Book two of two that I won. Again, really sweet. I liked it a lot.
Book two of two that I won. Again, really sweet. I liked it a lot.
I won two books in a drawing at work! This one was really cute.
Surprise casual NB rep makes my day. Also, this book is just really great so far.
Checked this out from the library yesterday and finished it today. It helped me realize it was time to drop out of NaNoWriMo and focus on writing in a way that works for me. Looking forward to that!
Horror stories and a Midsommar mug of tea on a lovely October Tuesday off.
Hoooooolyyyyyyy craaaaaap (this book punched me in the face with awesome and I loved it)
My spouse has been on me to read Sandman for ages and I'm finally getting to it courtesy of their giant tomes. Loving it so far.
Audiostitching over and the book was...meh. the author has some writing quirks I didn't love and the ending sort of made me roll my eyes to the heavens but it held my attention. Probably won't be going back for more Michaelides though.
Audio stitching today! Almost done with the book and just starting the cross stitch. Interested to see how this wraps up...
New apartment, New city, New library. Hello, Staten Island!
I was a bit nervous to share this but here goes. My book is on sale officially! If you want an autographed copy there are still some left. Lulu and Amazon links forthcoming. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1050456837/signed-copy-of-the-tenth-tier-a-novella
It's been a while since I've posted a #LibraryHaul and I feel like this needs to be remedied at once. Brought a book back today and didn't mean to get more but here we are.
This is what I found when I came in to work today. I had a good cry. The coursework for my MLIS is done. Now just waiting on my degree.
I made myself a library book bingo for when I graduate in a week(!!!) and am pretty thrilled with it. Sorry for the bad picture. Yes I have all these checked out right now. No this isn't all the books I have out. If you want author names for any of these let me know! They're all on the back...haha
I'm so close to being done with grad school I can taste it but I'm nowhere near out of the woods yet. This is the progress on my capstone. Each thing that's not crossed off is about three paragraphs of writing I need to do. I'm about to run off into the sunset never to be heard from again.
I honestly enjoyed this one a lot more than I thought I would. I definitely called a lot of the twists but it was a lot of fun.
I honestly had a pretty miserable time reading this book, in spite of it having a lot of fascinating history and culture in it. Did anyone read it and disagree? I'd love to hear why!
With five days left til it's due. I'm reading this one for school and loving it so far. But then I've pretty much loved everything I've read by this author so I'm not too surprised.
Watching the incredible Cicely Tyson at ALA Midwinter. Can you believe she's 96??
Just got this gorgeous Hanukkah gift from my cousin and im so excited to read!
I proposed to my partner this past Tuesday and they said yes! We're so excited we've barely been able to focus all week.
Say what you will about how I have no s(h)elf control, but this looks like exactly what I need right now.
This was SO GOOD! I had a great time reading it. Can't wait to snag the others.
This book is overdue and school just started but I'm gonna try and read it anyway.
I'm staying with my partner at an AirBNB 10 minutes from my house for like 11 nights, and will likely have no time to read. Think I packed enough books? (In my defense some of them are textbooks...)
My library book situation has gotten worse. 🙀🙀🙀
Current library book stash. I have no shelf control.
This is my assigned book for the week and I'm a bit dubious for some reason. Has anyone read it?
So I'm still in recovery but doing a lot better than when I made my initial post a few days back. The tests came back and as it turned out I was carrying 50 STONES in my gallbladder. The largest was .5cm in diameter and the oldest was over 8 years old. I'm gonna feel GREAT when this is all over wow.
I just had surgery on Thursday (surprise!) and now I'm home recovering. Enjoy my recovery nightgown.
Bought some books by Black authors this month and the first two finally arrived. :)
Currently reading for school and having a heck of a time focusing. :(
Flipping through an old magazine and found a short story by a favorite author. This makes me want to revisit that book. But I have no time right now.
Culled several hundred books from my TBR but I'm still well over 1,000. I better learn to read faster.
Slytherin looks. 🐍🐍🐍
Should I do the other houses next?
Showing off my new buzz cut and Gryffindor colors (for some reason) today. Hey, it's not my fault red and gold look nice together. 🐍🐍
I have 200 pages to read and approximately 8 hours to do it. Doesn't seem like much, at 25 pages an hour, but I'm at a complete standstill. I don't know why reading is so hard during this time.
Here's my summer. Not pictured (because they're on the Kindle, or will be): the tagged book, Code Name: Butterfly, and Dear Martin. This is gonna be an adventure. Good thing I snagged a book on speed reading too!
First YA novel of the semester! This one is a reread of a book I love so very much. It's hard to read right now because it's so intense, but it's stunning.
Getting ready for the upcoming semester like oh snap I gotta read a new YA book every week. I'm excited and scared. 🙀😻🙀😻
As promised, here is a link to my book sale form! There's another link within to a spreadsheet that has all the books and that information in it. If you're interested in having me mail you books in exchange for currency, I highly suggest you click here! https://forms.gle/NFsQ3Tv9EdKCF4un8
I have a ton of great quality hardback books d be willing to part with for not a ton of money. If there's enough interest here I'll make a spreadsheet and a Google form for those interested and you can PayPal or venmo me.