Loving this series! When does the final book come out? I need it now!
Loving this series! When does the final book come out? I need it now!
Oh my goodness, this book is totally messing with my head! I love a good psychological thriller 😳
I picked this book up at the library on a whim and it's a gem! Part mystery, part coming-of-age story, it's funny and compelling, and sharp, but nuanced. I'm really enjoying the read!
Enjoying this Antarctic love/survival story. Anyone else read it?
Look at this beauty that came in the mail yesterday from Minotaur Books. Can't wait to dive in. I love me some Sharon Bolton 😍
Ignoring the unfolded laundry in favor of this beauty -- BANISHED by my friend Kimberley Griffiths Little. It's the sequel to FORBIDDEN. It's an atmospheric, action-filled Mesopotamian YA adventure/romance series. Unique and enjoyable.
Mixed reviews of this one made me nervous to read it. I love Moriarty, but so far this one just isn't as appealing as her others. Still compelling, though. Anyone else read it?
Excited to start the newest installment of one of my favorite mystery series. Bell Elkins is a great heroine - smart, tough, and compassionate. Can't wait to see where this story takes her!
I love me some Jodi Picoult, but her newest is already making my blood boil. I can't read books about racism without thinking of my adopted bi-racial daughter. If people like Turk truly exist then God help us all :(
After being abducted, Scarlett is finally free. On the first day of her first job, she learns a young woman has vanished from the amusement park. Scarlett feels responsible. Paranoia? Or has her past come back to haunt her? I didn't love this, but it is a quick and compelling read. Review on blog.
Thanks for the rec, @kaysreadinglife -- I'm enjoying The Blackhouse, a murder mystery set in Scotland's Outer Hebrides. I love me a compelling, atmospheric suspense novel!
Just started this drama about a violent death that rocks a close-knit gymnastics world. Only a couple chapters in, I'm already addicted! Book comes out 7/26/16.
Wildlife vet Clara Benning just wants to be left alone. But when an influx of snakes invades her quiet English village, she's called in to help. It soon becomes clear that someone is using snakes for their own nefarious purpose. Unique premise, twisty mystery, great thriller. Full review on blog.
It's 8:23 p.m. and I can barely keep my eyes open. Only reason I'm still awake is because I can't stop reading this intense thriller about a plane crash that kills some very influential people. What caused the crash? An accident? Or something more sinister? On Page 53 and already totally hooked!
After being abducted, 17-year-old Scarlett is trying to move on. But when a girl goes missing from the amusement park where Scarlett works, she worries that her past is catching up with her ... Saw the twists coming on this one, but it was still compelling enough to keep me up way past bedtime!