Smooth reading and characters that draw you in. An excellent read and part of a great series.
Smooth reading and characters that draw you in. An excellent read and part of a great series.
I was prepared for this book to really lure me in, and while it was quite readable and I liked it ok, it just didn‘t deliver the can‘t put it down experience.
I really liked this book. I kept hearing about it so often that I figured I‘d give it a read. Good summer teacher reading.
Finally getting around to reading this. It‘s been waiting in the wings for an unnaturally long time. Unlike me to take so long. Usually Pendergast zooms to the top of the list.
Finally finished. 🎈Overall a good read, but I do think this story could‘ve been told with a lot fewer pages and less words. I didn‘t find it to be dragging, Just a lot of words for the amount of plot.
Just keep reading, just keep reading...🎈 Making progress. Even during a school year. Go me!
This just might migrate to the top of my physical book summer reading pile. I LOVED the Grimm series, so when I found this I immediately gave Amazon Prime a little two-day exercise and procured myself a copy.