Cute. And set in a library 😃
Paisley is looking at my planner, incredulously, wondering how I‘m going to find the time to volunteer at the library in my town as well as the TWO OTHER LIBRARIES I just applied to volunteer with tonight. I‘m mainly just hoping I survive grad school at this point, and here I am making myself busier. 😹
I have been visiting the public library a lot recently and it got me thinking about my own classroom library. I knew I owned a book about a library, I just needed to find it. This entails, some searching on my part through big boxes. And lo and behold I found it, “Library Mouse” written and illustrated by Daniel Kirk. This adorable children‘s book is about a mouse named Sam. He lives in the children‘s section. (Now that‘s an awesome pad! 😍)
1. I average twice a month but if I don‘t manage my holds correctly sometimes two days in a row.
2. Gladstone‘s Library in Wales, where you can spend the night
3. Dread Nation, Macbeth (Jo Nesbo), American Panda, Grave Mercy
4. Seven. My hometown library was so special during my childhood.
#TrivalThursday #NationalLibraryWeek
I'm not saying I just bought this whole bag of books for $10....BUT...I totally bought this whole bag of books for $10!!!! I'd say that's a lunch hour well spent 😁
#librarysale #bookhaul #shopfirsteatlater #thebagwasfree
#LibrariansOfLitsy ! Do you have any #recommendations for online library science grad programs? I‘m interested in concentrating on archives, special collections, and preservation. I think University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee might be a good option...?
#selfie #librarian #gradschool #libraryscience
This is the spot at my in-laws where I hideaway when I need break from the thanksgiving cacophony. This is the front room of the house and I love it. Books, rocking chairs, old globes, and lamps. My place to escape from the #traffic 🚦 and curl up with a mystery and figure out #doiwannaknow whodunit. #emojinov #tuneintonovember #myreadingfamily
Every library needs a disco ball! The children‘s section in Balmain Library is one of the cosiest library spaces I‘ve been to. But yeah, I feel like you could also host an awesome dance party here! #library #readingcorner #readingnook #childrensbooks
My #audiowaiting view this morning as I gear up to start my new Auxiliary Librarian job.
Thanks for all the advice and good luck for the interview I had yesterday. I've just heard back from them and I haven't got the job this time but I can get feedback next week.
Help please! I have an interview for the above post next week and I believe one of the questions will be based around promoting books that you haven't read.
So, my question for any librarians following me is how would you promote books/authors you haven't read? Any suggestions gratefully received!
#litsyloveslibraries #askalibrarian
I know San Francisco friends of the Library is having their sale this weekend, wish I was there!
#fallintobooks #booknerdconfessions
I need this in my life.
Though I'm still under the weather managed to get a little sewing done this morning. The Check In/Check Out is now available, @Michelle_mck tells me she is coming to get one now 😳 small and large available on the shop now http://etsy.me/2tD7fVO #bookgogo #booksleeve
This is Lane's "going to the library" look
Apparently we are entering the terrible twos a little early, as he threw the worst tantrum in the library! I wouldn't let him play with a computer so he screamed at the top of his lungs, pulled a bunch of books off a shelf, screamed again and while I was putting books back, he ran back to the computer... I don't know how to handle these tantrums when he can't speak well enough to tell me what he needs.
I forgot how pudgy Juliet's legs used to be!! 8 month old ball of cuteness here!
But she still loves the library! 🙂
In celebration of National Library Week, the first graders read Library Mouse today.