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You're probably tired of all these #HarryPotter20 posts and whatnot but, it's Harry Potter! And it's been 20 years! Can you believe it?
#ProudGryffindor #favoriteseries

MarauderErin Never tired of it! Proud Ravenclaw here!! 7y
JoRead @MarauderErin I was just doing the Buzzfeed quiz and I was told I'm a Ravenclaw. Perhaps it's because it's my second favorite House 😉 7y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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Apparently today is Gryffindor Pride Day!!! ❤️💛❤️💛 #Gryffindor #proudgryffindor #hpchapteraday

Dragon Yay 😊 8y
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That feeling you get when you find a perfect reading nook to catch up.
#MidnightReads #HPChapterADay #ProudGryffindor

MyNamesParadise Looks comfy!! 8y
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For all my Ravenclaws here. 😂😂😂😂 #StillLoveMyGryffindors

PenguinInFlight Sadly, this type of thing is probably why I wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw, either. 😂😂😂 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm a Ravenclaw (first sort), then a Gryffindor (second sort because they wouldn't let me keep my first house when the website changed). I identify with both but sometimes I think I should have been in Slytherin. 😀 8y
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stacybmartin Love this! 💙🦅💙 8y
Josie Hahahaha hahahaha omg 8y
Marchpane Ahahaha! Love it 💙 What if our heroes had been Ravenclaws? 🤔 8y
lilycobalt Or maybe it's an early indicator of Harry being the youngest Seeker in a century. 8y
elkeOriginal I just fell off the couch laughing. This is amazing 💙🦅💙🦅 #ImaRavenclaw 8y
Yournewfriendsams Omg finally! That has always bothered me 😫😂 8y
MyNamesParadise 😂😂😂😂😂 8y
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#herebedeagons Remember that time Harry, Ron and Hermione escaped Gringotts on the back of a dragon! Um. Yeah. That was kind of bad ass! And the ride at Universal Orlando is amazing! Rode it more than one, couldn't get enough. The kid loved that it randomly roared and spit fire. It was awesome. #hermioneisme #universalorlando #wizardingworld #proudgryffindor #dragons

BeththeBookDragon Loved it there! 8y
TheNextBook @bethfriedman906 I want to go back so bad! My family had so much fun. It was an amazing experience with adding Diagon Alley! 8y
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Starting this one with the kid! He loves these illustrated editions. He likes Harry Potter but isnt as obsessed as I am but he enjoys this with me. #proudgryffindor #motherofaravenclaw #hp2 #illsutrated

tpixie It's a great place to start!!! ❤️️📚 8y
TheNextBook @tpixie He loved the Wizarding World in Orlando and self identified as a Ravenclaw soon after reading the first book with me! He may not be full blown but he is dedicated! 8y
MeganAnn My son loves the movies and the illustrated books. I plan on reading the illustrated books with him as they come out. He is 7.5 now so I figure by the time the later books come out he will be old enough to handle the more mature content. 8y
TheNextBook @MeganAnn We're doing the same thing. A lot of his friends have read the books. He's seen parts of the movies but he has never wanted to read them. He has his own set so when he's ready he can pick it up and start reading. He likes reading these with me though, and I enjoy it too. He's 8 so I'm not sure how much longer he will want to do this but I'll enjoy while it last! 😍 8y
tpixie 💗 8y
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So, my town is doing this thing called #Wizardingweekend and the place has HP fever like you wouldn't believe! It's pretty awesome. #gryffindor4lyfe

meggofrank Well that sounds fantastic! 8y
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#bookssetinschool #octophotochallenge #booktober *singing* "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please!" ??????? I had to do it. There is no way I could let today's challenge pass without posting about #Hogwarts #proudalumni #proudgryffindor #gryffindorforlife

BookInMyHands @TheNextBook At one of our library midnight HP parties we sang this, each with our own tune of course. It's one of my favorite memories. 8y
TheNextBook @BookInMyHands that sounds incredible. I would have loved that! 8y
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InLibrisVeritas It's always good to see I'm not the only with a bookshelf mostly devoted to HP!❤️❤️ 8y
OSChamberlain Damnnnnnn 8y
TheNextBook @InLibrisVeritas that whole bookshelf is Harry Potter! The 5 sets and then special edition, deluxe editions, and the companions! 😂 📖⚡️❤️ @OSChamberlain I'm obsessed. It's not hoarding when it's Potter books! 8y
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InLibrisVeritas They take up so much room. 😂 I only have 3 complete sets, but I have 14 incomplete. I have them on 3 of 5 shelves to hide how many I actually have. 😁 8y
OSChamberlain Definitely not! I commend your dedication!! I do the same thing but with vinyl from my favorite band 😂 8y
TheNextBook @InLibrisVeritas I just told me husband I want a bigger bookshelf so I can show off the covers. @OSChamberlain I hadnt planned on this happening but such is life! 8y
InLibrisVeritas I hope you can get one! There are so many amazing covers out there. 8y
TheNextBook @InLibrisVeritas I've decided my last set will be the illustrated ones. I finally got my hands on the Classic Childrens Bloomsbury set so the illustrated ones will close it out nicely. 8y
InLibrisVeritas That's a good plan. I'm thinking in try to finish the sets I have before deciding if I'm going to continue. And the illustrated Chamber comes out next week!! ❤️ 8y
moranadatter Impressive collection! 8y
TheNextBook @InLibrisVeritas I am irrationally excited about Tuesday! @kmdartist Thanks. 8y
ValerieAndBooks 😍wow! Maybe you can start collecting foreign language editions next (if not already)! 8y
TheNextBook @ValerieAndBooks I don't have any foreign languages ones and that is such a tempting idea! 8y
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I just started this & already the first fandom Sam described happened to be my #1 fandom. 💙💛
🤓📚✌️️ #proudravenclaw #proudpotterhead #potterhead #fangirl #harrypotter #funkoHP #illustratedharrypotterandthephilosophersstone

bookishchelle @TheNextBook ❤️ Same I have meet some fabulous people online & IRL because of this fandom 8y
arty I have the same keyring but the blue has long since faded. 8y
bookishchelle @arty It has been well loved. Mine is a souvenir from WB Harry Potter in England & I have had it for 4 years! 💙💛 8y
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