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Joined June 2016

"I reads every chance I can gets." George W Bush add me on Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7606647-kristina
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Secret Life of Souls by Jack Ketchum, Lucky McKee
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Beautiful Maids All in a Row by Jennifer Harlow
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A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston
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House of Sticks by Belinda Vasquez Garcia, Belinda Austin, B Austin
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Six Scary Stories: Selected and Introduced by Stephen King by Elodie Harper, Manuela Saragosa, Paul Bassett Davies, Michael Button, Stuart Johnstone, Neil Hudson
Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo
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One of the best books I've ever read. Ebook on sale today.

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Ebook on sale today...I'd never heard of this book or if this story, but this is exactly the kind of book I love to read.

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Ebook on sale today

kspenmoll Thanks- an enduring historical mystery. 7y
Suzze After watching this season of American Horror Story, Roanoke intrigues me even more. 7y
mhillis This looks interesting! 7y
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This ebook is on sale for $1.99 today, I'm definitely getting it 😁

LauraBrook I got this too! The movie is so great, this book should be good! 7y
KrisConstantReader @LauraBrook I agree! And Mel Brooks is awesome, I'm looking forward to reading this one. 7y
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This ebook is on sale for $1.99 today, I'm definitely getting it 😁

Bad Feminist | Roxane Gay
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Another eBook on sale today

jpmcwisemorgan I got this one! Merry Christmas to us all! 7y
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Ebook on sale today...looks interesting, I'm still debating on whether to get it or not.

jpmcwisemorgan Oh....I need to see if the Kindle ebook is on sale. 7y
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Oracle Night: A Novel | Paul Auster
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Just noticed this iBook on sale for $3.99. It looks intriguing...sold.

DeborahSmall I love this book. Paul Auster is one of my favourites 💕 7y
Dorianna I love Paul Auster. I hope you enjoy it. 7y
Suet624 Oohhhhh. I didn't know about this. 7y
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Hell yeah, I almost bought this when it first came out, so glad I waited. Ebook on sale now.

Gayan Thanks, I've wanted this forever, now it's mine! 7y
KrisConstantReader @Gayan same here! Lol 7y
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Disclaimer: A Novel | Rene Knight
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This one looks intriguing--eBook on sale until 12/31.

melbeautyandbooks Thanks for sharing. It does sounds interesting. 7y
KrisConstantReader @melbeautyandbooks it sounds a little like that freaky Jim Carrey movie, "The Number 23." 7y
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The Cement Garden | Ian McEwan
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Ebook deal. I almost bought this one recently at full price, so glad I waited 😁

ReadingOver50 These past months 3 books I bought at full price have shown up on daily deals. It makes me not want to buy new books anymore and just wait for a sale ☹️️ 7y
Catchmeintheairica What site do you purchase on ? 7y
KrisConstantReader @Catchmeintheairica iBooks but this dear was for both iBooks and kindle. 7y
KrisConstantReader @ReadingOver50 I hate when that happens. And it happens to me a lot as well. 7y
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Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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Another one on sale today...yay, I've been wanting to read this one.

TheNextBook Perfect time to buy it. 7y
ApoptyGina69 Got it today! 7y
JodyS I bought this today also! 7y
Dragon Thanks , just bought it for my iPhone 😀 7y
RadicalReader @KrisConstantReader I love books too so much fun 7y
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Ebook deal today. After watching Making a Murderer I was just astounded by the outcry from so many who were certain of his innocence--from what I saw I believed he was guilty. This book should be interesting.

the_alternate_ending_library I completely think he's innocent and framed. 7y
KrisConstantReader @the_alternate_ending_library really? I think he's totally guilty, lol. Crazy how people can watch the exact same thing and come to opposite conclusions. 7y
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LauraBrook I remember the trial and how insane and not-right the whole thing felt. (I was in high school/college when this happened, and I live about a half hour away from where this happened.) can't bring myself to watch the show yet or read anything about it, but I'll get around to it eventually. 7y
KrisConstantReader @LauraBrook it's an interesting show for sure, but from the actual evidence, to me he seems totally guilty, without a doubt. I think I'm going to watch it again before I start this book. 7y
kylienoele I also feel that he is guilty! The show was made by the defense attorneys, so it is a biased account. There's tons of really important info left out! I will say that the LEO's processing the case did a horrible job and made major mistakes but overall I really think he's guilty. 7y
KrisConstantReader @kylienoele amen to everything you said! It blows my mind that so many believe he's innocent. To me there is clear and overwhelming evidence to the contrary, even on the Netflix show which was such a biased presentation. I felt that his guilt showed through the bias, not even considering everything they intentionally left out. 7y
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Charlie the Choo-Choo | Beryl Evans
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Latest addition to my #StephenKing collection. Yay! 😁

ReadingOver50 That train looks soooo creepy! 7y
Sarahr875 Yay you! Mine is being shipped today!! Exciting! 7y
OrangeMooseReads That is one creepy as hell train! 7y
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Suet624 So creepy. 7y
Laura317 That train IS creepy. 7y
[DELETED] 2111265813 What is UP with the creepy train? 7y
acorter Ha! Amazing. That is about how I pictured him! 7y
tpixie Blaine ruined all trains for me!! Charlie really looks like Blaine!! 7y
KrisConstantReader @tpixie I'm the biggest King fan but the Dark Tower series is the one thing by him that I haven't yet read. Maybe soon. Still, I just had to get this one for the collection. 7y
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Looks like another good eBook on sale today

melbeautyandbooks Sounds good! 7y
KrisConstantReader @melbeautyandbooks it does. And you can't beat that deal. 7y
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Another EBook on sale today...

Suet624 Sounds like he knew what was ahead. 7y
MCYmermaid :: sigh :: 7y
Gezemice Sigh. In 2012, things were decidedly sane. 7y
KrisConstantReader You guys are so right 😕 7y
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Come This Way | Michelle Schlicher
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Ebook on sale today. It looks good and has great reviews on Goodreads

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Bare bones: conversations on terror with Stephen King | Stephen King, Tim Underwood, Chuck Miller
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New arrival to add to my ever-growing #StephenKing collection. I got it for $.01 + shipping 😊

Soubhiville Wow that's a good deal! 7y
Zelma That sounds really interesting. Hmm, maybe a Christmas gift for Mr. Z. 7y
KrisConstantReader @Soubhiville @Zelma I got it from Amazon 😊 7y
Zelma @KrisConstantReader 👍👍 thanks! 7y
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Hearts In Atlantis | Stephen King
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Got this one in the mail today...can't wait to read it. Don't know why it's not listed here on Litsy. #StephenKing

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I recently bought The Residence but haven't read it yet. This one looks like a great addition--I just can't ever get enough of books about #politics

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This one definitely looks intriguing.

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Secret Life of Souls | Jack Ketchum, Lucky McKee
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I agree wholeheartedly--my dog is everything to me; the best thing that ever happened to me 🐶 🐾🐾🐩

dylanisreading Mine too! They're the best. 🐕 8y
Jenshootsweddings Totally agree! My Terror Squad have been my saviours many times over ❤️🐾 8y
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Secret Life of Souls | Jack Ketchum, Lucky McKee
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I'm so behind on my #Netgalley reads, this one was released yesterday and I'm starting it this minute.

quirkyreader I just love Jack Ketchum's writing. 8y
KrisConstantReader @quirkyreader this is my first Jack Ketchum but I'm loving it already. 8y
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This one looks really good, ebook on sale right now.

Donna_sBookMinute Just put on hold at library last night. 8y
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The Wild Truth | Carine McCandless
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I read Into the Wild a while back and found it to be a hugely compelling story; I'm looking forward to reading this one now. Ebook on sale today.

BlogginBoutBooks Such a sad but fascinating story! 8y
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Another ebook deal very fitting for today in particular. #Election2016

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Free ebook, very fitting for today. Should be interesting.

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Man, this looks like a good one...free ebook today.

Leniverse That's on my TBR for next year. I believe it's always free on Project Gutenberg though. 8y
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To Die For | Joyce Maynard
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Another cool eBook deal today

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Perfect timing for this one...I just love books about politics.

geodynamical_nonfiction Even the muck-raking kind? 8y
KrisConstantReader @geodynamical if they are factual, then yes. 8y
BooksPieAndCoffee Yesss! I love Joy and watch her every weekend on MSNBC! Thanks for the heads up on the sale! 😊 8y
KrisConstantReader @BooksPieAndCoffee you're very welcome! 8y
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Ebook deal today...

Cinfhen I really liked this one 😻 8y
JonathanDunne Hi. Where do you get these screenshots? Its s good idea! 8y
KrisConstantReader @JonathanDunne I take the screenshots from emails I get every day from Bookbub, Early Bird Books and Goodreads Deals--just register with each of them and they send you daily emails of all the ebook deals. 8y
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JonathanDunne @KrisConstantReader My ebooks are on sale at ,99c 😂 I just might take a screenshot myself and post now and again. 8y
KrisConstantReader @JonathanDunne oh cool, you should definitely do that! And I'll check them out. 8y
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This one looks intriguing...

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Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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There was a lot of buzz about this book--have any of you read it? I'm considering getting it.

Suzze Loved it. Some triggers in it though. 8y
Whatshereadnext I really enjoyed it! So many twists and crazy creep, but a great read 😊 8y
Smangela So far I've only heard good reviews! 8y
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KrisConstantReader @Suzze @Whatshereadnext @Smangela thanks, guys! I was bordering on getting it and you all just convinced me. 8y
BeckaroniAndCheese I added it to my hold list at the library today thanks to your post. 8y
MyNamesParadise I had to bail after 100 pages. The villain might as well have been from a comic book and the dialogue was laughable. I even tweeted the author telling her how disappointed I was because there was so much advanced hype for it. 8y
KrisConstantReader @MyNamesParadise ah man, I already got it! Lol 8y
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By Blood We Live | Stephen King, John Joseph Adams
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This one might be worth looking into...ebook on sale today.

quirkyreader I like The Lost Boys throwback cover. 8y
KrisConstantReader @quirkyreader at first glance I thought it was actually Lost Boys. 8y
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FREE ebook today

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Ebook deal today $1.99

Kirstin I'm intrigued and worried at the same time! 😳😸 8y
Faibka Creepy kitties?! 🙀😸 8y
KrisConstantReader @Kirstin @Faibka every review I saw for this book is excellent, even from Publishers Weekly; it might be worth it. 8y
Faibka @KrisConstantReader Downloaded them! 😺 thanks! 8y
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This is another ebook deal today, looks riveting.

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I recently got approved for this book on netgalley, haven't read it yet but it looks so interesting. I think it's a rerelease. Ebook on sale today.

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The Hatching: A Novel | Ezekiel Boone
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Ebook on sale today--has anyone read this one?

Bookish_Predator I really enjoyed this book! I've just got the second one, Skitter, from #NetGalley and am sooo excited to get to it! 🕷🕷🕷 8y
Suzze Loved it! And I got an advance of the second book. (Skitter) It was great too! 8y
James Nice, thank you for posting. I am going to get this. 8y
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From the author of Kramer vs Kramer--I'd never heard of this one but it looks like a worthwhile read. EBook on sale now.

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This looks like a good one. Ebook on sale today.

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I kinda want to read this one, to be honest. At this price it might be worth buying.

BookishFeminist 😳 you're brave 8y
KrisConstantReader @BookishFeminist hahaha. I think it's actually an anti-Trump book so it might be good. 8y
Laura317 I don't think I'd waste my $. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I just don't think I could stomach it, although I'm curious. 8y
KrisConstantReader @BarbaraTheBibliophage well, it's anti-Trump and so inflammatory that he sued over it, so it just might be pretty good. 8y
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If I Did it: Confessions of the Killer | O. J. Simpson, Goldman Family
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I've always been very curious about this book, but not curious enough to spend $14.99, or whatever the price was. Today it's $0.99; excellent.

razmanda I still don't want to pay even that much. I thought there was a prohibition that didn't allow people to profit from their crimes in this way? Or maybe because he phrased it as "if" he can skate around that. 8y
KrisConstantReader @razmanda the Goldman family fought because of that judgment they had against him and won--the book is now theirs. They are the ones who ultimately released it, Simpson gets zero from it. 8y
razmanda @KrisConstantReader cool, good to know! 8y
KrisConstantReader @razmanda yeah, I wouldn't have even paid $0.99 if he were getting the proceeds. 8y
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The Yellow Birds | Kevin Powers
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Another eBook on sale--I'd never heard of this one but it looks amazing.

Lylah I've read it! I thought it was a bit average for a military story but if you like those kinds of books it's definitely for you. 8y
KrisConstantReader @Lylah thanks, I got it so will read it whenever I catch up on the zillions in my tbr pile. 8y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Ebook on sale today. Yay, I've been wanting to read this one.

courtney Woo! I just bought her short story collection, and I've been wanting to read this one, too. I loved Fates & Furies. Thank you for sharing!! 8y
KrisConstantReader @courtney you're welcome! I've only read Fates & Furies and I really loved it. 8y
LauraBeth Awesome - buying it! Thanks for the head's up 😀 8y
KrisConstantReader @LauraBeth you're very welcome 😊 8y
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New one from #Netgalley , this looks to be a riveting case #truecrime

BekahB This looks interesting! As disturbing as these stories can be, I really like reading true crime books. Adding this to my TBR! 8y
Lacythebookworm Whoa, that sounds intense! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin I didn't know that a book was being written about this case, but I'm not surprised. This happened not far from where I live and was in the news constantly until the trial ended. I'll be interested to read your review. 8y
KariAnderson Going to request this now!!! 8y
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My mom had this book when I was a kid, and I remember her raving about it. I picked it up again in the late 90s and absolutely loved it. As someone who's lived with a chronic illness and chronic pain for 20+ years, I find that most "inspirational" or "uplifting" books don't do anything for me, but this one is different. Try it, you might like it. It's an absolute bargain at this price. Ebook on sale.

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I own this actual book but I just noticed the ebook is free today...always good to have.

Books_Wine_Repeat Ha! I just posted the same thing! 😉👍 8y
KrisConstantReader @Books_Wine_Repeat great minds think alike! 8y
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There's a lot of great ebook deals today-this one is $1.99. I don't know why but true crime stories usually fascinate me.

melbeautyandbooks I am fascinated by them too! 8y
Doresik I was a youngster in Gary, Indiana when this happened. It frightened me. 8y
KrisConstantReader @Doresik I don't blame you, it's a particularly horrific story. 8y
LauraJ @Doresik Hello, former neighbor! 8y
Doresik Hello 8y
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Another great ebook deal today

Karli This book is amazing. I read it a long time ago but it's one that sticks with you. 8y
Dragon Loved this book 📚 8y
KrisConstantReader @Karli @Dragon cool, I just bought it; it looks great. 8y
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Gayan I had to have this! 8y
zugchop Shucks... bought this a long while back and still haven't gotten around to it... themes seem too deep even for me. Soon, though... 8y
haileybean I tried to read this, and I'm sure it's good. But her step-dad... I just can't. 8y
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