I got these two little heart stealing characters a week ago today. Meet Herman and Pete. #petsoflitsy
I got these two little heart stealing characters a week ago today. Meet Herman and Pete. #petsoflitsy
I talked myself out of waiting for the paperback, and I do not regret it one iota. Is it more than a bit fluffy? Yep. Does everything tie up all too neatly? Yep. Did it make my heart all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic. Yep. So much fun! Towanda!
From the very start this is a very compelling read. The gothic, creepy vibe full of decay and mystery is simply fantastic. I've read a lot of horror, but nothing else quite like this. Once the weird factor jumped the rails it landed in a class all its own, confronting colonialism and eugenics in a very twisty way that works very well. There is some great characterization here, too. I enjoyed this immensely, even as it got all too strange.
I remember all the hype when this one came out, talking about how crazy it is, and refusing to give anything away. On the surface it sounds more like a thriller novel than the crazy horror novel it is. I loved the creepy setting, which had me tearing through this thing. I loved the macabre vibe. The ending certainly wasn't hard to guess at, though, and the buildup to it got a bit too repetitive. It was fun, but fluff.
The heart wants what the heart wants. Since it's Halloween week, the heart wants creepy. I don't know why I don't read many haunted house tales, but this one was a Book Riot Deal of the Day the other day, so I pressed the buy button. This one has a nice, creepy vibe. It also has a strong female lead with a sense of humor. There isn't really much original here, but I still liked it quite a bit, and I'm glad I picked it.
I bought The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires as a Kindle deal the other day, and decided to finally dig My Best Friend's Exorcism out and read it first. Oh, so much fun! So much 80's nostalgia. Two references to my favorite band. Just a great lark of a book for Halloween week. The last passage of this book I have no words for. This is an excellent rendering of the friendship theme. I'm glad I pulled it from the pile.
I put this book off for months, since one can only read so much YA dystopia, particularly when one teaches middle school, aids and abets the librarian, is surrounded by it all of the time. But that premise! I think it's very well done. It's definitely dark and twisty, which I love. Now I just have to wait for my sequels to come in the mail, because I'm not waiting for book two to come back and go through quarantine before I read it.
1. I never have. Even if it's been years since the last one. I can usually just fall right back into things. If I don't, I might skim a little, but I don't tend to reread from scratch.
2. Yep. Many. I'll read one or two and not get back to it for a long time.
1. Baby Teeth. Which I am loving. And which I will try and finish tonight.
2. I re-watched Batteries Not Included last weekend. So much fun! Can't go wrong with Jessica Tandy and little alien gizmos.
3. A good black tea blend. Preferably Harney and Sons Queen Catherine or Eight at the Fort. Or a genmaicha.
Greetings from Montana, where the current wind chill as I scribble this is a balmy twenty-six degrees below zero. A good night to scroll through Litsy and bond with my fuzzy blanket and a book.
1. Agatha Christie
2. Sue Grafton
3. Stephen King
4. Greg Iles
5. George R.R. Martin
1. I see nothing redeeming about Fifty Shades of Grey.
2. Salty. Especially popcorn.
3. Herman and Esther. John and Gladys.
4. Gremlins. And E.T..
5. London.
1. Montana
2. I guess I would say Angie Thomas, since I finally got around to reading The Hate You Give.
3. Umm...which pile?😂
4. In a moving vehicle.
5. Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick. It's YA, but it'll make grownups feel all young at heart
It's a forum screen name I made up many years ago. A migraine was marauding in my skull and making me drool just a tiny bit as I was brainstorming potential names. My addled brain spit out "dragondrool". I laughed and typed it in. It's been my screen name ever since.
1. Goldfish meme
2. Sparkling water can
3. YA Realistic fiction
4. A couple of weekends ago
5. Not my thing
The pathetic excuse of a filter on Pedro's fish condo conked again. And I love him. So I bought my little buddy a palace. #petsoflitsy
Just as good the third time. Still love the twisted ending.
Now that I've got that pesky classwork out of the way for my teaching certificate renewal I can get back to more posting and less just scrolling. 😊 And more reading. I'm finishing the last few pages of the Connelly so I can also start Origin tonight. It's the new pick for my book club.
This is the back of the fabulous book bag my sibling sent me. That's a great big elephant footprint! 🐘
You all keep mentioning how good this is. I grabbed it off of the book exchange cart at school last year, and knew it was somewhere in a bin. I finally sorted all six big bins after a year because you all kept putting this book on my radar and I wanted to find it. Thanks for the prodding. I'm glad that's done now. And it wasnt as bad as I thought all year. 😊
1. Green
2. Roadkill pennies
3. I think so.
4. Mystery. Horror. Fantasy. Science fiction.
5. Not picky. Lately I use a lot of hunks of ribbon burned off along the edges.
6. November 13
1. Not a lot. Some homework for a recert class. Reading. Maybe a movie.
2. Doughnuts.
3. A textbook on close reading, and The Good Daughter.
4. The. Trees. Have. Leaves. Again. And. There. Is. Sunshine. 😊
1. Fried Green Tomatoes and The Silence of the Lambs. My top two movies ever.
2. Nay. I can't think of any decent ones at all.
3. I think Guillermo del Toro could do a fantastic adaptation of Robert McCammon's The Wolf's Hour.
4. Open tag.
1. Loved the Rama series.
2. Atari. We loved Pitfall. And we also had the infamous E.T. game. Also Tetris.
3. Duran Duran. Tears For Fears. A-ha. The Cure. R.E.M..Depeche Mode. Cyndi Lauper. Culture Club.
4. The Breakfast Club. E.T.. Gremlins. Short Circuit. Lots of schlocky horror movies.
I went in to check for a new issue of Locus (no go). These two books followed me home.
Our latest book club pick. Let's see how many of us get through the heavy-duty page count by one month from today. 😊
1. The Girl Next Door, because it's based on a true event, and the most frightening stories are those that are all too real.
2. The Green Inferno, if it's seen-the-whole-thing. But I have also seen parts of The Human Centipede, and it's equally depraved.
3. Accidently eating the foil and plastic square around my iron pill. It came close to doing me in until we finally sorted it out over three long weeks. Good thing I'm scrappy.
4. No tag.
@Bookworm83 Okay. So I did the how-fast-do-you-read thingie. I got 729 wpm. It goes on to tell me that if I could keep a steady pace, I could finish the Behemoth Which Shall Not Be Named in just 13 hours 26 minutes. Apparently it has no idea how sloggy the war parts are.
I'm rather enjoying this one, though nothing beats Helter Skelter. I want to finish it up this weekend, though, since it's due the 31st, and I need to start Little Fires Everywhere, since we're starting a brand new book club at school and it's our inaugural book.
I want to really like this, but I am halfway through and find myself forcing it, only to accomplish wheel spinning. Gonna do a super-rare bail on this one.
Yep. Go to pick up one book on hold. End up with three tag-a-longs. There is no such thing as ever catching up. So much for finishing Still Life tonight. #nowwehaveatimecrunch
I dropped off my books that were due soon. I wasn't going to grab anything else this trip. But the books...they call to me and jump into my grippy appendages!
Finally getting around to this one after shuffling it around TBR Mountain for a couplenof years now. I really like the cover of this one. A favorite kind of book for this time of year.
So amazing, and the illustrations are absolutely fabulous. I may need my own copy.
Weekend pickings...all new from our school library. Murder, cults, and something to do with leprosy. Perfect for the weekend before Halloween. I've also got Hex to finish. Haven't done much reading today, since my angry neck preferred binge-watching Stranger Things. Now that it's settling down I'm digging back in to The Special Ones for bedtime reading.
Hooray! My Barnes and Noble box arrived today! Unfortunately, my 20 percent off coupons didn't arrive until after I ordered these. But the bright side is also hooray...it just forces me to get MORE books with the coupons. 😃
Just a few pages in, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to absolutely, positively, desperately NEED to buy my own copy.
Then again...tonight seems like an excellent time to hang with Rocket and Groot.
Reading this one tonight. I want to read Dear Fahrenheit 451, but can't pick it up at the library until Tuesday, since it's closed today and tomorrow. First world bookish problems.
I picked this based on a blurb I read somewhere, not realizing it was Ms. Pat from the Bob and Tom Show until I started it. I found it to be a quick and fascinating read.
I'm glad I nabbed it from the library and didn't buy it. Wishful Drinking was so much fun, so I had high hopes here. But they fizzled.
#fivestarpredictions Okay. I am being a rebel and putting six possibles here. I hemmed and hawed and then exercised my inherent right to share the book love. 😆 So there you go, @Bookworm83.
Then again...there is another half to my short stack. Navigating the between-books realm is hard when so many great choices are screaming, "Pick me!" All at once. In surround sound. Insistent little buggers.
Finished The Child earlier today. Time to dive into another book, likely from this short stack.