I can't sleep, so I will let the narrator read me a good bed time story, I love falling asleep to audiobooks. 🤓📚 #throneofglass #audiobook #readmeastory #bedtimereads #yafantasy
I can't sleep, so I will let the narrator read me a good bed time story, I love falling asleep to audiobooks. 🤓📚 #throneofglass #audiobook #readmeastory #bedtimereads #yafantasy
I ❤️ the chapter illustrations in this book. Also this large magnetic bookmark from this month's happy read plan sub is über cute #yareads #magneticbookmark #craftedvan #retoldfairytales #bookartwork #happyreadplan
I finally started this book! It is an urban fantasy and loosely based on the Russian fairytale, Vassalissa the Beautiful. This book came in #owlcrate once upon a dream box. #fairytalesretold #urbanfantasy #Yareads
This book came highly recommended, so I decided to see if it lived up to the hype. It was a page turner especially the last 1/4; however I was looking for more substance like other sci-fi authors I enjoy like Miéville, Stephenson, and Tepper. Dark Matter reads like a movie script with one line sentences & scene descriptions. This is one of those rare books where the movie will probably be more enjoyable than the book for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
I am hoping to finish this book soon. It's the perfect book for #scaretober #horror #currentlyreading
I just noticed that I hit 1000. Well I'm a little past now. Thank you #littens for making #Litsy so much fun. My book wishlist is full because of all the great book enablers here! #thankyou
I am so close to finishing this! #heiroffire #throneofglassseries #audiobook #currentlyreading
Oh Aedion Ashryver, you made me cry. Oh the feels!!😭😭😭
#heiroffire #throneofglassseries #AedionAshryver #ohthefeels #pleasepassthetissues
Happy Thanksgiving Canadian #Littens 🇨🇦
I ❤️ this colouring book especially when I am stressed. Something about colouring cute pictures with swear words makes me ridiculously happy. The paper is a good quality and the pages are perforated, so you can tear them out. These are the top things I look for in a good colouring book as well as the art is clear easy to see & colour. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Celaena has a love of sweets, clothes, & books. She is absolutely adorable for an assassin.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Why, oh why is there always a love triangle in YA Fantasy?! I minused a star due to it. I liked this book and the narrator despite the loathing of the overused love triangle plot device. I hope the next book has more fantasy & less love triangle.
This is a retelling of the Trojan War told in the perspective of Patroclus, Achille's companion & lover. This is a historical love story that we all know will not have a HEA. At first, I had a hard time getting into this book; however after a very long hiatus I am now tearing through this book at a fast pace. #LGBTlovestory #historicalfiction #greekmythology
I just pre-ordered a copy of the Kindle edition of this book. I am so excited and the wait till February 7, 2017 is going to be hard. Two favourites -- mythology & Neil Gaiman❤️❤️❤️
I just started this & already the first fandom Sam described happened to be my #1 fandom. 💙💛
🤓📚✌️️ #proudravenclaw #proudpotterhead #potterhead #fangirl #harrypotter #funkoHP #illustratedharrypotterandthephilosophersstone
Halfway through this and it's so nice to be back in this world. Yelena & Valek are one of my favourite book couples ❤️
It's been a tough week for me, so I re-listened to BBC's drama of my favourite book to help destress. Mr. Bookish & I bonded over this book on our first date 🤓❤️ Both authors are fabulous writers & I may have shed a tear when hearing Sir Terry's cameo with Neil. This book is a great laugh & I ❤️ this full cast drama. If you liked Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy I recommend you read this book then listen to the drama.
I ❤️ Alice in Wonderland & enjoy good retellings or books inspired by my favourite childhood book. I also love darker themes & played American McGee's Alice because it was a beautiful psychological horror action video game and so far this book feels just as bloody, disturbing, and dark. Trigger warning - physical & sexual violence, abuse, & mutilation. So unless you enjoy dark & disturbing books it is best not to read this series.
Out of the three Pottermore Harry Potter ebooks this is my favourite one. It's not Hogwarts: A History, but it is a nice little dose of HP for Potterheads.
Out of the three Pottermore Harry Potter ebooks this is my favourite one. It's not Hogwarts: A History, but it is a nice little dose of HP for Potterheads.
I swear that I normally don't read this much #YA. This was in June's #owlcrate Not that there is anything wrong if one decides to read YA exclusively as an adult. I have never been one for book monogamy -- let alone genre monogamy. My Lady Jane has been making me laugh so hard. Thanks I need those 😂😂😂
It was a treat to be able to go back to Hogwarts and the HP world. There were tears shed...always. I enjoyed reading about old friends & new (missing some favourites though). It did feel a little weird at first because the writing is fanfic and not close to Jo's. I promise no spoilers here. I would have preferred this not be titled book 8 because of this. I think this would be better received in it's intended form. Too bad it's too much 💲 💸
I didn't get as much reading done as I hoped to. Life got in the way of my reading along with Pokémon Go. I hope I get more reading done in August. My total read so far is 21 books & last year at this date I read 49 books. It's been a rough year, the second half of the year looks better ATM
Started this at midnight. Don't think I am getting a lot of sleep tonight! #justonemorepage #potterhead #harrypotterandthecursedchild #harrypotterbook8
Up late reading this month's #owlcrate book with a glass of white wine. It's too hot to sleep!
This is how I feel about this book. I enjoyed it till the end & twist wasn't a surprise. Madeline has SCID & can have an allergic reaction to anything. Her whole life she has spent indoors to protect her & she was content. Until she meets her new neighbour. This is a sweet YA romance & I ❤️ that one of the main characters is a hapa or hafu (mixed race with one half Asian). I'm French, Irish & Chinese -- so happy to see more diversity!
I enjoyed the beginning of the book especially descriptions of Keita running. Some plot felt haphazardly slapped in. The narrator was fabulous and I really enjoyed the fictitious countries, Zantoroland & Freedom State. This felt more like a fluffier read than I was expecting. The ending felt rushed & it resolved too neatly & abruptly. This isn't my favourite book from Canada Reads 2016 & it's the winner. Hero's Walk or Birdie should have won.
Translation : Perhaps this too will be a pleasure to look back on one day. This is how I feel about the end of The Raven Cycle atm. Started this in April and finished it last night. It took me so long because I didn't want this to end.
"Even in the future the story begins with once upon a time" I ❤️ this line. This cute bracelet was in June's @owlcrate box.
I needed some comfort reading, so I decided to re-read the illustrated edition. I am so excited for the release of the illustrated book 2 and this time I pre-ordered my copy.
I ❤️ this series. Brandon Sanderson has become one of my new favourite authors & I still need to read the Mistborn series. So many books, so little time. Lovers of well-written epic fantasy if you haven't started The Stormlight Chronicles I highly recommend it.
This is a re-read. I've read this book many times over the years & still it makes me cry. The unabridged audiobook is a joy to listen to & I highly recommend it. Still so much better than the movie. Now onto Speaker for the Dead
A retelling of a fairy tale always has promise for me, but this left me disappointed & angry. The characters were so flat & the "romance" was very limp and felt unreal. The gimmick of the last chapter being posted after the movie opens online left a nasty taste in my mouth. Don't waste your time & $
This is my absolute favourite de Lint book. Brian Froud (artwork : The Faeries Queen by Brian Froud) collaborated with some authors to produce stories based on his artwork. My copy Is the paperback reprint minus the art :( de Lint's prose & strong mythological ties creates a beautiful magical tale
The very first Nerdy box by the talented @Dropandgivemenerdy The theme is HP!!! I'm very excited to see what the next box has because the theme is Game of Thrones!
Still haven't finished the last book on The Raven Cycle. My reading time has been scarce lately 🙁 I decided to wear my Slytherin house socks. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, but I do fall into Slytherclaw since the sorting hat almost put me into Slytherin.
Lorelei King is such a fabulous narrator. She also narrated the Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, which are hilarious. Fire Touched is book 9 & is one of my favourite paranormal urban fantasy series. So far I'm loving this book & at 342 pages means it will be over too soon. World-building 👍
I got my May owlcrate last week! This month's theme is steampunk. I love the nail wraps (was part of Espionage Cosmetics's kickstarter) and the clockwork brooch. I can't wait to start this book 🤓
Almost done! Then I can move on to Lady Midnight. I am happy to be finally close to finishing this. I love audiobooks, but I hate The Mortal Instruments ones because every book introduces new narrators. We like consistency as well as good narrators. This is the 6th book in the series.
Cuddling up with this book tonight. I have been reading a lot of YA lately. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that🤓 I am only 28 pages in & so far it is interesting. This book came in my March owlcrate. I like that there are books outside my normal go-to genres & never would have picked myself
I find Ahern's writing sucks me in and I like Ahern's message, which she explains in the back of the book. I won't spoil it, so you will have to read it for yourself. I enjoyed this book enough to forgive the ending (spoilers sweetie) & am eagerly awaiting the next book
This is one of my favourite books by two of my favourite authors! I highly recommend the BBC Radio Drama. Pratchett & Gaiman have a cameo & the cast is fantastic. RIP Sir Terry.
I was worried I was setting my expectations of this book too high. Nope not at all. I laughed, cried, & felt a little less alone in my awkward anxiety-ridden mind. I read this in Felicia's voice, but I might get the audiobook because I am a fangirl 🤓
A bittersweet look into life, death, love, regrets, survival, & family. I ❤️ this book & it should have won 🍁Canada reads. It is not a light read, but the characters are flawed & very realistic that you can't help yourself from being sucked in to this book.
“Welcome!‘ he said. ‘Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”
“Fairy tales are more than true – not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.” - Neil Gaiman, Coraline