This is delightful and full of facts I forget moments after turning each page. I‘m not great at remembering things I read for fun. And this is great fun!
This is delightful and full of facts I forget moments after turning each page. I‘m not great at remembering things I read for fun. And this is great fun!
I got all sucked into rooting for the characters and then it ended on a cliffhanger. Drat!
If this book ends on a cliffhanger, so help me....😡
Hopefully this one keeps the momentum. I already have some doubts
I liked this, but I think I am going to hold off on really forming an opinion until I have finished the whole series. It ended with To Be Continued. Onto the next book!
Been waiting to read this until I had all 3 on hand and time to binge read. So far, a good mystery. I didn‘t expect a pandemic to be how I got my reading time, but here we all are.
Just what I needed. I grew up loving the Beatles and this was a great mix of Beatles lore and personal nostalgia. A comfort read.
I picked this up at a book swap last year. Finally getting around to it on vacation
Reading on my parents porch and listening to the summer noises of crickets and cicadas
Starting a book that has been on my TBR shelf for ages
Evening reading. I should pace myself and read one story at a time, give myself time to think about each world she offers a glimpse of. But I‘m so hooked I am just binging from one story to the next
“buns so tight you could bounce a yak off his left buttock....” This book is both wise and hilarious!
Yet more books happened to me #librarianproblems #bookhaul
School Library Journal Day of Dialog. Epic book haul. How am I going to haul these home? #librarianproblems #bookhaul
She pursued overdue fines with a vengeance, depositing them in a leather purse she wore slung across her chest like a bandolier. The adult male patrons respected her. Among her regular responsibilities was refereeing their chess and checkers games, which were played all day long in the reading room. She was also constantly settling bets between patrons who were arguing points of trivia.
I‘m on vacation. From the library. And here is what I am reading. Busman‘s holiday!
Finished the book, and the whole series last night. It was even more amazing than the previous books led me to hope. A few points made me gasp out loud. I may also have put a sizable dent in the candy. Plot twists this complex need dark chocolate! So very good!
I am feeling very thematic today. I didn‘t plan it this way, it just happened. Not pictured: phone case design with due date slip. And I am wearing a cardigan. #librarylife #librariansoflitsy
My plan for today. I was very good and didn‘t start it last night, because I knew I would have stayed up all night if I had.
Beautiful and mystifying and touching. I‘m going to need to reread this at some point to sort out a few plot questions #librarybook #scifi #graphicnovel
Can‘t finish it before it‘s due at the library. Back on the holds list I go
Enjoying this so far. #pastmybedtime #yalit #fantasy
The mix of personal narrative with solid science writing and whimsical metaphors really worked for me
Had dinner with Dad and now I am finishing my book on the snowy night. Funny to read about tropical marine life from under a wooly afghan on a stormy night.
“The genetic and anatomical features of the jellyfish were so different that it didn‘t qualify for inclusion in any of the known jellyfish families. If [biologists] could have put the Hogwarts sorting hat on the creature‘s bell, it would‘ve said that it was time for the school to expand and introduce a new house of wizards.”
I had a bunch checked out and renewed, and renewed and renewed.... and then more holds came in. Whee! I wonder how long it will take me to read all these! #librarybooks #bookstack
Book and soup as I try to get over this cold. Very good ramen from a local spot. The book was sweet. I liked how clear the voices were in alternating chapters, and boy did it bring back memories of awkward first teenage love! though full of awkward moments that made me cringe and have to put it down.
Not how I wanted to spend Valentines night, or weekend but, cold germs didn‘t get that memo. Bed and couch and book until I am better. Sigh.
I found the Bunnicula books as an excellent audiobook from my library. I‘m delighted to revisit an old childhood favorite and get reacquainted. Listening to Howliday Inn especially brought back memories of being deliciously creeped out by reading the book.
Great world building and the end surprised me. Not sure if I want to keep reading the series though
Date night. We‘re reading different books
Wow. I wasn‘t sure about this initially. Even though I love poetry, I am dubious of verse novels. But this was incredible. The verse format worked, I think because the characters were so strong and emotionally complex. Metaphor was maybe the only way to say some of what Xiomara was feeling. I also appreciate how characters grapple with religion in what becomes a conversation through the book.
Just finished this! Any other Littens reading the #PeterGrant books? Or want to start a #RiversOfLondon buddy read? I would love to go back and read the whole series in a few months, because I cannot wait until the next one!
I will not stay up late and finish this book
1. get my Goodreads TBR more under control. I also set a goal to read 150 books.
2. Best New Year food memory: I took a trip to Madrid over New Year‘s once, and the tradition is to eat 12 grapes with the 12 bells of midnight, which gets messy when you don‘t expect seeds!
3. My favorite superhero is Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan.
4. Yay for January birthdays! You start a new personal year with your calendar year, how cool!
@howjessreads #friyay
I learned so much, and really enjoyed her prose. Lovely and evocative. This is my favorite kind of nonfiction: reads like a novel. Also, I just got a massage today so I feel like a nice, boneless octopus right now. 🐙
Having a lazy morning with coffee and book. Hoping to get this finished soon so my mom can take it on vacation next week
I really liked this. The callbacks to Pride and Prejudice work subtly and well, to focus on the characters and the neighborhood in Brooklyn. Tackling gentrification and urban development as well as the original Austen questions about money and status and reputation and family and love
I‘m joining the #GraphicNovel2019 challenge hosted by @GondorGirl I‘m looking forward to helping recommend some great series as well as reading ones that are new to me. See the comments for a handful of my absolute favorites
He and I are reading the same book. This is what librarians do for fun. (And for book group, but that also counts as fun!)
From my parents. I laughed so hard I‘m blurry in the picture! #Christmas #squirrels
50 pages in, and I have already yelled at the main character three times. So, just as much fun as the first book! Excellent fantasy with heaps of intrigue
And then, I still have my heaps of books from BEA last spring. I have read many of the books from that glorious week but these are the remains #tbrmadness
“Harriet was not good at waiting. Most of her adventures involved whacking things. She was very good it whacking things. (Also smiting, something, and general mayhem.) But waiting… All she could think about was how easily things could go wrong.“
I did not see the comma at first. And I was astonished that it was a kids‘ picture book. Heh. Nearly did a spit take! 😳