I haven't done a readathon in a while, so I'm gonna go for this month's #20in4.
Books I'm planning to get to:
🎧 The Unsinkable Greta James
📖 The Boy from the Woods by Harlan Coben
📱 Aurora by David Koepp
I haven't done a readathon in a while, so I'm gonna go for this month's #20in4.
Books I'm planning to get to:
🎧 The Unsinkable Greta James
📖 The Boy from the Woods by Harlan Coben
📱 Aurora by David Koepp
My year in books 2021! I read 31 more books in 2021 than I did in 2020 and it is because of this fabulous community. I know I am a broken record, but I have been truly inspired by my Litten friends and set a high goal of 75 books read for 2022. It‘s the biggest challenge I‘ve set for myself and I am REALLY excited about it. Wahoo!
My favorite book list of the year! NPRs book concierge is back with 369 books!
The ability to filter selections is the best tool ever
I spent an hour today with local celebrity librarian Nancy Pearl! These are her favorite books from the last year of reading. I was also thrilled to get a shout out from her when she couldn‘t remember Donna Tartt‘s name and title of her second book (The Little Friend). Here‘s to another year of great books!
Looking for recommendations please!
My husband and I started watching this tonight, and I am loving it. Do any of you have any recommendations for books with a similar feel?
Thanks in advance 😊
@sisilia At least I found the t-shirt ! 😃 https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/20476065-im-in-a-reading-slump
Checking out my first issue of Oh, Reader magazine while the pup and I hang out in the backyard. Little chilly, but we‘ve both been cooped up all day and need some fresh air!
I‘m really enjoying StoryGraph, but I noticed not all of my books transferred from Goodreads. Trying to decide if I want to spend time looking for the missing 14 books...
The eternal dilemma 😩
So I went down a rabbit hole with StoryGraph today to check it out. I really like the way they do reading challenges. Anyone know if #booked2021 is on there? Could we put it on there? Did I just volunteer to do that?
Because sometimes the best thing about reading is imagining all the books you‘ll read next. 👩🏫📚I expected more reviews but this was a good list of her recommendations on different subjects. Would be good to plan for a challenge list.
I know MyTBR says it can take two weeks for recommendations to arrive, but this is the longer it‘s ever taken for me (it‘s been 10 days). What makes it more ironic is that I asked for hopeful novels to get me through the nastiness that is going to be the election. I guess that‘s a tall order right now. I‘m not mad at them, I‘m just impatient.
Look what finally came in the mail today!!! From my secret copy on Etsy. 😍
My two cousins and I celebrated #NationalIndependentBookstoreDay this year with a road trip all over Wisconsin!! Over 800 miles driven, 18 stores visited and this is our haul at the end of three days! It was a ton of fun and I can‘t wait to repeat it next year!!!
I am desperately in need of some good book recommendations. What are the best books you've read lately? I will read just about anything, so spam me with everything you've got. Thanks!!
• 1,000 followers!! It took me a little over 3 years but that's ok. Thanks for being awesome, Litsy community 😘🎉 •
Reading this and finding MORE books to add to my already bulging, overloaded TBR list! 😜😝
P.S. @amanda61 Did you ever receive my email about the upcoming #staycationintimeswap swap? I never received your email.
I hate the waiting! It‘s like Christmas morning every quarter. #mytbr
Get yourself an SO that dumps others for not liking books 😍😂. #readerswin
(Shared from oooh_books on Instagram)
I need help deciding which of my most recent kindle acquisitions to read next. They are shown in order of purchase with top left being most recent.
Have you read any of these? Any you'd particularly recommend?
I‘m currently cataloging my books and movies. Well what‘s left of my books. I‘m almost finished entering those. Have to do my daughters books next (I only entered one of hers so far). Then I‘ll start on our movies. This app pictured is Home Library. I‘m also entering them in Libib. I haven‘t decided yet which I prefer. Does anyone else cataloging apps? #homelibrary #libib #books #movies
It's a readathon weekend! I love putting together a TBR! These plus my audio of Sapiens are the top of my list. #24in48
Do you make lists of books you want to read? Where do you keep your list? In a notebook? On Goodreads or LibraryThing? Here on Litsy? How do you organize it?
#2019ReadingGoals I‘m keeping it simple ,just a Goodreads goal , and #Booked2019. I am easily distracted, go on mood reading tangents, I don‘t want reading to become stressful, as it is one of the few things that gets rid of stress.I missed my #LitsyAtoZ last year by 4 letters/titles.Who knows may finish it in 2019.😀
My friend is visiting from out of town and got me this fab book pillow from a craft fair! She knows me so well. Tuck a book or tablet in the pocket. When you‘re relaxing on the sofa or in bed, helps prop the book up.
Desmond Brown Design: Handmade Goods.
Gonna spend some time looking through this tonight!
One more benefit from the earthquake: local used bookstore had a special “earthquake” warehouse sale, and all books were $2 each!
I picked up this small stack on my way home today. Quite a few nonfiction in there!
I found this in my son's room♡♡♡ Apparently my asking complete strangers for book lists has rubbed off on him sans the stranger part thank goodness!
My favorite #shelves. This shelf (which has 4 other rows not in the photo) is dedicated to my already been read (and many reread) books. I have a few other shelves for my TBRs.
Hello Littens! My cousin is looking for some book recommendations. She doesn‘t read very often (maybe one book a year) but wants to try reading a bit more. She likes young adult series leaning toward the romance. She‘s not a huge fantasy fan and doesn‘t care to read something if she‘s seen the movie. I know there are some good ones out there but this isn‘t really in my wheelhouse, so can anyone help me with a few suggestions?
My BOTM subscription will be ending soon. I‘m debating whether or not to renew it, but I‘d still like a book subscription. Has anyone tried this one? How do you like it? Does anyone have any other book subscription recommendations? I‘m looking for one that‘s more books, less stuff.
How could three months have gone by since my last post?! I'm embarrassed. Fortunately, my time away has not been due to a reading slump. It's been an excellent reading season for me. Here's part one of what I've finished in my absence.
Now I gotta figure out what I am going to read next. #booknerdproblems
What I read in August. Typically I do not read this much in a month but laying in bed for tenish days helped me set a personal best of books read in one month. #readin2018
It's that time of year again wherein my cubicle overflows with glooorrrious BOOKS for the #SummerReadingProgram. I'm inundated I tell ya, inundated! This is one of the carts of growing prizes. Crazy, crazy. #LitsyLovesLibraries library #bookporn
Saw this on Nancy Pearl's Twitter feed & had to share
I think I brought enough books on vacation. A full week with just reading on the beach on the agenda -- seems heavenly.
I can't post this anywhere else because it is only going out to a select group of our customers, but I'm so excited I had to share it somewhere. @biblio_ginger and I are planning a Reader Retreat that coincides with the next @24in48 😍! Sending out the invites to friends and customers tomorrow. I'm not a rusher of time, but I can't wait for July!?!? #readingretreat #surprises #booksforever #24in48 #PeteandFreddyPlanAwesome
Another successful #readathon even if life commitments and my need for sleep meant I only got about 1/2 of the reading time in.
It's #readathon time! I won't make the full 24 hours, but I am looking forward to some binge reading. Kicking it off with the Sandford.
This makes the Iowan in me sing with Hawkeye pride! I actually attended the Young Iowa Writer‘s Workshop one year when I was in elementary school. It was a day long workshop that you got to attend if you won a contest and you got to meet kids from all over the state and learn even more about writing!