What I do when I'm not reading. My latest folded book art. It's *technically* still readable!
What I do when I'm not reading. My latest folded book art. It's *technically* still readable!
For an autobiographical book, which is not my choice of genre, I really enjoyed this. Schumer is funny and unfiltered and speaks candidly about both funny and tough topics.
This book had me feeling all sorts, especially when I found out it was based in truth. Initially, I found the dialect was a bit bothersome, but you just fall in love with the characters. Two stories intertwine when a woman delves into her family's past. Children are taken from their parents under false pretenses to be sold to rich families, spending the time in between in a heart wrenchingly cold and violent orphanage.
A very well written and detailed timeline of the rapes and murders of the Golden State Killer. Michelle McNamara wrote most of this book before dying in her sleep before the GSK was caught using familial DNA. Her writing is thorough and detailed while painting a picture to keep it interesting.
I enjoyed this book so much more than the movie adaptation (surprise surprise). I found some portions at he beginning a little dry but for the most part really enjoyed it! Danny is a great character and so much more dynamic than he was portrayed in the movie.
A book written by my favourite podcasters. A funny, heartfelt read. I give it 5 🌟 as a fan, but probably 4 if i weren't. I recommend giving their podcast My Favorite Murder a listen! #banekitty
Twists ans turns! Just when you think you have it all figured out, you fine out something new and crazy. I very much enjoyed this read but had a hard time understanding the character's extreme reactions to certain things so i couldn't always relate.
Featuring a sleepy (and fierce) #banekitty.
After watching the Netflix series, i decided to read the book and I am glad i did. Just like in the show, i found myself rooting for Joe until i took time to think about it rationally. As usual, the book is much more detailed than the show and it was do fascinating reading how Joe rationalizes all of his behaviour. Also as usual, things occurred differently in the book than the show so it kept me interested.
I very much enjoyed this story of a servant in Iceland accused of murdering her master. She is sent to live with a family on a farm until her execution and slowly, but surely, they get to know her and learn that every story has two sides. The writing was beautiful and helped paint a picture of the Icelandic landscape. I much preffered this read over Alias Grace, which has a similar plot.
Have you read this?
1. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent and Dorothy Must Die Stories Volume 3
2. Harry Potter
3. Goodreads
1. Dorothy Must Die: Stories Vol. 2 and Burial Rites
2. Space Jam
3. Peach Tea
I just can't get enough of this world! It is great to see things from the point of view of more minor characters and the author keeps introducing more magic and wonder. I love it and will forever hope for a movie.
We lost our dog this weekend to a brain tumour. He was in pain and very restless so i rarely left his side over the course of 3 days. I miss my reading buddy and after a very sad and stressful weekend it was nice to sit down with a book and take my mind off of it. We miss you Tucker. 💙
Terribly sad that I've finished the series, but i still have the novellas to look forward to! I am just in love with all of the characters! The author's writing switches seamlessly between characters as they are often separated throughout the book. There seems to be no MC in the best way.
Oops. Collected some more books of series I've started and started a new one with the help of my hubby. He always gives me a hard time about always searching for books and then turns around and piles more into my hands! Im on a real YA kick and loving it.
Featuring Bitty.
This may have been my favourite book of the series. The author does a good job of keeping the separate story lines interesting. I love that there are so many characters with big parts in the story. Their reactions to every circumstance fits their different personalities perfectly, just like the author knows them each perfectly. Never a dull moment.
Featuring our dog Miss.
I just can't stop! Researching, buying, reading back covers. I almost feel like I'd be done with my TBR pile if i spent more time reading than looking for more books! 😂
I've started a book club in my town and this is our first read. Does anyone have some discussion question suggestions?
Scarlet meets mysterious Wolf while searching for her grandmother and Cinder is still on the run from the Commonwealth when their stories intertwine.
I'm loving this series! Fast paced, humourous, and interesting. The author did a good job of keeping two story lines going, not leaving me disappointed when i switched from one to the other. On to the next!
I'm sick again🤧. Time to curl up with a good book.
I'm under the devil's litfluence 😂
(And a big fan of corny jokes)
I've started the second book in this series which switches between Scarlet, whose grandmother had a secret and has therefore been captured, and Cinder from the first book in the series. Eventually they will meet up and I am eager to see how their stories intertwine.
Above is one of our three cats, Bane. #banerkitty
I don't dislike sci-fi but when I read that this is about a cyborg, i figured it would be kinda cheesy but i really liked it. A great dystopian YA. The MC is relatable and sarcastic which i always enjoy.
Throwback Thursday! This is a read that has always stuck with me.
15 year old Janie sees her face on the milk carton one day and begins to think that the people she knows as her parents may have kidnapped her.
I always struggle with these questions so right now:
1. Stephen King
2. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
3. The Woodlands by Lauren Nicolle Taylor
4. Dystopian, horror
5. Romance
There was nothing wrong with this book. I have read similar books by different celebrities that had me laughing out loud and this one did not. This is my first ever DNF because I am not a huge fan of celebrities and there are so many books to read! I have a huge list and just didn't want to push through this one.
What are some reasons that you have DNF'd?
In the 1930s, Ellingham, a rich tycoon, opens a free school for the gifted on a secluded mountain. Shortly thereafter, his wife and child are kidnapped and the case is never solved. Decades later, Stevie, and amateur sleuth, begins at school hoping to solve the crime, but there's more going on.
I really enjoyed this read and motored through it. It kept me interested and i appreciated the author touching on the MC's battle with her mental health.
1. Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson and Cinder by Marissa Meyer
2. Ill Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
3. Morning
A different side of WWII than I have read before, which i really appreciated. The stories of Marie-Laure, a young French girl who is blind and Werner, a young German boy offer interesting insight. I enjoyed the entire read but i got sucked in about 2/3 in and did not want to put it down. The author jumps back and forth in time and between characters in a way I quite enjoyed, but i did find myself forgetting which point in time it was.
I'm reading All the Light You Cannot See in ebook form and I'm not allowed electronics at my Air Traffic Services job so my physical book choice was Cinder. I was unsure about the idea that she is a cyborg, but I am quite enjoying it. Gosh, i love YA.
Got this gorgeous Complete Collection of Oz by L. Frank Baum! I love The Wizard of Oz and can't get over how pretty it is!
My current read is about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. I'm ready to be moved
I'm disappointed that the series is over, but looking forward to the novellas. The author is a fan of L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz and it shows. She references his characters while imagining her own personalities for them. Fast paced with modern, sassy characters.
Oops! The author made a booboo! Two pages prior, the MC thinks of how she has to fight "Dorothy and her super-scary fiance." I thought i must've missed something because I couldn't think of how she had found out. Then this ^
What are some of your pet peeves in writing?
#throwbackthursday Does anyone remember this book? Probably my first ever dystopian read and it has stuck with me ever since.
I'm enjoying this series immensely. The reader doesn't always know whats coming because Paige can always introduce another character or another bit of magic. Imaginative and sassy!
I got all of these used books for a steal of a deal the other day. I've started and love the Dorothy Must Die series. What should i read next!?
Margaret Atwood announced that she is coming out with a sequel to The Handmaid's Tale called The Testaments and I am so excited!!!
Right now my five in no particular order would be:
Wicked by Gregory Smith
Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King
Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosney
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
How about you?
I almost always prefer the first book in a series because if it is set in a different time/place/world, that is usually when you learn about the imaginative world the author has created. That is probably true with this series as well but i still enjoyed this book very much. More of Oz was introduced and the author kept up momentum and the humor with which she writes. Would love suggestions of similarly imaginative books/series.
This was the first book in a while that I have been unable to put down. I LOVE The Wizard of Oz, so that might have something to do with it, but i found it so fast paced while being full of detail and imagination.
I loved the darkness of this book and the mind of Mr. Mercedes. Bill and Holly are each so relatable and entertaining. The TV adaptation did not disappoint.
I loved this series! I'm a huge dystopian fan and this did not disappoint. It was a series that i couldn't put down but then forced myself to put down so that it wouldn't be over.
Beautiful but cold out. Perfect day to stay in and read a good book!
I'm currently reading Dorothy Must Die and loving it. I've always loved the Wizard of Oz and have the 14 book Oz box set by L. Frank Baum. Anyways, I'm new to Litsy and still trying to figure it out. Any pointers?
I enjoyed the book but it did not pull me in. It took a long time for the main character's love interest to grow on me so i struggled with that relationship until near the end.