Ahh, 2018 : the funko pop era was at its peak!!!
I also miss having this many books on my desk. These were the good old days when shelf ready was just a small ominous dot on the horizon.
Ahh, 2018 : the funko pop era was at its peak!!!
I also miss having this many books on my desk. These were the good old days when shelf ready was just a small ominous dot on the horizon.
Today's prompt: #magic
Dance Magic Dance!
#HHC #Scarathlon #HalloweenHexesCoven
@StayCurious @Clwojick
This one took me a while to think of. For my #titlesandtunes for the month of September are:
Title= Labyrinth by A.C.H. Smith
Tunes= As the World Falls Down by David Bowie & Con Los Ojos Cerrados by Gloria Trevi
In the movie Labyrinth, Sarah was pretty dramatic and the Goblin King was totally a #dramaqueen. David Bowie's song is one of my favorites from the soundtrack and I had to pick a song from Trevi, who is very dramatic in the Latin world.
This is only the 3rd novelization I‘ve ever read. It‘s really not a genre I‘m into. The entire time I was reading this I enjoyed myself, but mostly wanted to watch the movie again. (One of my all time favorite childhood films!) I don‘t actually know if that‘s the reaction one is “supposed” to have when reading a novelization or not. The one really cool thing I got from this that wasn‘t in the film, is the end includes a section with original⬇️
It was sold out on Amazon forever and I finally got a copy. I can‘t wait to read it. #books #jimhenson #eightiesbaby
It‘s the final month for my Labyrinth calendar. I‘m going to miss it! ❤️
I loved the novelization of Labyrinth. It has always been one of my favorite movies. As I was reading, I could imagine every scene in my head. Very enjoyable and would have been a quick read if life didn‘t keep getting in the way this past week.
1. It‘s tagged. It‘s my I‘ve had a bad day movie.
2. Hummmm. Fast and Furious. I just love a brainless action movie with beautiful fast cars.
3. Cambodia and Ankor Watt
4. Space opera
5. English and I can read French. Not as fluently as I once did though.
#premondayvibes @pepsicola
Changing my Labyrinth calendar from March to April. 💖
Started this one today. It‘s one of my favorite movies. This is so much like the movie but gives you a little more background information about Sarah and her mom.
Book 16/52
I went to change my calendar to March, and I realized that I never shared a picture of February. ❤️❤️❤️
I‘m a huge procrastinator, but I finally hung up my Labyrinth calendar. Hello, Jareth. ❤️
Check out the Labyrinth calendar and these awesome book pins that I got for Christmas! ❤️ #BookishGifts
It‘s time to see Labyrinth in the movie theater!! Get out and see it, friends!
#jimhenson #labyrinth #movietalk #movietheater
I first watched Labyrinth when I was about 10. I found the VHS tape of it in my uncle's basement and decided to give it a chance. After watching it for the first time, I fell in love. I honestly believe Labyrinth is my most watched film. The novelization is fantastic, and provides the reader with more insight into the world and characters of the original movie.
Received this for Christmas! It's been so busy with my pharmacy studies and work, I finally have been able to start reading it again!
Friday night 🤘🏽
Not really book related. I convinced the 4 year old to watch #Labyrinth! I know there are Littens who can relate to how happy this makes me. #parentingwin #MagicDance #mychildhoodobsession
The preorders that you forget about completely are often go on to become the best postal surprises ☺️✨✨✨✨
So this theatre company did a "shadow cast" play of The Labyrinth. IT. WAS. AMAZING!! (And see? I kept it bookish cuz she's readin' ?)
This was an enjoyable read. I noticed a few little extra parts added in the story but, all in all, I thought it was a pretty decent novelization of the film. This is a great book for any Labyrinth fan.
"It's only forever."
*muppet arms*
My awesome cousin gave me this mug as a gift last night. How freaking cute is this?!?! I love it! 😍😍😍 #Labyrinth #Worm #ComeInsideAndMeetTheMrs
Not technically a #bookishtattoo but my most recent one and geekish enough that I think it still counts 😊😊 I have a couple more and more planned because I am a little obsessed 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Worth it for the sketches and Jim Henson's notes alone, but really not a bad prose adaptation of the script either. I think the author had his thesaurus out the whole time. Some of the word choices were... odd.
Spending some quality time tonight with one of my first movie crushes. #labyrinth #goblinking #thosepantstho
Four fictional characters to define me- it's not enough but it's a start. Do you feel like you know me now?
My Labyrinth obsession continues 😝😝 #bookwormtattoos
The inclusion of Worm may have been the deciding factor into me buying this 🤔 (and all the other ones... Shhhh!)
Here is my Jareth, guarding my shelf with his crystal... Better beware, BEware, the path you are on will lead to your ultimate destruction, this is not the way....🍑 and beWare of peaches too.
No, really. Who's more handsome, me or Jareth? Clearly I am superior. Just look at me.