My last #aprilcoverlover21 is this graphic novel. Gritty dark and an interesting take on superheroes. Hopefully I‘ll get to it soon.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
My last #aprilcoverlover21 is this graphic novel. Gritty dark and an interesting take on superheroes. Hopefully I‘ll get to it soon.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
Very eye catching cover. I don‘t think I‘d pick this up normally but I‘m still going to try it!
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #goldonthecover
Late but I made it. This series is another I want to get to soon. The covers aren‘t my favorite but I also don‘t like the newer ones lol!
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #lighteningonthecover
Very red, mysterious cover. Now to just read the thing!
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #featheronthecover
Interesting cover and very intrigued by the story. I want to read this one soon! Thanks to Sharread for this gift! 💜
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #spacecover
Some Lisa Kleypas today. Also features my chipped bottom shelf! A very pretty cover. Very delicate looking.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #floweronthecover
Eye catching cover. I‘ve read the other two in the series and liked so let‘s hope this one holds up.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #hammeronthecover
Last of the trilogy. I think I‘m going to start it next month. I have too many series on my shelf right now.
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #flowycover
This cover is odd but eye catching at the same time 😆 a gift from a women who gives me any of her read books. Seriously a good problem. 🤪
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #metalonthecover
I loved the first book Well Met. I don‘t love the idea of this story (cat fishing) but I‘ll give it a go. I love the setting of the Ren Faire!
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
#aprilcoverlover21 #catonthecover