Adding to the ever growing TBR pile 😍
A whodunnit with a cast of seniors didnt scream out to me at first, but I was soon hooked. The Thursday Murder Club is a force to be reckoned with!
I thought I'd cracked the case but Mr O threw in a couple of surprises...one of the many things to love about this book
The sequel is coming in September and I cant wait to catch up with the gang...I dont think it will be long before we hear this is being adapted for TV
I received this little book for xmas and I'm trying to practise a little each day....2020 has been a rollercoaster but I have so much to be thankful for. This is a lovely little reminder to take a minute, take a breath and enjoy the ride 💛 #readyfor2021
Just finished the third and final Scott and Bailey book 😁 A gritty crime thriller set in Greater Manchester, as a northerner I appreciated the language 😂 This one really pulled in the side characters and had some heart aching moments...I will be looking out for more from Cath Staincliffe! #scottandbailey
Not had much reading time since the tiny one arrived 🥰...Looking forward to getting stuck into my birthday books soon though 📚
A beautifully written, soothing read 😍 really enjoyed this book! Fascinating stories and so much information crammed in that I had to reread some sections...this will be a book I definitely go back too!
"Rachel Bailey stood, freezing her tits off, on a crime scene cordon in north Manchester."
Yup, that will do nicely...
I was not prepared for this book! I have some how managed to read this without any spoilers dispite it now being a TV show and I absolutely loved it! Been a while since I read a book this fast but I just couldn't put it down!
Interested to see what they did with the show, although I can imagine there are some heartbreaking scenes....
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum ✌
I really enjoyed Red Queen but the first 3/4 of Glass Sword felt dragged out to me....the ending however has left me desperate to know what happens as I'm super invested in the characters now 😂
Has anyone read this series?? Do I need to read Kings Cage??
This one has been on my TBR pile for far too long....I enjoyed reading something different but this is a bit too gory for me! 🤢 🐀
Meh 🤷♀️ the actual plot had great potential but this focused to much on Scarpetta and co and not enough on the psychopath committing murders...
I didn‘t want to finish this beautiful book! The range of topics the author covers is impressive, from emotional battles with sexuality, family secrets, being Mexican/American and just the strife of becoming an adult. A coming-of-age story filled with love and anger, all played out with and 80s soundtrack. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is pretty heavy....took a while to finish as I read a couple of books along side it but if your interested in true crime it‘s worth a read. I would definitely look at more from Berry-Dee as he has some incredible stories to tell.
If you liked Mindhunter, this may be for you!
I now completely understand why this is a classic! Truman capote writes from an interesting viewpoint and really delves into the lives of the offenders. Brilliant book!
Anyone else just love David Jason? Truly one of the greatest British actors...loved his stories....off to binge watch A Touch of Frost 😊
Weird yet wonderful! Not sure what I expected but this was definitely something different...
I was so excited for this book and it did not disappoint! Loved learning more about My favourite podcasters....a must read for murderinos!
With a giant TBR pile I still couldn't leave this at the library 🙈 who wouldn't be drawn to this cover though! #circe #currentlyreading #books2018
Putting some of my favourite editions on show! 😍
#leatherbound #dracula #grimmsfairytales #pennydreadful
This book is FAB! Really Gross, very sad and so so funny!
#pickpickpick #wouldrecommend #nurse #books2018
How have I not read Dr Seuss before?? Me and the little one picked these from the library this week and we both loved them! On the 'to buy' list and back to the library tomorrow for the next lot! 😍 #drseuss #books #2018reads #librarybooks
I was not prepared for this book. I've been eyeing it up for a while but never read the blurb so didn't realise it was about a child abduction 🙈
I think it's been done really well, I didn't have the impending doom feeling all the way through, lots of twists and turns and a real page turner! Not sure about the last 3 pages though...
#thecouplenextdoor #thriller #books2018 #2018reads
Just finished, fresh coffee being made and on to the next! I 💛 Sundays!
Been a while since I got stuck into a good crime thriller! Really enjoyed this, great description but pretty gruesome in parts 👍
#thenightstalker #crime #2018reads
Brilliant and hilarious insight into parenthood! Made me laugh and cry in equal measure! Fab holiday read 😍 #unmumsymum #truestory #hilarious #2018books
My favourite book of 2018 (So far). Absolutely heart breaking...for every single victim and for the fact that Michelle Mcnamara can't be here to see some justice finally be served! Her writing style is beautiful and the guys who finished this book did a wonderful job of honouring the years of work she put into this! What a book. What a women. #murderino #mfm #thattruecrimelife #goldenstatekiller #ear-ons #gsk #michellemcnamara #books2018
Ok so I know I'm really late to the game with this read but this was so bloody good! First Jodi Picoult too and I loved her writing! Any recommendations for others would be appreciated 😍 #2018books #smallgreatthings
I had really high hopes for this, such a cool premise and a few creepy parts but I wouldn't agree with Mr Kings review! 🤷♀️ #hex #2018books
What could possibly be better than a free book....3 FREE BOOKS! Bookpeople rule!! #freebooks #crimethrillers #2017reads #tbr
Managed to squeeze some reading time inbetween uni work and finally finished Empire of Storms!! I'm so emotional 😣 love this series ❤ #throneofglass #2017books
I found a niffler 😍 (Does anyone else take off the slipcovers when reading a hardback??) I really enjoyed this screenplay and the film was great too 👍 It's much darker than Harry Potter...I can't wait to see what happens next! #fantasticbeasts #2017reads
Just finished my first graphic novel!! I haven't seen any of the TV show either so this is all new to me...I liked it! I don't go for zombie story lines usually (except Shaun of the Dead 😂) but i'm definitely interested enough to read more 👍 #graphicnovel #Thewalkingdead #2017reads #zombies
Somebody got a Waterstones voucher for christmas 🙋😍 #Waterstones #christmasbooks #2017reads
My first Rizzoli and Isles book (although Isles isn't introduced until the second book) and its soooooo good! Been a while since I've read a crime thriller and this one kept me hooked 😍 first book of 2017 👍 #RizzoliandIsles #2017reads
Such and hectic (but lovely) few days! I finally have some time to moon over my new books 😍 #harrypotter #christmas #bookmarks #bookishgifts
So.many.emotions!!! My favourite book of the series so far! I love how the characters have transformed through the books and I can't wait to see what happens next 😮 #throneofglass
Desperate to know what happens but I don't want it to end 😣 #bookprobs #bookmark #throneofglass
Full of atmosphere but lacking in event! The author did a great job of building tension but it didn't lead to much 😕 I found the religious details and ceremony very interesting though so couldn't pan it!
Heartbroken 💔 Although I knew how this would end I didn't prepare for how much I would love Sam! This book is great as it fills in all the gaps and answers lots of questions! #throneofglass #assassinsblade
I think the cover of this book threw me off! I wasn't expecting the dark story lines but I'm glad they were there, great to read something really different! Interesting links between characters too 👍
Just finished the third book of the series...so different from the first two but just as brilliant! Took me a little longer to get into the new storylines but the new characters are fantastic 😍 I'm so desperate to see what happens but going to read the prequel next! #throneofglass
Sooooo I finally saw the movie tonight...was anyone else really dissapointed?? I liked the book but didn't enjoy the film 😑
Turning my kindle on for the first time in over 2 years!! I'd forgotten how many awesome books I have on this bad boy 😍 looks like my to read list has grown again...#kindle
Happy halloween littens!! 🎃 Whats everyone reading tonight? I've gone for The tell tale heart, it's so eerie and haunting...I love it!
As I feared, studying has stolen my reading time 😞 but I have managed to squeeze this in the last few days....This book lets your imagination do all the work, an absolutely harrowing plot but a great read! Wish I knew more about the real Jack Angel!
Fantastic Beasts is already featured in the gift shop!! Makes me excited for the movies now 😁
#wbstudiotours is officially one of my favourite places on the planet 😍