This book was beautiful! I especially loved that the primary character had CP and was such a strong, confident woman. ❤ The hard part now will be waiting for the sequel in January!
This book was beautiful! I especially loved that the primary character had CP and was such a strong, confident woman. ❤ The hard part now will be waiting for the sequel in January!
Excited to start this one as a buddy read with @Butterflyamore !
Complex characters and moral quagmires? Yes, please!
This book took my breath away. While not all of the specifics were the same, there were enough similarities to my own upbringing to be quite cathartic as I cried my way through this book. I can't recommend it highly enough... all the stars and all the thumbs up!
A wonderful sequel that fulfilled all of the promise of the first book... I hope she writes more books set in this world!
A beautifully written book with an unusual premise and complex cast of characters. Five stars!
It's always hard to rate a book of short stories... a couple of these I absolutely loved, a few more I liked, a couple were meh, and one left me feeling ill. So I'm giving it a 3.5 stars. The titular story is set in the Oxford Time Travel world and deserved 5 stars, but I'm going with my average for the whole book.
I saw the movie some years back and was pretty confused about what was going on, but the book makes things much clearer! 😂
I've been on a streak of really good books lately, so I'm hoping this will fit right in with them!
My book club is having an amazing ladies' weekend in Galena, Illinois this weekend... of course we all brought books, so I just started this one!
This author is brilliant, absolutely brilliant! I now want to read every book she has ever written. ❤
I've been on a bit of a Tamora Pierce binge lately, though slightly out of order, first reading the two "Trickster" books, then going back to read the Lioness series, and now the Immortals (Daine) series. Fun, easy reads and some good high fantasy, as well!
This is going to be a long day waiting for results from a biopsy, but at least I have a good book!
Trying to keep up with my little guys and get some reading done, too! 😂
Life happened all over the place for a couple of weeks here, so I'm a bit behind on my monthly reading goal, but I'm nearly done with this fun fantasy and looking forward to starting the sequel!
Feeling pretty meh over my last few reads (including a couple of bails). I'm hoping this will be a nice palate-cleanser before I read my book club selection and then decide if I want to start a new series.
I just couldn't get into that last book (100-Year-Old Man), so I bailed. I'm really excited about this one, though, because I love the show!
So far, a fun read!
So far I'm not terribly impressed... a bit too heavy on the teen angsty tropes (plus a heroine constantly doing idiotic things, presumably to move the plot), but I find the concept interesting and I have the whole series, so I'll at least finish this book before I decide whether or not to bail on the series.
Taking the car to the mechanic's shop today to get a tire fixed, but at least they have comfortable seats there, so I'll bring my book and get some reading done!
It's a good night to pile on the blankets and read a mysterious book...
Just got an email notice that this one is due back on Tuesday, so I'm slipping it in before the next book I had planned to read.
I got this one for Christmas... excited to finally read it!
My first book by this author. Hoping I like it, because I have a few more of her books on my shelf!
I'm chaperoning a zoo trip for my kids' school today, so I'll probably rest up with this tonight. 😁
Mitford books are like chicken-fried steak and mashed potatoes: comfort food. 😁
My little guy tried to smuggle his llama friends to school in his backpack this morning... we had some real llama drama when he got busted! 😂
A nasty bout of insomnia last night gave me a chance to finish book 48 for the year! According to my "system," I should read a non-fiction selection next, but I'm really in the mood for a thriller, so my system can wait for this one that has been lingering in my TBR for quite a while.
A busy weekend kept me from finishing To Say Nothing of the Dog until tonight, but it was very fun (and completely different from the well-wriiten but emotionally taxing Doomsday Book), so I think I'm going to order some more books by Connie Willis!
In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy visiting with Britt-Marie again... she was quite the character in My Grandmother Asked Me...
This was fun and sweet, a nice, easy read between playing with my kids and getting them into bed. 😄
Wow, two bails in a row... yikes! I have high hopes for this one, though... I absolutely loved the first book in the series!
Funny, I bought this at a little bookstore near Amherst... I didn't realize until I started it that it's set in that area!
I have a bunch of Jodi Picoult books to read this year!
Too many heavy feels this week, so I'm reading something fun and fluffy!
What a week for fictional feels... caught up on The Magicians season finale on Monday (still processing that one), then saw Avengers Endgame, and I just finished the incredible Throne of Glass series. Wow. And I guess the Big Battle is coming on Game of Thrones this weekend. 😶 So don't mind me while I'm over here processing and nursing my book hangover! Oh, and now I need to pick my next book... ;)
Today would have been my dad's 75th birthday, but he died in 2001. I'm feeling emotional today, but when i saw the dedication at the beginning of this book, I cried:
For my parents - who taught me to believe that girls can save the world.
Thanks to my dad, who did the same. ❤
Book 7, the final installment in the series... I have a feeling I'm going to have a serious book hangover when I finish this one!
Life got in the way of reading this weekend, so I'm catching up today!
Empire of Storms ended on quite the cliffhanger... BUT... Tower of Dawn goes backwards and sideways to follow the parallel storyline of a couple of characters who broke off from the main group at the end of Queen of Shadows. @Purrsistently warned me that I would want to just skip ahead to the next book, but I should not do it, so I'm controlling myself... barely!
I can't remember who posted the link for these bookmarks, but they are beautiful and I love them!! BiblioBelleBoutique.etsy.com
Use the code Booklover10 for 10% off...
If you like high fantasy, complex characters, and/or female empowerment, do yourself a favor and read this series!
Oh, my goodness, I am LOVING this series!
Book 2 of the Throne of Glass series... really enjoyed the first one, so I'm excited to see where the story goes from here!