@TheBookAddict wow! Thank you for everything! That book stamp is simply amazing!!! I love all of it! #mfbs
@TheBookAddict wow! Thank you for everything! That book stamp is simply amazing!!! I love all of it! #mfbs
Email me at Joestalksbeck@gmail.com if you‘re interested and can keep quiet
@catiewithac I sent your email on July 18th. @JamieLou I sent your email on July 18th.
@TheBookAddict got my package! Thank you!
Trunk full of boxed goodies going out today fir the #mfbs!!
Finished this last night. It had potential but the story didn‘t go where It needed to. It could have been much darker. It was more like a YA novel. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m gonna try to get to Ohio
I absolutely love this guy, he‘s very personable and sweet, and his books are amazing! I loved this book! Get it!
It‘s a day for researching theories about about my book love , Joe💕. Building a case like Do.Not.F*ck Delilah 🧐
Wooo! The only other person to hear it from that would be better than Gabriel is Joe himself
I adore this book and the audiobook is outstanding!
Ummmm do not read if you have paranoia, anxiety, night terrors or heart trouble
This book is insane! She hates her moms voice when she reads her a bed time story so she thinks to herself “ I want to shove flaming rags of fire in her mouth” 😳😳 love this boom
@JoeStalksBeck Jsblitsy@gmail.com #mfbs
I was flipped over this! I did an animation of this book and he loved it! Yay!
Hey guys! I have a YouTube channel set up with all my book animations! Please go take a look Nd subscribe. Pleeeeeaase🙌😊. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tDDV_E33urstNpV_niTDQ
Anyone seen BOOKNAROUND? She signed up for the swap but now neither me or her match can locate her on herZ did she change her name or go private?
Tonight is the last night to sign up for the My Favorite Book Swap! If you haven‘t signed up go here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeArtTlVGq7N0hCbfGSYlufDv_NK0x7KdPKSaDO.... Hope you join in!
Yup ...
So we went kayaking today and yes I listenedto an audiobook while the husband swam. I must say that this book is wholly not was I expected.! And the science stuff is epic! I adore it! Well this damn thing won‘t let me tag Toriestories 🤬🤬🤬
Gif for the book Sad Face which is not the one tagged here lol. https://instagram.com/p/BlLpGgknp1p/
See my gif to celebrate this day of superstition. https://instagram.com/p/BlK_m_vlg_L/
Well, Pieces Of Her isn‘t in the directory yet but....shit the pic doesn‘t fit but they are making into a tv series 👏👏👏👏👏
Well, Pieces Of Her isn‘t in the directory yet but....shit the pic doesn‘t fit but they are making into a tv series 👏👏👏👏👏😂
Signe up here:). https://goo.gl/forms/dvLaqRmR710Itm9J3
. Emma is an artist that just had her first big art showing. The art world Emma thinks she‘s a great talent and is making it big with her Forest Series.But hidden deep inside these paintings is a secret, a secret that is enveloped in guilt. Emma will return to the origin of this guilt once more to attempt to reconcile her feelings and find out what really happened on that 4th of July night. My review.https://bookchat758524457.wordpress.com
Just finished this! Did not see that ending coming! 🤯😳. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Chapter 10 in this book and I‘m severely intrigued!
My stats so far for 2018. Not bad but could be better
🔥book review 🔥. If you like horror then this young author is the place to go https://bookchat758524457.wordpress.com/.
So far this book is magnificent!
Go vote for Providence! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tDDV_E33urstNpV_niTDQ. https://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show/exclusives/summer-reads. Yay!!
He guys I‘ve got a YouTube channel with all my animated book covers if ya want to see them! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tDDV_E33urstNpV_niTDQ
Got my signed copy of my favorite Ania book but it‘s also signed by RC Bray who narrates the audiobook. Together the make Horror magic! 🖤🖤🖤
I‘m blown away with all you did here @AmyG ! Holy shiiii ! All the notes are freaking amazing!! Wow! It‘s all so creative!!! I have to say though , the Joe Goldberg bracelet brought me to tears. I adore it ! That you sooo much! #summerslasherswap
Thank you @TorieStorieS I adore all of this! That book sleeve is aaaaamazing! ❤️❤️ #summerslasherswap
When you nearly end up in the ICU because Caroline Kepnes mentions you in an interview and on Instagram