This is sooo good so far!
Why is this so slow?!?!? I want to love it but GAH! I've almost fallen asleep twice!
Wow, I didn't expect to like this. Honestly, for the first bit of it, I didn't. But, wow that changed. I loved this!!
Omg guys...I received an ARC of this and omg! This was crazy good! Sort of The Breakfast Club meets an Agatha Christie novel. Loved this!!!!!
I liked this. I read it in one sitting. I was consumed by a culture that has always fascinated me. I did think that there needed to be more. The ending was just there and I wasn't ready. Still, I enjoyed reading this.
I liked this...not a scream it from the rooftops but it was fun. It really reminded me of the movie She's All That...mainly because of the characters. I seemed to picture all the actors as these characters. It worked. A fun quick read.
This...I didn't think I'd lie it as much as the first but...yeah it is goood!
Okay, so this was just ok up until the last few chapters. It went from eh to woah in seconds. Then it leveled out and I thought "maybe I won't read the next one. I'm ok with how this one is tidying things up." BUT nope at the very end I was pulled back in...on to book two!
This one suprised me. I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did. I did catch on early to what was going on but I still couldn't put it down. One sitting read!
Starting this today. In the mood for some light hearted fun reads :)
This one is difficult. I enjoyed the story but I feel beaten by the musical metaphors...they were just too much! I am excited for the second book but I hope the music related phrases are toned down :\
I didn't expect to enjoy this so much. I couldn't put it down! I have read so many books that just couldn't pull off the mystery and twists but this one worked for me. I didn't see the twists coming.
I dare say, this might be my favorite book ever. Seriously, ever. EVER! This is...the book equivalent of the show Galavant..well without the music. Seriously, I read this and then bought the audio book and listened to it (highly recommend this) and then I read it again!
I was hooked during the freaking prologue! Read this! I cant put it down!!! Well ok, I did to tell you all to READ THIS!
"Even the strongest blizzard starts with a single snowflake." Loved this book!
Ok so this was recommended everywhere by everyone to me. So I went in with high hopes and I think that skewed my outcome. I didn't fall in love with this book...I was interested but not captivated. This one is about 3.75/5 for me so...
*I have read the next book and LOVED it so if you are on the fence read this and keep going. ;)
Nicola Yoon is amazing. This is such a beautiful book. I loved this.
I was sucked into this one. It was different and strange. I loved it!
Happy place time. Getting cozy and warm with kitty snuggles and a book. ♡
I struggled to get into this one...I liked it but not as much as I thought I would.
I liked this...it was different. I am just not sure about the ending.
So much I didn't know. This was really good. If you are familiar with this case at all then grab this!
I love Rosamund Hodge...Love but this... :( this just was all over the place.
So I am about 3/4 through. I honestly thought I had read, listened, and known about everything I could on this case but this book! Love!!!!! Rabia Chaudry you are amazing!
Finally! I am so excited to start this!
Very cute and fun. Happiness is...
This was good! I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Very creepy concept.
Starting this one! I love Beauty and the Beast so hopefully I love this more than the first two in the series. Fingers crossed!