A napping toddler, Lake views and good reading. Enjoying a few relaxing days at home and then Disney here we come ❤️
A napping toddler, Lake views and good reading. Enjoying a few relaxing days at home and then Disney here we come ❤️
Snow days mixed with the flu, double ear infection, and chest infection for our little snow angel calls for story time and snuggles with daddy on the couch
Spending my Christmas reading, eating yummy food... at work. Wish I was home with my little girl but ''tis the life of a paramedic. Missed holidays, birthdays, special moments. But someone's gotta do it. Merry Christmas to all!! 🎅🏽🤶🏼🎄
"I'm a cotton headed ninny muggin" ''tis the season for festive glasses, homemade bits n bites, all the flannel and plaid you can handle and a good book under the glow of the Christmas lights. This is my season
Halloween was the best! Every little Cinderella needs a fairy godmother.. now back to your regularly scheduled reading ✨💫
When the local church delivers goodies to the station thanking us for our service to the community, they make a great snack at the end of shift #thoughtful #lovemesomescaries
Mondays suck but we had a great weekend of shopping, Halloween parties and corn mazes. No reading got done but that's okay! Maybe I can get a few pages in at work 🚑
I should be sleeping after a night shift but I couldn't knowing there was ice cream cake in the freezer
Is it too early for Halloween candy?! 9am is acceptable right? #paramediclife #paramedicgodsbenicetoday
Today as everyday, I am thankful for my family, my husband , my health, my friends, my job and work partner, but most importantly I am so very thankful I get to spend the rest of my days watching and loving this little Turkey Bird grow up and become a beautiful little lady. I cannot thank my lucky stars above anymore than I already possibly have to be blessed with her calling me mama. Life is good. Be kind, and enjoy your turkey!! 🎃🍁🦃🚑👨👩👧
Lunch while at work. Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Littens!! Be safe, and make sure ya wear your turkey eating pants!! 🍁🚑🦃
It's been a long week...a long week of hubby being away and a very sick baby. In and out of hospital for five days, multiple ambulances rides, lots of snuggles and lots of tears. As she slept last night and I tried to keep myself awake, I turned to my book, and yet all I could do was sit there and stare at her and wonder how did she get so big and if I could take her pain away I would ten times over. Oh this kid... hard on my heart!
Harpers very first book haul. I joined a moms group and they sell new books at discounted prices and is delivered once a month! I can't wait for the next order!
And just like that. My year of maternity leave is over. My office for the weekend...Halloween treats and good reads
Hubby and I are heading to NY again for a few days (we are coming for a concert at MSG in July) any of my NY Litten friends have any recommendations on some things to see. We will be around Central Park and Times Square. We've already done most touristy stuff before.
Thank you Paramedic Nat for sharing your story, facing your demons, and letting everyone out there know it's okay to not be okay. So thankful I got to hear her story, straight from her, and I got to hug her and say thank you. PTSD is not a joke, it's horrible, it's raw, and it's very much real. Let's change the stigma
Is it wrong this is my supper tonight? And I've been reading this book for weeks.. and it's so good, my only excuse is I have a super cute baby who I spend all my time with, taking advantage of an early bedtime tonight, my other fur baby and relaxation while hubby is away for another week
Calm before the storm?! It's a beautiful day here in Nova Scotia. Tulips have me wishing for spring but apparently a Nor'easter is heading our way.. Florida can't come soon enough tomorrow. Working on updating my TBR and read list and hopefully get a few pages read before Miss Harper wakes
Maybe she will let me read a page? If only she knew how intriguing Three Pines and all it's characters are...
The look you get when you finish your book and then realize the next book in the series hasn't been released in Canada yet... NOOOOOOOOO. I need to know what happens!!! Hurry up already and release it! #sadkitty #warmkitty #littleballoffur #yesiknowitisntsadkitty #butimsad #enoughwiththehashtagsalready
My kobo isn't my favourite to read on but when you need the next book in the series and you can't wait to get to a book store, this will have to do
Thanks to @Shemac77 for the lovely addition to Harpers library. This book is absolutely beautiful and so thoughtful of you! She wore her Caper shirt and Cape Breton tartan headband just for you today #islandproud I cannot wait to read this to her. Thank you! ❤️❤️
Waiting on the storm.. sleeping baby, a comfy blanket and the last of the Ruth Galloway series :( why do good books always have to end?
Waiting to be discharged all day and my sister in law (god love her I am truly blessed to have her in my life) had my little one. I heard a knock on the door thinking it was my surgeon and I see this little nugget instead. Instantly made my day. On a side note I'm almost done this book 😂
Glad I remembered to pack my book when all I thought I was having was an ultrasound... bye bye gall bladder. I won't miss you
I have a sleeping baby, Beauty and the Beast edition tea that I forgot I bought at Disney, and a good book. Meanwhile hubby is outside shovelling. I like that I get to stay inside this winter ;)
I know I should be sleeping... babe is sleeping, mama should be too... why don't I sleep when she sleeps all flipping night?! Why am I constantly watching her monitor? She sleeps a solid 12 hours if not more.. me a solid 2...Thanks to @Shemac77 for the bag of books I'm still reading.
Harpers first Christmas. And her third visit with santa.. I'm loving the reindeer antlers. My husband not so much 😂🎅🏽🎄
The cutest little baby bum, chocolate and a good book, makes for a great weekend in Cape Breton. Miss Harper had to come visit her Poppa
Five weeks old and sleeping in her crib like a champ! Mamas sleeping not so well... 😂 here's to a couple minutes of relaxation!
Story time with mama is the best! ❤️📚#startthemearly
I have a sleeping baby...and the first hot meal in almost a month, my favourite Sweet n Sour chicken made by my step mother. Plus a new book... it's a great day :)
Sleeping newborn... after being awake for hours. What newborn stays awake all day?! Time for a cup of tea and a couple pages!
Oh deer... I'm here.
Mommy and Daddy are happy to announce my arrival yesterday morning at 10:13. They've named me Harper Cecilia Rose and I weighed a whopping 7 lbs 7 ounces.
I'm stubborn and got lost on my way out so mommy had to have a c-section. They think I'm the most gorgeous girl in the world think my next big trip in this whole new world will be Disney, mommy calls me a princess anyway!
Weekends always end better when it's spent at the camp... with turkey dinner. Love this place. So cozy.
A stormy, rainy day and night. Laying in bed tonight catching up on some reading, listening to the rain fall and the wind howl... and yes that's a baby toy. It holds my scent to keep the little one calm... she will be here in a few days. Cannot believe I'm at the end of my pregnancy. So tonight, I'm relaxing, because we all know those days are numbered. But it will be so worth it. Thanks to @Shemac77 for the loan of books!
I absolutely loved this book. It was funny, sad, irritating and sometimes just down right frustrating. Yet I couldn't put it down. It was a fun book with a sad of sadness. How is that even possible? I would recommend this to anyone for a quick read, as you really won't be able to stop reading it. I felt like I lived next door and felt kindness, hurt and anger with all of them. A pull on your heartstrings kind of novel 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5
My foots asleep, my knee is throbbing but he so very rarely cuddles against you that I can't move him.. my little reading buddy tonight
Happiest of birthdays to this #littenbeauty @Shemac77 I'm so very lucky to not only call you my co worker but a great friend who I adore. Cheers to you ladybug! Hope you have a fantastic day, I can't wait to share more gut wrenching laughs with you. ❤🚑❤🎉
Wanna know a way to make a grown woman cry at the drop of a hat? "Meet" someone in an another country through our love of books... checked my mail box today and I found a package from a wonderful, sweet woman who I am lucky enough to call my "litten friend" @britt_brooke not only did she send me a gift but she sent one to Baby Girl Linloff as well. I love it, and the bookmark that your son coloured is perfect. Thank you isn't enough ❤❤❤
It's a cold cold day.. 15 degrees Celsius which is like 59 degrees for my American Littens... it's also raining. And I have three teenage boys who wanted to go swimming.. thank god for my cousin who has this heated pool, gazebo and munchies :) swim all you want boys, you'll find me huddled under a blanket.
The bestie called this morning.. her and hubby have the flu, wondering if I could come bring her gravol. I also decided I was taking her 5 1/2 month old off her hands today.. now I sit listening to the small little waves crash on the shore, while babe is sleeping and eating cold chicken nuggets.. good practice as August is getting closer and closer 🤰🏻🍼