Is this account becoming a books and cats account? Extremely likely. Heraclitus is a diva, so he‘s all for it.
Is this account becoming a books and cats account? Extremely likely. Heraclitus is a diva, so he‘s all for it.
I might be trapped for the time being, but at least my captor is willing to be used as a bookstand.
I started this book over a year ago, read 30 pages, and put it down. I picked it back up because I wanted something short, and I can‘t believe I didn‘t love it immediately the first time. Just goes to show how much of a mood reader I am!
I‘ve been reading a bunch of comics I‘ve had for far to long during #24in48. This cover is by far my favorite. I‘m so sad that this run only lasted for 8 issues. I love the lighter style, humor, and feminist tone.
I stayed up late to finish The Odyssey, so I‘ve had a late start to #24in48 today. I loved this translation, and it was very easy to read despite me never reading poetry. Now off to read some comics!
The tagged book is a retelling of The Iliad and The Odyssey from Helen‘s perspective. @kgriffith I think you‘ll love it!
I‘m out of town for one night, and I left my book at home! Good thing I knew exactly where the local book store is here. I got Binti and the second Percy Jackson book. Crisis averted!
My cat is named after a Greek philosopher, so it‘s only fitting that Heraclitus felt the need to join me in my read of Emily Wilson‘s translation of The Odyssey. I‘ve fallen off the Litsy train for quite a while, but I want to get back into posting. I think I felt like I needed to post consistently or not at all, so I‘m going to try to be more relaxed about it.
A #floralcover for #riotgrams day 28. I've loved participating in this photo challenge all month, so I thought I would go out with a bang! This is my well worn copy from college, where I had to read it for two classes. It's absolutely magical!
I had to wait for a repairman to come fix my ice maker this morning, so for my #takeabookonadate for #riotgrams day 27 I had a lazy date with myself on my couch. There's nothing better than a lazy morning with an extra cup of coffee and extra snuggles with my kitty. (I am actually going on a date tonight, but it's bowling and only our third date, so I thought it might be a bit much to bring a book with me 😂)
My #fairytales for #riotgrams day 26 are this wonderful edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. I love that we get things like this from the Harry Potter universe! This was a special edition that came with prints of JK Rowling's doodles of the stories.
My first thought for #pannelspicturesillustrations for #riotgrams day 25 was the beautiful Harry Potter editions illustrated by Jim Kay. My favorite parts are the creatures he's brought to life!
This edition of Romeo and Juliet is definitely an #oversizedbook! It includes beautiful cut paper artwork throughout. I can't wait to reread this play using this copy! #riotgrams day 24
For #riotgrams day 23, I give you a humorous #selfimprovement book. This book was published in the 1980s and is now out of print, which makes it one of my favorite things to give as a gift (to the right person of course)! I can almost guarantee they will have never heard of it before, and it's always a huge hit. Funny self help books like this are one of my favorite things to collect.
#abookthatshouldbeadapted for #riotgrams day 22! I discovered this book at a school book fair in 6th grade and bought the first two. I ended up eagerly awaiting the release of the later books in the series with almost as much anticipation as Harry Potter. I would love to see all the different worlds brought to life on the big screen!
I was looking through my childhood bookshelf recently, and this one of many #badcovers stood out to me for #riotgrams day 21. This is such a great book, and it's written by Julie Andrews. But. That cover. I just can't.
#riotgrams day 20: all of my #writing is confined to work, and before that law school. The Bluebook is the legal community's citation guide. It is unnecessarily complicated, but I must admit that I kind of enjoy it. It helps that I've basically got it memorized at this point.
I hated every assigned read in school purely because I'm stubborn and hate being told what to read. So for #riotgrams day 19, my #favoriteschoolread is a book I got to select myself. I wrote a personal narrative paper as a high school junior using this book for my English class. It was already one of my favorites, and it remains one to this day.
My #music career centered around marching band, so I had to choose this book for #riotgrams day 18. I discovered this book right before I became my high school's drum major, and I read it over and over. I even based my uniform around the main character's!
#anunreturnedbook for #riotgrams day 17! I've got this checked out from the library, and an unfortunate sticker placement resulted in this photo of the back cover. I think I like it even more than the front! I'm planning on using the #readingwomen prompt of a poetry collection.
For #riotgrams day 16, I chose the book that contains an important case in #blackhistory. This is the reporter where Brown v. Board of Education is printed. Also, I basically work in a library surrounded by legal reporters, it's pretty magical!
This isn't an obvious choice as one of my #hotbooks for #riotgrams day 15. But. When I took the dust jacket off this book, my jaw literally dropped. It's stunning! (And I don't even like snakes!) It may be the most attractive book on my shelves.
I took the #hearts prompt for #riotgrams day 14 literally. I got this book in a swap with fellow @bookriot insider @Shaunesay. I can't wait to finally get it off my TBR! Happy Valentine's Day 💘
Some #pinkredandwhite for #riotgrams day 13! This copy of Borne is signed from an event with the author at my hometown's local bookstore! I'm excited to finally pick this books up!
One of my all time #favoriteleadingladies for #riotgrams day 12 is Diana from the All Souls Trilogy. She is spunky, smart, strong, and independent, but she lets her guard down enough to let her true love into her life. Oh, and she's a witch. What more could I ask for!
I had trouble finding a book with #punctuation for #riotgrams day 11. I've never really understood why the ampersand became a popular home decor element, but I have to admit it is a pleasing shape!
A #bookandabeverage for #riotgrams day 10! I've finally found a local coffee shop near me, and my coffee life has improved dramatically. The beautiful cover on this book caught my eye in the bookstore, and the premise kept my attention. I'm a sucker for any book set at a prep school!
For a #belovedseries for #riotgrams day 9, I was going to choose Harry Potter. Most of those books are at my parents house though, and I wanted to highlight another series I love! This is the one book series where I preorder new installments. It's got a spunky female lead, dragons, and a magical library. What more could you want?!
My first ever attempt at #spinepoetry for #riotgrams day 8!
How To Be A Lady
Small Admissions
Women & Power
Fates and Furies
Nasty Women
I Capture The Castle
Plenty Ladylike
#riotgrams day 7 asks us to feature #blackwriters. I haven't read any of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's fiction, but I plan to read Americana this year as a book of colonial or postcolonial literature for the #readharder challenge.
#riotgrams day 6! I don't read many #shortstories, but I make an exception for Flannery O'Connor. She's one of my all time favorite authors!
A bit of #royalty for #riotgrams day 5! I love following the various royal families still in existence today, and this year is going to be a big one! Two British royal weddings, a British royal baby, and a Swedish royal baby, just to start. I'll just be over here wearing my imaginary tiara 👸🏻
Some #purple books for #riotgrams day 4! I'm using this photo challenge as a way to experiment with book photography. I'm heavily considering starting a bookstagram account, but I'm nervous about whether I can do it. Litsy is so much more welcoming and less intimidating! I'll see how I feel about it after this month.
A stack of #nakedhardcovers for #riotgrams day 3. I enjoyed this challenge much more than I expected! I went through all the hardcovers on my shelves and found some unexpectedly beautiful ones! I had a hard time narrowing down what I wanted to use but ultimately decided on this stack because I love the colors!
My #currentread for #riotgrams day 2! Can we talk about this cover? It's part of the Penguin Threads collection. It's embossed, so the i age actually feels like it's embroidered. I'm collecting all the books in this line!
It's day 1 of the @bookriot #riotgrams challenge, and here's my #shelfie! These are two of the YA shelves on my unread bookcase. I'm slowly accumulating IKEA Billy bookshelves to create faux built ins along the back wall of my home office.
I adore My Fair Lady but had never read the source material. I found this little 1950s penguin edition of Pygmalion at a charity book sale for $1 (double the original list price!). It was such a fun read. Eliza is spunky and holds her own, a refreshing change from contemporaries of this play.
This is my first #libraryhaul in years! I'm starting Fun Home tonight for one of my reading challenges, and I can't wait to get to the others too!
I am lucky to have a signed box set from one of my personal heroes, Congressman John Lewis. March Vol. 1 is absolutely breathtaking. I love that the graphic format will bring his story to a new generation, just as Congressman Lewis was inspired by a comic in his early days as an activist.
Off to a late start today, but I've got my iced coffee and am ready to start When Dimple Met Rishi! #24in48
This book was meh for me. Flannery O'Connor is one of my favorite authors, so learning more about her writing process was interesting. That being said, I disagreed with a lot of things, especially the dismissive tone that often popped up. I'm glad I read this book though, and I'm in love with that cover!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks 1. The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman 2. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 3. Vodka 4. Not a deal breaker as long as he respects the fact that I am a reader 5. 👍
I struggled to decide if this book was a pick or a so-so. I needed to find out what would happen next, but I also kept asking myself if I was actually enjoying it while I was reading. I'm still not sure of my answer, but it was certainly a book that grabbed and kept my attention.
How did I never read Howl's Moving Castle when I was younger?! A swap partner picked this for me, and OMG I'm in love with it. I finished it in two days, and I can already tell it will be a book I read again!
A belated holiday stack! I can't wait to dive in to these great books! #hanukkah #christmas #bookhaul
I'm getting a head start on one of my New Year's resolutions to actually post on Litsy! A coworker who used to own a bookstore brought this to me to read today. Let's see if his recommendation holds up!