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The Best Seller | Dina Rae
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#FallIntoBooks Day 20: Book Nerd Confession

Since working in a bookstore and being part of 3 book clubs, I read award winning books more often then I used to, but it's not something that makes me want to read a book.
@RealLifeReading #booknerdconfessions

CoffeeAndABook I totally agree!! 👍 7y
Birdsong28 I just read a book cos I want to not cos of the awards and I do agree that it makes me less likely to read a book with awards cos everyone will have read it and I like to read books that are less well known cos sometimes they deserve the awards more than the ones that do. 📖📚 7y
CouronneDhiver Agreed! I'm seldom interested in following the crowd 7y
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MyNamesParadise Lol me too! Every now and then I click with a book that gets the accolades. 7y
Purrfectpages Truth! 7y
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Hunger Moon | Alexandra Sokoloff
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Day 20 #FallIntoBooks #booknerdconfessions This is catch up from 2 days ago.😬A strange habit I have to confess is that I can't leave a book on or in chapter (or page) 13. It just feels unlucky to me.😱This means I either have to read beyond it to chapter 14, or if I get to the 12th chapter or page & think that I won't have time to get past 13, I stop there & will even switch to another book if I still want to read. Yes, I'm just that strange...😜

Bookzombie I'm sure we are all a little strange. 😁 7y
RealLifeReading Interesting! But don't worry we all have our quirks 7y
DebinHawaii @Bookzombie @RealLifeReading Thanks for the reassurance! 😆👍 7y
MidnightBookGirl I have a good friend who, when starting a new book, will flip to the exact middle to mark it. I sometimes do it too, if I think of it. Now I'll probably pay more attention to page and chapter 13! 😉 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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tricours I know the feeling. 7y
julesG Get that a lot, especially with short books. Strange! 7y
Leniverse That happens a lot with Kindle. 7y
drokka Some books just seem to be that way. It's great when there's a huge payoff for your patience, but many just keep trucking that way. It's like there's not musicality in the sentence structures. 7y
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Ready, Set, Read!: Reading Readiness | Laurie Steding, Patrick Girouard
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So 52 books aren't a whole lot but I figured I'd be doing okay if I read at least one book a week. I'm proud of myself for getting it done. Lol.

📚The more books I read at one time, the fewer details I remember
📚I ❤ book art
📚 I have no qualms about throwing away old books. Fight me 👊

#goodreads #readingchallenge2017 #52

jpmcwisemorgan 🎉🎉🎉 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Congratulations! 7y
kspenmoll 🎉🎉🎉💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 7y
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Redwritinghood 👏👏👏👏 7y
Simona 👏👏👏Nice! 7y
CaliforniaCay 52 books isn't alot? 52 books is plenty! Way more than I've read. You should be proud! 7y
Libby1 Well done! Reading 52 books is fantastic! 7y
samesfoley I'm about to hit 50 and it's the most I've read in one year since I started keeping track! 😱 Congrats!!! 7y
Avanders 🎉🎉🎉 7y
EchoLogical @Redwritinghood @Simona @CaliforniaCay @Libby1 @samesfoley @Avanders Thanks guys. I think 52 is a decent number but I've seen Littens who read like 20 books a month. 😅 7y
samesfoley @EchoLogical I know, but I have no idea how they do it!!!!!! 7y
vicgreentoriafield 👏👏🎉🎉🎉 7y
MiyakoBunny 52 is a great number! I find it difficult to read when I get swamped with other duties especially since I'm not an audiobook person so it's completely understandable 😃 besides it's not the quantity that matters just that you're reading 📖 7y
CaliforniaCay Right? I'm only at 17 out of 35 and I feel accomplished. But then I come on Litsy and see that other people are basically reading a book a day - how are they doing that?! 7y
Jas16 🙌🏽 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Awesome Sauce! 7y
EllieDottie 52 is my goal too! I'm at 49 right now! Congratulations on finishing!! (edited) 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Awesome! 🎉🎈😎 7y
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Zom-B | Darren Shan
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#booknerdconfessions I really don't care for book sleeves. I don't care if my books look read. It means they brought joy to my life, or to someone's life. This one came in a box or I wouldn't have it. Yes I got one of the funny ones if you think it looks out of square. I don't care. I do however love the fabric. I'm a master quilter so maybe I should break out my machine and get on the money train. These things can be $$$. #fallintobooks

Maike Same here! No sleeves for me. Books bring me joy and it's alright if it leaves a mark on them. 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess I love that fabric! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I might use one for my Kindle when I travel. 7y
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KVanRead @LibrarianRyan @Maike Well said! Plus how am I supposed to discreetly spy what people are reading if their books are in sleeves?😂 7y
tpixie Lovely fabric!! What brand?? I'm using a booksleeve for my #covertocover #litsygoespostal books- so I don't ruin someone else's book. 7y
WarpedSweetness Same for me! I don't care if my books look read; I paid for them anyways! Lol @KVanRead I agree! 7y
LibrarianRyan @Graciouswarriorprincess I do to. I found where it came from (spoonflower) and plan on getting some maybe in a heavy canvas for a bag? 7y
LibrarianRyan @jpmcwisemorgan that makes sense. 7y
LibrarianRyan @KVanRead 🤣🤣🤣🤓 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess @LibrarianRyan I love Spoonflower and have a running skirt with material from there with mermaids playing guitars for the Rock N Roll races. 7y
LibrarianRyan @tpixie this is a book beau. I'm not sure you can get this pattern. It was from a sub box. Apparently since the kickstarter and this business going legit they started to mass produce and quality is off. Or at least that is what all the complainers are saying from the sun box group. 7y
LibrarianRyan @Graciouswarriorprincess that is so cool they have some awesome skull fabric im thinking about for chair. One day. 7y
TheCuriousBibliophile It made me so sad when everyone was putting down the book beau, I mean they have to think about it, if she wasn't mass producing them how else would she have gotten the thousands done in time for the boxes to be out. I'm sure they're used to amazing quality beaus they buy on their own, but they could have still been a little more appreciative. 7y
LibrarianRyan @TheCuriousBibliophile I completely agree. 👍🏻 7y
TheCuriousBibliophile Sometimes people really just need to take the time and think about things before they speak, I think a lot of the comments could have hurt the feelings of the Owlcrate team with what was said but I just hope they take it to account in the future that items need to be made for thousands of people not just a couple hundred anymore. Sometimes quality won't be the greatest no matter how hard they try. 7y
LibrarianRyan @TheCuriousBibliophile I agree. And for this particular company, they are a new company. Just went legit instead of an "kitchen shop" the think the team does a great job even when I do t like everything. They are packing at least 5000 if not more boxes a month. 7y
TheCuriousBibliophile Exactly, and they knew that cause they have mentioned they bought stuff from a kickstarter campaign, I agree some boxes are hit and miss but most of the time I'm head over heels about the book and items. But I never complain because I know how hard they work to choose each item and the theme. Im just happy to have this box in general they are amazing. 7y
Lizpixie @LibrarianRyan @TheCuriousBibliophile I find it ironic that most of the people complaining are the ones who kept asking for a book sleeve in the first place! My bookbeau looks fine, just a bit crinkly, but it fits my book so who cares. The owlcrate team will never include a sleeve again after all this whinging! 7y
Librarianaut It's a bag...for a book. I think it's well crafted and the fabric certainly fit the theme for the box. What's not to like? I get the sub box because I want to see what clever and cute things they put in it (oh, and the author notes & autographs). 7y
LibrarianRyan @Librarianaut no complaint from me. I think they did a great job. My guy is in love. He's threatened to steal it. He has bags inside bags, inside bags. 😁🤓 7y
802Librarian @LibrarianRyan "bags inside bags inside bags" has he heard of Tom Bihn bags? If not, I'm sorry for what I just did to your bank account ? 7y
LibrarianRyan @NHLibrarian thank goodness they are not military bags. Or your right I might have been in trouble. 7y
tpixie That is lovely fabric!! I use my book sleeve for my Book exchange Books- so I hopefully don‘t ruin someone else‘s book!! 7y
tpixie Lol I realized I‘ve already commented on this post! Said about the same thing!! 7y
LibrarianRyan @tpixie 🤣👍🏻🤓 7y
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#fallintobooks #booknerdconfessions:
⚡️My unofficial goal since age 3 or 4: to have a library like this. Whenever my dad gives me a book, he says "For your Beauty & the Beast library"
⚡️2nd unofficial goal: a bookmark for every book ??‍♀️
⚡️I absolutely love when books come with inscriptions. I have a few older (1800s-1950s) books & the inscriptions always fascinate me.
⚡️I choose purses based on whether they'll fit a book or not.

merelybookish The purse size is key!! 7y
GypsyKat Love all of this! The thing with your dad is too sweet for words! 💗 7y
Bookzombie Purse size is so important. 👜 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Jabberwocky Me too!!! 7y
Clwojick 🙌PREACH! 7y
PatienceFortitude But the process of getting the story page by page and word by word is such a treat, too! (But I have been known to flip to the last chapter when I can't take the suspense!😳) 7y
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GypsyKat @PatienceFortitude Haha! I have never done that, but I do agree with you that there is something to be said for the time reading. I just wish SOMETIMES I could have instant reading gratification. 😉 7y
GypsyKat @Jaberwocky @Clwojick Haha! I've found my people! 😆 7y
ReadingRover Omg it's like we share a brain!!! 😝I think that all the time as I anxiously scroll through my tbr deciding what to read next!!! 7y
GypsyKat @ReadingRover Haha! Yes! My TBR is killing me! It keeps growing and I know I'll die before it read everything I want to read! 🤣 7y
julesG Just like in "The Matrix". All the books, all the knowledge. That would be awesome! 7y
Leniverse Haha, I only want to do that to books like, say, the final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. Because I kinda want to know how it ends, but I don't want to actually read the book. Maybe I should just read the last couple of chapters. 🙄 Also, Lolita. I like having read Lolita, but the actual reading was highly uncomfortable. 7y
OrangeMooseReads 🙌🏽 YES! 7y
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Bridget Jones's Diary | Helen Fielding
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#BookNerdConfessions #FallintoBooks (cont in the comments)

1️⃣ I haven't read these yet. These genres are usually outside my comfort zone, but I'm trying to read more of them because I feel like I should expand my literary horizons.

2️⃣ I very rarely bail on books because I'm usually too damned stubborn to quit, and I'm always hopeful that if I keep going, I'll finally get to something good. Sometimes my persistence pays off; often it doesn't.

TK-421 3️⃣ I struggle with rating books. I HATE the 5 star system! Litsy's Pick/So-So/Pan/Bail is a bit easier for me, but it's limited too. If it were up to me, I'd probably go with a score out of 10. I'd still agonize over it, but at least I'd have more options!

4️⃣ I've never given a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating to a book; not even my favourites! I've never given a book a ⭐️rating either, even if I hated it.
TK-421 5️⃣ It sometimes takes me hours to write a post. As you can probably tell, I have trouble expressing myself within the 451 character limit, so I have to keep editing until I manage to convey my thoughts as succinctly as possible. Obviously I didn't bother trying to be brief for this post. 7y
RebL I spend too much time on description too. Sometimes I won't post because I don't feel I have the time to put in the kind of thought I want to express. 7y
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TK-421 @RebL Yes, exactly! I'm glad it's not just me! 👊 7y
Leniverse I so agree with you on 3️⃣. And I might also have a brevity problem. 😂 One of several reasons why I don't use Twitter. 7y
Billypar #5 - so true. This is actually one of the reasons I love Litsy because it cuts me off. For the same reason, I've posted zero Goodreads reviews- star ratings only for me. Otherwise I would spend hours, only to reread the review and be disappointed with the final product (I know this from writing movie reviews, and the material for those is so much less complex than a book). 7y
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🤓📚🙆🏻🙊 #LibraryHaul #BooknerdConfessions #FallIntoReading #BookwormProblems #TBR


Even though I'm a librarian, & work in a library 5 days a week...I still visit my public library at least 1ce a week & usually end up checking out more books there too!! I just can't help myself!!🙊🙈
Today's haul included this sci-fi'ish adventure of a midwife in a post apocalyptic world where giving birth has become deadly- Yes pls! Gimmie!🙆🏻

i.z.booknook You will love it! It's such an amazing book! 7y
MarticaMustRead 😀Yay!!! Glad to hear it @TheAliceEvers ! 7y
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Swamplandia! | Karen Russell
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I have quite a bit of driving the next two weeks for work conferences, so I am stocking up on audiobooks. SWAMPLANDIA! has been on my #tbr for awhile now, and OLIVER TWIST is a book I've been meaning to reread.
#booknerdconfessions: I think this is probably the same for all of us Littens, but I always bring about 3x more books on any trip than I can ever possibly get through. #fallintobooks @RealLifeReading

Natasha.C.Barnes I'm just finishing up Vampires in the Lemon Grove right now and really enjoying it! This is definitely on my TBR. 7y
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