔
I loved the first half and felt like the story was set up for what should have been a showstopper of a conclusion, but this ultimately was also pretty forgettable for me! #botm
Starting a new listen while I catch up on some projects! I guess "florals" is similar to our #litsycrafters theme ? I'm far from a practicing Catholic now, but the image of Mary still brings me peace. So I include her in my crafts, mostly for gifts!
And yes, that's my new Bi Pride wreath...for anyone dealing with "no-flag" rules in your community, here's my sneaky idea on how to skirt the rules this month ? @Catsandbooks #audiocrafting
@ErinSueMreads they're here!!!! Thank you for the lovely card, all three of these recipes look incredible! I'll pick one to try this weekend 😁
PS, I'm loving your idea of a witchy recipe swap! There's so much to play with there, herbal blends or spooky snacks for non-practicing folks who'd want to join in! Maybe this is something we can squeeze in between the various Wheel of the Year swaps?? #recipeswap #witchesoflitsy @BennettBookworm
I am OVER THE MOON (no pun intended) with my #recipeswap surprise from @ErinSueMreads 😊 Beautiful book selection, it's just what I needed. Plus, I have not one, but THREE new Tarot cloths that I can use in my practice! This was such a generous addition to the swap 💜
I'll let you know when my card gets here! My local post office has been pretty short-staffed, so it may be a bit...I can't wait to see what recipes you picked! @BennettBookworm
@Wonderwoman89 wanted to make sure you got your #recipeswap package! The tracking said it was delivered yesterday so just checking to see that it got there safely 😊
Apparently Book 2 is slated for a December release! Love these characters, love this world.... especially after a bunch of "meh" reads lately. Can't wait to see how this duology unfolds ?
My #recipeswap package will be in the mail tomorrow! @BennettBookworm I'll send you the tracking info when I have it 😁
I know for other Litsy swaps I've participated in lately, we haven't been writing down specifics re: what's in the package to prevent porch thefts from snooping. I put our opening date on my package instead, I hope that's ok!
I already have the Nina LaCour pre-ordered but was happy to see it as a pick ☺️
I feel like this month was super Fantasy-heavy, but overall this was def one of the better set of selections for 2022 👌 though I'm really surprised the new Emily Henry and Casey McQuiston books weren't at least included as add-ons given BOTM's history 🤔 #botm
A solid pick, but in my opinion this didn't even come close to the masterpiece that I found in Migrations.
I felt this was written for a more mainstream audience? I was hoping it would replicate the "meandering" feel of its predecessor but instead seemed much more plot-driven. But even with some elements I didn't love (make sure to research the TWs in this) I still enjoyed it overall and am already looking forward to her next book ? #botm
Us artsy/crafty people get into slumps just like readers do ? but I can always count on a good Sunday-night #audiocrafting session to get me out of a "blah" mood! @Catsandbooks #LitsyCrafters
FINALLY!!! Some good news for Ninth House fans! 😊
Not my favorite month, but my Aunt is a huge Trigiani fan so I was happy to "share the wealth" and snag this up for her ? Kaikeyi has gotten great reviews but retellings are a hit-or-miss for me, so I think I'll hold off for now.
Seems like alot of people weren't too thrilled with the selections, but I know Spring can be a slower publishing season when it comes to new releases! #botm
Was actually a little disappointed in this one. This was almost like The Secret History meets National Treasure, and it had sooo much potential. I really didn't care for the author's writing style (SO, many, commas, 😅). More spoiler-ish thoughts in comments.... #botm
There is so much springtime goodness in my #springequinoxswap package from @MittenGirlPeach 😊 between the three books and all the lovely goodies(and the tea you picked happens to be my favorite...😍), I'm thrilled to start off the new season with so much love and light! This made my day!
Thanks @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit for hosting yet another successful witchy swap! Blessed Ostra to all 💜🐰⚘️
Day 4 of #TarotTakeover ?
With The Hierophant, there are often associations with tradition, religion, and dogma. For some, this could signify spiritual familiarity and comfort--but for others, it can be traumatizing. The tagged book asks so many questions regarding women within traditional narratives, and whether "tradition" and "dogma" directly relates to erasure of marginalized voices in history. This one's a favorite!