Temporary set up until I get my new shelves put up, but now that all my books are unpacked my new apartment feels like home 🤗
Temporary set up until I get my new shelves put up, but now that all my books are unpacked my new apartment feels like home 🤗
Packing up, I glanced down mid-way through a box & realized these 4 books pretty accurately represent my reading taste. 💯
Finally moved my books into the new flat. Now all they need is a proper shelf^^
It has been a LONG day and I obviously would have preferred not to move in the middle of a pandemic, BUT I couldn't love my new apartment more. After 6 years in NYC, this is my very first solo apartment (no roommates!!!) and despite the circumstances I'm stoked. I can't wait to get my books out of boxes and back on shelves - something tells me this will be the coziest reading space I've ever had 😄
My moving day is quickly approaching, and I couldn't be more excited! My husband and I will be moving into our forever home in a few short weeks, and we have plans of talking to the landlord about possibly buying the house! Only complaint is, I don't know what I'm going to do when all my books are packed, and ready to move!
Driving all my stuff from New Jersey to Colorado which means I‘ll be reunited with all my books! It also means I‘ll be doing a massive book purge in the next few weeks. Would anyone be interested in being kept abreast of that?
Sorry I haven't posted much aside from the trip @BookBabe and I just took. It's because we're moving! We're leaving #MiddleEarth. 😔
We've been doing a lot of painting and light construction work on the new place over the past few weeks.
And now the first major day of moving begins! This is a slow move, so it'll take several more weeks.
I'll keep posting when I can. 👍🏻
I have read every day for 92 days until today. After 5 months of waiting, we are finally moving to our new home- I got so busy packing that I lost a day of reading! I just hope I can find the book I was reading...it‘s a library book😳
I have been moving and sorting through my new house since Friday and I still feel like there's so much to do! Moving is a terrible thing lol I haven't barely seen my books, let alone read a sentence. Can't wait to be done and settled and be able to read!
#movingisnotfun #canijusthideandreadinstead #icanteven #tired #iwantmybooks #imjustgoingtogiveupandread
1. 26
2. 100 miles
3. Estimating 25 books per box (does that sound right?), I think it would be about 60 boxes.
4. Nope, we‘re moving at least one more time to a one-story since the kids have moved out. 😢
5. Not yes, but hell yes!! 60 boxes of books? Ain‘t nobody got time for that! 😁
Best of luck with your packing and move, @JoScho
1. Just tried to count them up. I think it's been 14 times?
2. I moved from the Toronto area to the UK for a time.
3. Lots. Last time I moved, the movers remarked that they had recently moved a book editor, and he had far less books than I.
4. I hope not!
5. YAY!!!
1. 12
2. Queens NYC to Denver Co
3. I could easily fill a small uhaul.
4. No idea.
5. Yes movers. I never want to physically do the work again. I will become a minimalist.
1.4 or 5 times. Not really sure
2. From Utah to California when I was a toddler
3. Somewhere between 6-10
4. Moving. But I either want to stay on the West Coast, or move completely out of the country.
5. Yay. Buy only for the really big stuff going up and down stairs. I'm only 5 feet tall. That does not bode well for maneuvering heavy objects
@JoScho #PackingDistraction
1. Currently preparing for my 11th move.
2. About 425 miles- Bemidji, MN to Madison, WI.
3. I have thirty boxes packed so far, and probably 3-4 boxes worth remaining.
4. I'm sure I'll move several more times.
5. My budget has never allowed for movers. Thankfully, I have beefy friends.
#packingdistraction @JoScho
1. Including when I was little? 9 big moves (like out of state big)—probably a few more (like apartment to house within the same city, etc) —at least 3 that I know of 2. I was going to say Indiana to Washington but it was actually Washington to New York 3. I don‘t even want to guess. I literally have boxes that I haven‘t unpacked because we have no shelf space 4. Probably one more time-I hope! 5. I‘ve done both: movers are great as I get older
Found out just last night that another move appears to be in my future...how timely!
1. 4 big ones with smaller ones in between
2. TX to FL then FL to MN (then back & up again)
3. Due to so many moves, my collection is rather sparse...2?
4. Yes probably within the next 3 months
5. Yes please!
1. 10, roughly
2. 4230 miles as a kid, 1314 as an adult
3. Many! 25-30, at least
4. September, actually. That may or may not be to our forever home
5. Absolutely. I'll save my labor for stuff I don't trust to the movers - my instruments, jewelry, etc. They can heft the furniture.
@JoScho (I think you originated this!)
Moving, Part 1. Waiting for the movers.
Hope everyone has a terrific Thursday! It‘s going to be a long day for me. Moving things into storage & then road tripping to TN. 😀
Son‘s high school graduation Saturday and moving truck comes tomorrow. Yep, life is constant change. Oh and daughter gets back from semester abroad this coming Saturday. So no time to read. 😢
@Rachel.Rencher Is doing a lovely #movinggiveaway for the above books!
Good luck to you both. May the move go smoothly and may you only have good health and much joy in your new home. Thanks for the giveaway!
Good luck @Rachel.Rencher and @Lucas.Rencher on your upcoming move! Hope it all goes smoothly 👍🏻🤞🏻💚 #movinggiveaway
Another moving/packing observation: you never realize just how many books you have until you start packing. And this isn‘t all of it. I still have three more bookcases to go...
We‘re moving in a couple of weeks, so we did did some packing this weekend. We started with the books.☹️A friend who was helping out last night tried to pack my “TBR soon” shelf, and I said no—I still need reading material for two weeks! She suggested I choose two books & pack the rest. I laughed at her. Two books for two weeks?! 😱I take twice that for a weekend trip! This was my compromise. (I didn‘t tell her about the books on my nightstand...)
And we are off to Colorado. All the books I needed fit in the car. Along with this goober.❤️
I'm moving in with my parents (until the hubs finishes his clerkship in VA) for my new job. I've yet to pack my clothes, but these boxes may be filled with the books I'm planning to take with me 😝 #readersgonnaread #tbr #morebooksthanclothes
Moving day is here and all the books (just two boxes of many shown here) and all our things are being loaded on the truck as I write. Excited to finally move to the city but bittersweet to say goodbye to the home where my girls grew up. But good news! They and all the books oh and Mr KVR too, lol are coming with me!😂📚🚛📦
Not exactly bookish but I have some #LitsyPenPals and #BookSwaps that I'm going to have to change my address for just a heads up all that I'm moving!!!!! In 9 days....ugh. So @AprilMaesBookHabit I'll send you my new address in a couple of days. Im not exactly sure what it is yet hahaha
While moving today, a friend said YOU ARE LUCKY I LOVE YOU! YOUR A BOOK HOARDER!! To her I said #sorry not sorry I had already donated well over 100 adult and kids books! What more do you want?!
I'm moving in a few weeks and I'm trying to get some packing done today. These 3 decided to try and "help". Lol
Nooooooo!!!! I'm moving in a week or so and I packed all my books! I just finished my book today. I don't really want to read a kindle book!!! I may have to raid a box or two tonight! 😮
I need a chair like this in my new reading spot in the new house!!
You know you're in hell when you're at U-Haul. 😈 In the bajillion minutes I was in line, I contemplated whether Dante's Inferno can be considered High Fantasy. 🤔 I also contemplated telling the husband a lame sexual joke about tie-down rope (but refrained because I was trying hard to keep it classy) and knew I'd have to mention Twine to @MicheleinPhilly and @saresmoore U-Haul needs to sell our Twine to get people through this hell 🔥🔥
I am moving soon, and I feel like moving my books will be like taking apart a home brick by brick 😂
::face palm:: ::face palm:: ::face palm:: Today's moving day, and apparently tomorrow will be too.
Just as I feel settled in, it's time to go...moving Up North (again)! #roadtrip
I'm moving in two weeks to a beautiful house that has room for a library. I decided to scan my books before the move with one of those apps, so far I've only done fantasy and I'm at 410 books. I think I may have a book problem, not to mention I don't think I'll be done before I have to start packing. 🤣 #books #moving #ineedhelp #bookaddict
I'm sorry, US postal service! If USPS dumps their media mail option soon, it's probably my fault. #packingparty #boxofbricks
Between the holidays and moving, I'm in a major reading slump! 😭 The only thing I can bring myself to look at for more than a few minutes is a cookbook. I've dipped into a couple essay books, and I'm hoping the slump ends soon. Boo.