"Would the defendant please rise."
In an effort to reduce the overwhelming incidence of insanity and serial killing in the Psy population, the Psy Council decided, in the year 1969, to instigate a rigorous program called Silence.
"On the day his father died in great agony, Jakob Kuisl resolved to turn his back forever on his hometown."
"There were benefits to being the second son."
"As both I and the century approach the beginnings of our ninth decades, I have been forced to admit that age is not always a desirable state."
"At the mass of the dead, the priest placed the wafer of unleavened bread and the cheap red wine on the linen corporal draping the altar."
"Three days after my thirteenth birthday, Armas, the Executioner and Chief of Prisons, came for me while I ate breakfast."
"The afternoon of the 9th of September was exactly like any other afternoon."
"The grey awful misery tangled round his heart and throat, choking him, sickening him with the vileness of his own nature. "
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream."
Harry Jones, who wore flowered Bermuda shorts, brown shoes, black ankle socks, and a white T-shirt that read "Akron Volunteer Fire Department - Ladder Champs '82", said to his wife Maureen, "I have never been so hot in my whole life."
"The approaching storm cast a tarnished metallic luster over the landscape."
"More and more people each year are going abroad for Christmas."
"While swords of lightning slashed and stabbed murderously across the scarred shield of sky, Bart Minnock whistled his way home for the last time."
"Don't you miss the mansion?" squealed a round-faced, wholesome-looking 20-something girl in a high pitched voice.
"It was five minutes past midnight, and a boy was gazing down at Cyprus Creek from the window of an old mansion on the town's highest hill."
"The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call 'out there.'
"I believe I may truthfully claim that I have never been daunted by danger or drudgery."
"On one glamorous night, Toronto played host to a meeting of hockey royalty from the days of the NHL's last great dynasty - the Edmonton Oilers of 1984-90."
"For eight years I dreamed of fire."
"It started while I was in the middle of an extremely heated online battle over a pair of black leather platform boots."
"It was a fine summer's day in England."
"Okay, Brittany, now if you could just walk out in your bikini and pretend you're just a normal woman wearing a bathing suit?"