I was compelled to read this after finishing #Tomlake. I read all 3 acts in one sitting after hiking to the perfect space in the woods.
I was compelled to read this after finishing #Tomlake. I read all 3 acts in one sitting after hiking to the perfect space in the woods.
My first Louise Erdrich. I get why she‘s renowned. I had a little too much sun today. Still enjoying it…just from a distance.
Wow. I read this on the beach in one sitting. I had to look at the copyright several times to convince myself it was really written that long ago. I think this might be an annual read. As an added bonus, I bought this at a used book store and it was marked up. I love imagining who/what/where about the mark ups and why that resonated with a stranger.
My last day of work for over a week. Taking a few minutes to gear up for a crazy last day. This will be a great “first” book to finish on vacation 🌴🏝🍹🐊
#bestof2021swap @Amiable @candority All packed up and will be shipping out this week.
Trying to decide what to read next
I find myself reading two books at once. The top one for my bookclub (meeting quickly approaching) and the bottom from once upon a bookclub package. #dogsoflitsy All with my trusty Gomez standing by.
Next up for the Christmas 🎄 season. This one tics a lot of boxes for me. Jenny Colgan. Christmas themed. Books with the word book, bookstore, or library in it (I collect these as well❤️💙💜). This was one I had to preorder as soon as I saw it was coming out. 🎄🎁🎄🎁🍷#weekendplannned
My first Christmas 🎄 book of the season. Reading it while watching Hallmark
Devoured this!!!
My morning read. Waiting for the kids to wake up before we hit the waterpark for the day. These stories are amazing, but I may need to switch to something lighter for vacation mode.
Wrestling reading 📖. It‘s getting so good. I don‘t know if I can handle how this might end.
This book has sucked me right in!!
One of my all time favorite things to do—get up before everyone else, drink coffee and read a book by the Christmas 🎄 tree with My dog Gomez. #dogsoflitsy
@BarbaraTheBibliophage thanks for the gifts!!!!! These came at the perfect time to cheer me up after a long day of work!! I can‘t wait to dig in!!
#libraryhaul Settling in for an evening of #hallmarkmovies and cozy reads 📚 📖
Watching Hallmark movies and reading on commercials🎁🎄🌲☃️📚📕📗📘📙
Starting this one while the rest of the family fishes 🎣
Working on a project for my MBA and this book is calling my name! I can‘t wait to get back to it. One of my gauges for a great book is if I end up reading it in the 🛀🏿 bathtub after the water has drained!!! This has happened two nights in a row!!!
At the library last night and I think I found the exact book that turned me in to a voracious reader. I was sick one night as a little girl and my mom had me read my library book because she said “reading always makes her feel better.” What a gift!!!
I need to read this!! Heard about it on #thelibrarianisin podcast. Putting it on hold at library now!
My husband got me an anchor for my kayak. Now I can take a reading break.
Book Haul from a great day with Mom at #untitledtown book festival. Got Christopher Moore‘s autograph and got to hear him speak.
Waiting for author talk. #untitledtown
My restlessness is showing in the stack of books I brought to the bathtub 🛀🏿 with me.... I am struggling to latch on to just one!
My third book of vacation:) a beautiful night in South Texas. Loving this book. I recently finished Lonesome Dove and it feels like I‘m visiting old friends starting at the beginning of the series.
Vacation read. 38 pages in and I can tell I‘m going to tear through this!
@everlocalwest thank you soooooo much!!! I love love love everything. I‘m going to put My Lady‘s Choosing at the top of my vacation pile (2/23 can‘t come soon enough). Everything is perfect!
Looking for Vegas bookish recommendations of things to do. I have some down time from my two day class and need some bookish ideas.
Oh my goodness!!!! These are awesome! Such perfect fits for me! Thanks @Bookchipmunk I can‘t wait to start Her Body... and read through my bookclub 📓 notebook.
Started this huge book last night. This is My dad‘s favorite mini series and I‘ve watched it with him more times than I can count, but this is my first attempt at the book. Signed up for a read along on GR too. ⭐️💕🎄❤️
This book is just what I need right now. I‘m in between classes, on a short break from work. Need to recharge and enjoy the small moments of the holiday season. #readingthroughtheholidays2017
First day of my Christmas 🎄 vacation! Crazy morning of errands and present 🎁 wrapping. Now time to relax and read for a bit. And hang with Gomez #dogsoflitsy
@Kaylamburson my package is perfect!!!! Thanks so much! I love the card that explains your choices (and they are perfect). When the kids go to bed I‘m going to take a nice long bath in the dark with my booklight to read my new Christmas book and eat a candy cane! #secretsantagoespostal
My wrestling 🤼♀️ tournament read for the day.