“The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal - or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.”
Elizabeth Peters
#FelixandFiona wanted to make an appearance on Litsy 🖤
“The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal - or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.”
Elizabeth Peters
#FelixandFiona wanted to make an appearance on Litsy 🖤
Earlier in the Quarantimes, the TiVo box in our bedroom broke and we started listening to audiobooks at bedtime instead. We have a new TiVo up there now, but the audiobooks have stuck - mostly because Him Indoors fell in love with the Amelia Peabody series. We‘re now on book 7 and I‘m really enjoying revisiting the series.
Very funny adventure as Peabody and Emerson return to Egypt without Ramses and Nefret
Getting back into one of my favorite series! 😍❤️😘😏
Not a super enthusiastic pick (mostly because of the ending), but Peters is so delightfully witty that I find myself chuckling a lot. Finished up the audiobook for my first #24in48 book.
Quite late posting my intro survey for #24in48, but I've been lazing in bed, listening to this audiobook. Off to walk the dog now! 🐶
Now these are definitely candidates for #bestblurbs #seasonsreadings2016 ! Amelia Peabody is the actual best, and I'm so glad people recognize it! "Arguably the most potent female force to hit Egypt since Cleopatra"!! ???
(internal monologue re: #rereads - I don't reread much; there's too many new unread things. Except JE, P&P, and Xmas Carol. Oh, and HP, but that's HP-a law unto itself so it doesn't count. And there's all the audiobook "rereads" of things I've read in print...oh hell. It's no wonder my TBR list doesn't shrink) ?? Anywho...I usually only listen to audio of books I've already read. Barbara Rosenblatt is PERFECT as Peabody.
"I believe I may truthfully claim that I have never been daunted by danger or drudgery."