#AudioColoring #YouAreHere Supervision is being provided by Raith. "She taught me it was better to be uniquely broken than perfectly the same." - Jenny Lawson
#AudioColoring #YouAreHere Supervision is being provided by Raith. "She taught me it was better to be uniquely broken than perfectly the same." - Jenny Lawson
I wanted to like this series I just could not get into might have to go back try again in a different mood and time
Overall, this was a fun listen, but I‘m still working out my exact thoughts. Originally, I enjoyed the literary references, then wondered if it was too much, then figured out for sure the key detail of the characters, and again wondered if it was a great mashup or a bit off the mark. I think I may have enjoyed some parts more if I had read it in print, but only the #audiobook was available through my library. I am curious to continue the series.
I found an adorable little used bookstore today. It looked so small from the outside, but fit so surprisingly many books inside! I will definitely be returning there! #bookhaul
It's a forum screen name I made up many years ago. A migraine was marauding in my skull and making me drool just a tiny bit as I was brainstorming potential names. My addled brain spit out "dragondrool". I laughed and typed it in. It's been my screen name ever since.
Today's book mail. So I don't forget, please keep telling me... I am not a book hoarder! In my defense, some of these are for my grandson. 📚💸💸
I liked it. John and Jack are pretty annoying tbh, but the story made up for it. I I loved the ties to different histories and legends (including Arthurian...yes please!). The origin of Nessie is my most favorite part. :)
I didn't expect much going in. Mom said a few of her friends have loved this series and have reread it multiple times. When she said it was better than HP, I had to see if it was true. This book was good, better than I expected, but HP will always have a special place in my heart.
You need the Imaginarium Geographica to avert whatever disaster is looking on the world at large. You are the Caretaker of the Geographica. You lost the Geographica. Ergo, you and everyone you know, love, care about, or exchange pleasantries with as you gather your mail are about to perish in darkness and misery. I hope that's cleared things up for you.
Always appreciate books as gifts, especially good books. Parents got me the whole series for Christmas.
Doing list challenges this morning while listening to audiobook. It's strangely addicting. This one I've read all of them! https://www.listchallenges.com/kaunismina-bbc-6-books-challenge
More for the cool dragon books, written and illustrated by the author 🤗 that's epic! 🐉
Loved the story and the literary references in the story. Great audio version plan on listening to more in the series.
I skipped over this book at the library for who knows how many years, interested, but not ready to commit 2 yet another book about dragons. Probably all 10 years it's been out (published 2006).
What started out as an impulse buy turned into the first book I've read for pleasure in over a year. I never expected to love a book that had three white male protagonists, but it's an amazing story Owen beautifully ties in myth and reality in this novel.