Take a Choose Your Own Adventure and pair it with a Regency romance, and this book is what you get. So much fun! I read through two scenarios and they were completely different. Pure entertainment. #bookspin #doublespin
Take a Choose Your Own Adventure and pair it with a Regency romance, and this book is what you get. So much fun! I read through two scenarios and they were completely different. Pure entertainment. #bookspin #doublespin
We‘ll, that was interesting! I‘m calling this one of those “pick, but” books. It‘s really almost a satire of romance stereotypes in the form of a very long decision tree. I may, at some point, read it again and make different choices to see what happens. I read this on my Kindle, so it jumped to the correct location with each choice. Doing it in a physical book might be clumsier. I‘m sure this isn‘t to everyone‘s taste, and I came close to 👇
I do not know what an “interactive romance novel” is, but I‘m about to find out. Alas, I don‘t think it comes with an actual hunk of a love interest 😂 #loveathon2023
I feel like this was written by people who don't like romance novels. I never felt that it was a loving parody of tropes, but a little more mean-spirited. And everything is so heavy-handed that it's not funny. The more I read, the more annoyed I got and there are too many other books.
#pop21 #dnfbookfromyourtbrlist #litsyatoz @BookishMarginalia #readingwomenchallenge #coverdesignedbyawoman @thereadingwomen
You star as the Plucky Yet Penniless Heroine in this choose you own romance novel. Do you choose the Highland Captain? The Brooding Lord? What about the Charming Noble? Or even the Lady Adventurer. 😏
Was this corny and cheesy as all get out? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the hell out of this, regardless of romance not really being my thing? Also yes.
This was silly and full of tropes, but dangit, it was a lot of fun. Just what I needed. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
So... my youngest sister went in for a COVID-19 test yesterday.
I need something fun to distract me from panicking.
#dogsoflitsy #Riley
⭐⭐ (2)
Ever read something so badly written, that it becomes the comical distraction you need? That's this book for me. I had forgotten this book was even on my #TBR until the request came through on #Overdrive last weekend. I don't like romances, but was looking for one to satisfy a prompt for a challenge I did, back in 2017. I borrowed it out of guilt for forgetting to cancel the request. It's incedibly cheesy and corny. Lol
When you finally get into reading a book, but realize your stats are going to be screwy because it's a "choose your own adventure" type book. No clue how to track my reading with an app (and I have three, plus Goodreads) when you skip around the pages like that. And yeah, for some reason this is what I'm focusing on right now instead of the end of life as we know it.
Oddly enough, it's a romance, and I usually don't like romances.
When you get to the end, but you are still in the middle. This certainly wasn‘t the best book I‘ve ever read but it brought me a lot of joy to have an adult choose your own adventure novel.
I just have to share all of the Jane Austen swag that I received in my secret Santa swap for #LGPOG from @Bookworm83 I am just in heaven! 😍
Mood: Tired and wanting to recline in a personal library like an old-timey lady....
Was struggling to sleep last night so gave up on that and had a bit of fun with this very tongue-in-cheek choose your own adventure story.
The format works really well on kindle - just click and it takes you to the page you need to be at (you can't peek at all the different options though!)
Maybe it was the tiredness but I thought it was hilarious; Favourite quote: "You and Mac birth the everloving daylights out of that horse."
This was exactly what you'd expect. It's a fun way to introduce a short romance story and you can lead the way to your dream person or course based off the list of characters in the front. I could only read through one before I had to return it, but it was fun!
And with that I have met my number goal for the year! I still have eleven prompts left to complete the #popsugarchallenge but I have plenty of time left!
Well, that was not at all what I was expecting, but I certainly enjoyed it! This is a great book if you want an easy read that will keep you on your toes the whole time!
Let‘s see how this grown-up “choose your own adventure” book goes.
Oh romance, how many ways do I love you ? I started reading romance probably earlier than I should have. I remember reading on the bus with 3 of my friends and we would giggle over the books we passed back and forth.
Two of these books are on my TBR and the other (My Lady's Choosing) is a super fun read I picked up a couple months ago. Seriously, my "90's choose your own adventure" loving self cannot recommend this romance enough! #24in48
#pop19 A choose your own adventure book
@LoverofLit gave this book to me for my birthday in February and it was perfect for this lazy Saturday afternoon. So funny, and had me laughing outloud.
I loved choose your own adventure books as a kid, so this regency era romance version was right up my alley. I have read two stories so far and plan on going in for more soon.
I had high hopes for this choose-your-own-adventure Regency Romance. I didn‘t realize it was a parody of the romance subgenre and that may have been why this book fell flat for me. It did keep me entertained as it had more action in it than I was expecting. Another digital borrow from the library.
This was absurdly hilarious. I especially liked all the flashing eyes! I only read two of the possible stories so I expect I'll return to this several times in the future for some quick amusement.
I loved choose your own adventure books as a kid. I am super excited to find an "adult" version.
This was so much fun. I liked that it was a little tongue in cheek. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
#ChooseYourOwnAdventure #PopSugarReadingChallenge #26of65
What do you do when you‘re on a business trip (no kids) and you finish a romance novel? That‘s right, you start a new one.
I‘m very curious about the choose your own adventure aspect.
Spotted at the Amazon bookstore. This looks like a fun read! Have you read it yet?
I really enjoyed this book, and I love that it has so many story options. Ive read through three story lines so far and have been enjoying myself the entire way. I enjoyed that my first storyline i feel in love with an adventurous lady and we led a gang of female pirates to discover a lost temple in Egypt. It‘s fun and I can‘t wait to read through the other options! 3/5 stars
Bookish birthday gifts are just the best! The Austen heroes shirt was made by one of my talented friends. And the books and mug from @loveroflit. THANK YOU @loveroflit...I promise to make you something delicious from the Hamilton cookbook!
The "Choose You Own Adventure" style is fun and unique in a romance novel. A light and fluffy sort of read if you have a love/hate relationship with romance novels, as it playfully mocks the genre and reader.
Thank you so much @Kayla.Adriena for my #cupidgoespostal gifts! It‘s so generous and so amazing and I am soooooooo excited and I appreciate every single one! And my doggies say thank you for the lovely cookies and the lovely lovely bandanna
This was the perfect fun, fluffy parody of Regency romances to read for Valentine‘s week!
There are several romantic interests to choose from with variations down each main path as well so there wasn‘t the obviousness fatigue that often comes with choose your own adventure stories. Definitely recommend!
Yay! On my first go round through in this fun, cheeky, choose your own adventure romance, I won the heart of a do-gooder Scottish man and lived happily ever after. I enjoyed this SO much and smiled and laughed throughout at the cheesy, sexy innuendos and mystery of this book. Now I'm going back to the beginning to choose one of the other paths! Maybe I can end up destitute and a lady of the night next. Fingers crossed! 😂😍
My current read wasn't grabbing my interest so for the first time in a while, I'm bailing on it for a bit to switch to something light and fluffy. For the month of luuuurrrve I'm diving into this fun interactive romance novel!
#popsugar2019 #chooseyourownadventure
Y‘all. This book. So. Much. Fun! It‘s delightfully tongue cheek and there are so many paths to choose from (even with the four outlined paths there are diversions and alternate endings). I stayed up way too late making decisions and I know I‘ll pick this up again as it‘s a good comfort read. 🥰 #romantsy #chooseyourownadventure
Big pick for me. Both a playful tongue in cheek and a legit series of romances that you choose for yourself! Highly entertaining and perfect for traveling.
Merry Christmas TO MEEEEEE
Well this was just a whole ball of fun! Blending some historical romance tropes with some thinly disguised "hero" outcomes (Jamie Fraser, Heathcliff, Darcy, etc.) this was just a bright and breezy romp of a choose your own adventure. I followed a few lines to the final conclusions but then just read page by page to see what I'd missed. Easy way to spend a little time deciding my fake future ?
1. Bought my ticket for #KissCon! Anyone going?
2. 4 because library holds always pop at once
3. Yes 😒
4. Yes and they are funky
5. Tagged book, romance that doesn‘t really get romance. Was very meh.
#humpdaypost @MinDea
Belated Dewey‘s 24-hour readathon wrap-up! I finished 2 books during Dewey‘s, Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl and A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain by Adrianne Harun, listened to about 1.5 hours of the audiobook of Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand, and read a bunch of the hilarious My Lady‘s Choosing by Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris. Overall, it was a great readathon and I‘m looking forward to the next round!
@DeweysReadathon #deweyoct
The idea here was fun and I appreciated the variety of options, including a lesbian romance. But the writing leaned way too often into cliches and tropes. It was on purpose but it got really tired very quickly.
Thank you to @TsundokuAleax for this lovely #hocuspocusswap package. Did you crochet those book sleeves?!
This book was so ridiculous- and fun. When you read a “choose your own adventure” romance novel you, well, get what you pick.
Not bad plans for a Saturday night in 🍷📚
not a morning person at all, but have been making an effort to get up ealier than normal so I don't need to rush as much & been loving the extra time to read over coffee 📖📖📖
#readingresolutions #quickread
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I read this last night in one sitting. A choose your own adventure romance that was totally over the top and cheesy but nostalgic good fun.