Finished odd hours, Lincoln's turn
Going to read this as well so I can do a review. Free books for reviews is pretty cool.
Going to read another from this series
I just couldn't do the Acotar series. I have my reasons I guess. Moving on.
Going back to this series. I've been convinced to read further.
Oh yeah. The 15th book came out and reminded me to finish reading these
I've abandoned lost tribe of the sith. Couldn't get into it. I may go back to it later. I'm going to move on for now.
I can't stop with the start wars. I will get them all knocked out one day. @hannah-leeloo
Back to the star wars series
The bone collector was pretty good. Going to continue on with the series.
Going to try and read this again. The first attempt just failed due to "oh look a shiny thing" syndrome and I read other stuff haha.
Took a pause in the ACOTAR series to read this again. Been depressed lately and that puts me in a reading slump. Going to read old favorites to try and help.
As promised @hanah-leeloo, I finished red harvest and I'm taking a break w from star wars to read these!
Continuing onto the next in the saga @hannah-leeloo
Time to delve deeper into this world
Finished flowers for algernon. Still a very emotional experience. Thought I'd read something more fitting for the season. @hannah-leeloo
Unbirthday has been flat for three chapters, went into a reading slump. I've decided to reread a childhood favorite to hopefully get me back into the reading spirit. @hannah-leeloo
Going to break free to the hobbit and give to it's a read
Going back to one of my favorites
Finished the shattered series. Going to read some more political books for a bit to annoy @hannah-leeloo when I discuss them haha. Starting with Dave Rubin.
On to the last book, which happens to include moth in the mirror, so I'm already a 1/3 of the way done with it haha @hannah-leeloo
Finished ensnared, very enjoyable. @hannah-leeloo discovered this novella that should be read after the first book in the series, but better late than never...
Splintered was very enjoyable, I especially liked the first person writing which is rare. On to the second book of the series @hannah-leeloo
Reading this with my fianceé @hannah-leeloo
The quest has ended, we have made it to the dark tower.
Defeated the wolves, now to continue the quest for the dark tower.
It was such a good story of Roland's past, but now we must continue the quest for the dark tower.
Finally, after a long hiatus of not reading, time to move forward on the quest for the dark tower. @hannah-leeloo