Love the illustrations on this miniature boxed set of Sendak books.
Love the illustrations on this miniature boxed set of Sendak books.
So when my oldest son told us he was moving to Florida last year, my 1st thought (in re my 2 young grandsons) was “Eek—Alligators!” Of course, my son ended up buying a house on a pond, which of course is inhabited by an ALLIGATOR! I took this pic when we visited in Feb, and I‘d estimate the alligator to be at least 6 feet long.
My little munchkin finally has a bigger bookcase, so we unpacked four boxes of books that have been sitting in his room for a year. He was so excited to rediscover his loves, he parked in bed with a few of them and read away! 😍
It's day 1 of the @bookriot #riotgrams challenge, and here's my #shelfie! These are two of the YA shelves on my unread bookcase. I'm slowly accumulating IKEA Billy bookshelves to create faux built ins along the back wall of my home office.
Fun quiz- nice to know I'm balanced- not what I expected :) I'm an "all arounder." I can never crop these right. https://www.bookbrowse.com/quiz/quizresults/index.cfm?fuseaction=abcd
I‘m an all-rounder too! Looks like a lot of us are 😄
These pictures are from a recent visit to one of my local bookstores, Main Street Books! They have a fair selection, but I like their children's section best. They always have some lesser known classics in that area, as well as some newer books and activity kits. #getindie #bookstoretourism #independentseveryday