The fiction, nature and city section of my shelves seem to be dangerously near capacity! What to do!
The fiction, nature and city section of my shelves seem to be dangerously near capacity! What to do!
Ok, I couldn't resist posting one more status report of my beautiful new shelves for my home library. Gahhhh. Once I had 9' ceilings I just KNEW I had to fulfill my lifelong dream of floor to ceiling shelves with a ladder. I am so excited I could cry. The next pic I post will be after I've loaded up the shelves, and I'll show you from the other angle so you can get the full effect of the furniture and decorations I picked 🥰
It's a glorious day in my house! My built-ins are being installed today 😆📚
7-15-23: How the move is going. My daughter unpacked all my books and stacked them 3 deep on the shelf instead of spread out and I‘m dying to get over there to fix it the way I like it. Have to get the rest of the boxes out of the way first.
Have you seen this!!! When you run out of wall space for shelves there‘s always the roof! Probably provides good insulation too! 👍🏼
Bug has usurped his sister as being The Cat Above All (aka on top of my bookcase). We‘ll see how long Mori allows this to happen lol.
I moved some bookshelves around from the library to the living room today. Its silly how much fun I've had rearranging and admiring my books... 😂
📚 I used to keep the in order by when they were purchased, but recently I changed it to alphabetical by author's last name.
📚 My bookcases are in the living room, with my recliner/reading chair.
📚 Physical, ebooks and audiobooks. It's about 65% Paperbacks 35% Hardcovers
Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94 #thoughtfulthursday
Wanna play? @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream @Daisey @Bookishlie
I was watching the news and I don‘t know who this woman is but looking at her gorgeous bookshelves I totally think we should be friends.
When I find myself in times of trouble 🎶 organizing books comforts me 😊#BOTM bookshelf. Playing with #rainbowshelves
Finally got most of the books unpacked yesterday 😀
So many books, nothing to read.
Our messy, half organized, double stacked bookshelves will get rearranged soon because....
WE GOT THE HOUSE!!! 😆🎉🏡 Ahhh! SOOOO!! Excited!!
My TBR shelves and kindle TBR hit 325 today... and 2018 isn‘t over yet. My goal is to read at least 100 off this massive stack and also get caught up on 2018 releases that I bought... but haven‘t read yet (40 of them omg)
My lunch and view. I missed my bookshelves while I was away!!
I saw this posted on Facebook and it is literally a visual representation of the TBR at our house. My fiancé and I started with each filling a cube on a cube shelf for our TBR books...we now have had to expand to 3 cubes each and still can‘t fit them all! ??♀️ Always so many more to read!!! Luckily we like the same types of books and can trade ?
Painting prep for the whole inside of my house begins today! I love a good transformation. Now, if I can just keep my kids from using the empty bookshelves as a way to reach the ceiling...
Here's some #shelfie action including some of my beloved Kate Atkinson 😍😍 for today's prompt #marchinbooks @maich
Lol, only off by two decades! 😹The link to the bookshelf 📚 quiz is on @julesG ‘s Page.
My #TBRList for the #MountTBRchallenge is at 39 books right now, not including comics that I know I'll fly through during the upcoming readathon. On the facing page I plan to draw myself a little mountain and write down the titles I end up reading.
Work is done! Yesterday Kevin finished up on the bulk of stuff in my house, and I‘m so relieved! Now all I have to do is work on getting rid of the seemingly thousands of teeny bits of styrofoam attached to every bookshelf surface and floor, and then it‘s time to do my favorite thing - organizing and reshelving books!
Hey @BookishTrish congrats on 1000 followers! I JUST reached half of that. #LitsyGoals When I reach 1000 I'll give my favourite book away too! #loveitstealingit
Thanks to Litsy I need to straighten my bookshelves before my neatfreak of a hubby loses it. I keep taking pictures of colourful stacks and pulling the books out and not putting them back. #1000reasons
A new and updated #shelfie. I feel like I can breathe more easily now that there is some form of order again 😄📚
When you decide that the best cure for your tiredness is to rearrange your bookshelves 📚 I am trying to arrange them alphabetically, at least the front row books, so that's the reason for the weird stacks 😄
Instead of reading I have been...
at the National Gallery balancing on books (sort of)
Here's my shelfie for #24in48...it's getting a wee bit full...
Half Price Books is a dangerous place for me. #bookhaul