A road map of advice on how we should behave as good citizens. Twelve general rules that would make society function much better. Followed by stories showing how these rules could be applied or have been applied.
A road map of advice on how we should behave as good citizens. Twelve general rules that would make society function much better. Followed by stories showing how these rules could be applied or have been applied.
Peterson blends Psychology, Myths, Religion, and Literature to take us through his 12 rules to better understand life and live a meaningful life. It's very interesting to see the strong influence of Russian Literature (Dostoyevsky), Psychology (Jung, Neumann), and Christian myths in his writing. Like all reading is subjective, this book garnered praise as well as criticism for its controversial views, particularly in relation to gender politics.
im currently at rule 7. this book is not an easy read. it is not easy at all to keep up with petersons rapid change from subject to subject. however, if you really try to understand this book by reading it slowly and carefully( it helps to keep a notebook where you write some ideas) its unarguably worth reading.it dives into complex matters and mostly phylosophical questions, whilst aproaching simple problems in appearance. ultimately a great book
"Perhaps happiness is always to be found in the journey uphill, and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction awaiting at the next peak."
This book was enjoyable at times, but at other times frustrating. The use of the term Being, defined as the totality of human experience, is put at the center. It seems like he believes that being the best Being you can be is the key to making the world a better place while alleviating some of the suffering that is life, according to Peterson.
Interesting comparisons throughout the book. However it ebbed on the longer side. 3.5 stars
Interesting comparisons thought out the book however I do wish they‘d edited down a bit. It was definitely on the longer side. 3.5 stars
Dr Peterson‘s guidance on enduring chaos, by walking along the line of such chaos and order. Excellent

12 Rules for Life
Jordan B. Peterson,
It is far better to render Beings in your care competent than to protect them.
“And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.”
While this book has moments of brilliance: I.e. "No one standing still can triumph, no matter how well constituted," about 85% of it is rambling and nearly incoherent nonsense. Imagine Ian Malcolm--the chaos theory anthropologist character from crichton's Jurassic Park--barreling from one topic to the next, ranging from lobster mating habits to Taoists, to Alice in Wonderland all in the course of about 3 paragraphs. My head is spinning.
So it was good. But I felt very long-winded. And well, very very religious. I am not anti-religion but... I just felt like with it being an #Audio read by the author, it ended up feeling very very preachy to me. But... There were a lot of takeaways I plan on incorporating and some I had already incorporated into my life.
#bookspin #doublespin
I‘m using the same books with just a few swaps for July. I didn‘t get a lot of reading done in June. I did finish volume I of Les Mis so I am on to volume II this month. Plus two of the books didn‘t arrive yet at the library.
“Froot Loop” - Jordan Peterson
“You don‘t need to grasp impulsively at whatever crumbs come at your way, because you can realistically expect good things to remain available. You can delay gratification, without forgoing it forever.” (Pg 17) I DEDICATE THIS QUITE TO @Bigbraingains AKA Mr Hun School Student body PRESIDENT Layown Shyea!!!
I‘ve walked passed this one in the stores many times and I don‘t know why... maybe it‘s the title. Sometimes chaos is exactly what is needed to truly feel alive. So, I didn‘t want another ‘self help‘ philosophy book because I‘ve read a few. But, I‘ve gotta give it a go. Have you read this one? How did you find it??
Day 18: Number in the title
To journey happily may well be better than to arrive successfully
The first few chapters were great and I initially found myself jotting down a lot of the principles but the more I got into the book, the more Jordan Petersen became a bit “preachy” and “instructive” as opposed to “philosophical” and “open-minded”. This book admittedly took me a while to finish (to be honest, if I didn‘t have a rule of finishing what I started, I probably wouldn‘t have bothered completing it).
"Chaos is where we are when we don't know where we are, and what we are doing when we don't know what we are doing." -- "Chaos is formless potential"
I found Peterson‘s work to be critical, revealing, and inspirational. I understand some of the hate he receives but even as a liberal myself, I found the book and the audiobook both excellent. I think anyone who is self-reflective and searching for meaning would come away from this book having many insights and surely some great questions as well, even if they disagree with him on some points.
So well written and engaging! I loved that he narrated it, and that he didn‘t mask very well when he choked up.
If anyone needs advice or guidance for how to get your life together, solve a personal relationship issue, or how to be a better person, this book by Dr. Jordan Peterson has something for you. Not only the how, but the why, of human biology, socially, and cultural influences on our lives.
In the West, we have been withdrawing from our tradition-, religion- and even nation-centred cultures, partly to decrease the danger of group conflict. But we are increasingly falling prey to the desperation of meaninglessness, and that is no improvement at all.
When you have something to say, silence is a lie.
You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act. You simply don‘t know what you believe, before that. You are too complex to understand yourself.
When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.
This is a highly recommended book, I have heard about it in different forums. Finally got to read it. It is a very personal book, the author shares many personal stories throughout the book. There are many references to the bible, which for an atheist like myself was not very relatable. The book is not an easy read, many "big words", and .the author constantly jumps from one theme to another. Overall I recommend it, there is a lot to take from it.
Lots of big words, which is good because now I can use those big words to sound more photosynthesis.
I really actually did enjoy this book. My favorite rule was always pet a stray cat when you see one because "the world is a sucky horrible place so pet a cat to forget about how much things suck for a second"
Think this one is a book you will love or hate, it's not for everyone. Personally I liked it a lott, and I like that Peterson always brings up facts and research for his claims. And remember the most important rule:
"12 Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street" ?
Book review for 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson
Check out the full review here:
#athinsliceofanxiety #12rulesforlife #jordanpeterson #randomhouse #personalresponsibility #carljung #meaning
"The Christian dogma is dead...it perished with God. What has emerged from behind its corpse...is something even more dead; something that was never alive, even in the past: #nihilism" #endisnigh #philosophy
12 Rules for life is so far a brilliant book that stands apart from many in the self-help category, bc it is real, personal, basic, & incredibly insightful. But so many people take such offense to it! I'm 1/2 thru & haven't seen a shred of evidence that JBP is the corrupt alt-righter some claim he is. The interview he did about this book is especially absurd and hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcjxSThD54
Audio book on #audible and knitting ❤️
I'm new to audio books, leave a comment if you have a good recommendation 📚❤️
#knitting #jordanpeterson #12rulesforlife #audiobooks #cats #booksandknitting
Dove into this yesterday and I‘m impressed. Peterson‘s wisdom is quite useful and much needed in times of generation ME. Bringing ideas to the table such as personal responsibility, seeking purpose not happiness, and analyzing why people strive to broadcast their virtues. So far so good.
I stuck with this book almost to the end despite multiple digressions because there are some good ideas hidden in here, even if it's overly obvious. But I'm in the home stretch and he has gone from letting kids skateboard to ranting about gender equality and the "end of men.". Also the patriarchy is pretty much a good thing and centuries of oppression against women is either biologically justified or completely made up. Ok dude, DNF bro.
This book was really good to help you think about how you want to live your life.
This book made me angry. At first, I thought he had a few good ideas. Some of it seemed like common sense. Where this left the rails for me is when he starts treating the Christian faith as fairy tales and backward thinking. Not. Cool. 😡 😡😡 Don‘t make fun of peoples‘ religious beliefs
Taking a break from this book for awhile. It‘s a difficult read for me with my particular view of the world, but I‘ve found quite a lot of good takeaways from it so far. So not a bail, just a break.