I ❤️ the chapter illustrations in this book. Also this large magnetic bookmark from this month's happy read plan sub is über cute #yareads #magneticbookmark #craftedvan #retoldfairytales #bookartwork #happyreadplan
I ❤️ the chapter illustrations in this book. Also this large magnetic bookmark from this month's happy read plan sub is über cute #yareads #magneticbookmark #craftedvan #retoldfairytales #bookartwork #happyreadplan
It's September 2 and we're finally getting close to that transition between summer and fall. The temps are going to fluctuate between mild and hot so I have no problem mixing apples and crabs in this photo.
#fallthebooks #redbooks #whatsanapple #martians #theboxcarchildrenguidetoadventure #commentarrideineptopuero #adulthoodisamyth #bookandfunko #magneticbookmark #craftedvan
This is absolutely amazing. I feel so validated. I'm definitely buying this book for my collection.
#thejoyofleavingyourshitallovertheplace #books #nonfiction #humor #catsloveclutter #bibliophile #bookobsessed #bookaddict #booklover #booknerd #dogaccessories #bookpiles
Magnetic #bookmark by @craftedvan. #craftedvan
"Remember when you wanted to be an archeologist? We all did. Because of dinosaurs. So, basically, by piling stuff in heaps, we're fulfilling a childhood dream."
#thejoyofleavingyourshitallovertheplace #books #nonfiction #humor #catsloveclutter #bibliophile #bookobsessed #bookaddict #booklover #booknerd #dinosaurs
Magnetic #bookmark by @craftedvan. #craftedvan
Next to the title, this makes me want to read this #book. I wish I was participating in #24in48 but between working today and being sick...well, hopefully next time.
#thejoyofleavingyourshitallovertheplace #books #adultnonfiction #nonfiction #humor #humour #catsloveclutter #bibliophile #booklover #booknerd
Magnetic #bookmark by @craftedvan. #craftedvan
Lunchtime #reading: Drag Teen by Jeffery Self.
#booknerd #bookaddict #bookobsessed #bookmark #weneeddiversebooks #lgbtqia #glbt #ireadya #yafiction #teenfiction #owlcrate #craftedvan #dragqueen