The world building and magic system were interesting. The characters were not very likeable, especially the protagonist.
I'm not sure if I recommend this.
Spoilers (caesar cipher, shift 3)
L kdwhg Txhqwlq. Derxw 2/3 wkurxjk, L krshg kh zrxog wxuq hylo dqg wkh rwkhuv zrxog nloo klp. Kh'v d ghsuhvvhg olwwoh pdq wkdw zrq'w jr wr wkhudsb dqg kdv yhub zhlug dqg edg uhodwlrqvklsv zlwk zrphq.
Dqqlh vkrxog qrw kdyh glhg. D yhub iuxvwudwlqj vhoi vdfulilfh.