I have some old #BlueBook titles on the shelves of my library wall. When my eyes fall on Black & Blue (tagged) I still send up hope for those terrorized in their own homes but see no way out.
Day 17 #30JuneBooks with #BlueBooks
I have some old #BlueBook titles on the shelves of my library wall. When my eyes fall on Black & Blue (tagged) I still send up hope for those terrorized in their own homes but see no way out.
Day 17 #30JuneBooks with #BlueBooks
This is a bold move away from my traditional genres, but I've thrown all caution to the wind and am going to try it ( espicially as it's so relevant to what we hear in the news today).
#bluebook #sundayreads #wildcardchoice
National Autism Awareness Day (Blue Books for Autism Awareness) #BlueBooksForAutismAwareness #BlueBooks #AutismAwareness #TheBodyFinder #KimberlyDerting #book #books #ThePhantomOfTheOpera #20000LeaguesUnderTheSea #ABabyForTheSheriff #Beast #GoSetAWatchman #BlackBeauty #Hero #WrittenInTheStars #AThousandNights #Holes #TheLastLittleBlueEnvelope #Nerve #13LittleBlueEnvelopes #DownWithTheShine #RomeoRedeemed #TheMerryAdventuresOfRobinHood #BlueBook 💙
Just about to start this one, got it from the library. I haven't read hardly any of her books! #book #bookcover #bluebook #margaretatwood #currentread #bookmad #lovetoread
"Blue is known as a 'sad' color. But when I see the ocean, all my sorrow is washed away" ~ A.M
In celebration to me receiving my signed The Queen's Rising, Markswoman, & Tempests and Slaughter (I'm a book buyingholic) I decided to do an appreciation to my blue books.
Who else is addicted to book shopping?
#bookworm #bookphotography #bookphoto #blue #bookcoverdesign #bookcover #bookcollection #bluebook #sarahjmaas #throneofglass #acotar
#riotgrams day 20: all of my #writing is confined to work, and before that law school. The Bluebook is the legal community's citation guide. It is unnecessarily complicated, but I must admit that I kind of enjoy it. It helps that I've basically got it memorized at this point.
I'm going to combine my #BlueBook with my #BookAndBrew. Also, I'm not actually drinking this because my roommate and I cannot for the life of us remember how long this beer has been in our fridge. #PhotoADayNov16 #Novemberland